
i'm new but not new. I joined back in August but havent posted in the forums or anything until this week. I am trying to lose about 15-20 pounds and though that isnt much I need some encouragement. - especially living in the Lone Star State where all the good barbecue food is. :blushing:


  • drpurl
    drpurl Posts: 190 Member
    Welcome, I love barbecue! We call it something different here in WI - a fry out. I don't know why we call it that.
  • Melissa_DLC
    I live in Texas too, I know how that food can be so tempting! Agggh! Lol! Excercising has really helped me. I hated to excercise but I started doing Zumba and its fun because it feels like your just dancing. I try to go at least 3 times a week. Most of the time when I don't feel like going and feel lazy I push myself to go and I leave happy that I went and not as tired as I expected to be afterwards. Zumba burns at least 500 calories an hour so that is pretty good. I usually make Saturdays my "cheat days" since that is usually when I am out and about with my boyfriend, but even then if I know we are going out to eat for dinner I eat something small and healthy during the day and try not to eat dinner past 7pm. I have lost 23 pounds so far, but I have a lot more to go! Good luck to you, you can do it!!!
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Welome to MFP! I'm a sucker for killer BBQ too. Stay focused and use the exceptional tools here at your disposal.

    Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    Welcome, I love barbecue! We call it something different here in WI - a fry out. I don't know why we call it that.

    Hmm....Idk either. that is an interesting name for it. Whatever you name it, it's still tempting. My fiance can't help but get me a brisket sandwich and potato salad every time I am with him in Waco. Even if I tell him I can't have any that weekend he will still bring it home to suprise me. It's sweet, but counterproductive.:tongue: