
Hi, I am Lisa from VA. My friend I started on MFP about 3 weeks ago and we have seen great results in such a short time. We had been working out with a personal trainer for several months before this and were not happy with our results. I realize now that eating is a much bigger part of weight loss than I thought. We love MFP and how we can keep up with what we are eating and hold each other accountable. I had no idea how many calories I was really eating on a daily basis. Well over 2000!!!


  • rstaylor
    Its amazing isnt??!! How you dont realise what it is you are putting into your body, and how fantastic you feel when you make the change!! I've only been doing this for a week, and am already seeing results and feeling great!!

    Keep it up and Goodluck x
  • ical50
    ical50 Posts: 61
    I know what you mean! It is sad how uneducated we as society are about what we are eating! Occasioanlly, I eat a meal that I use to eat and when I log it, it blows my mind! Reminds me why I was fatter and why I don't do that anymore! I love MFP! It is so helpful and has definitely been a major player in my success this far!