1200 calories?!?!

I am having such a hard time sticking under 1200. By lunch I only have 160 left and I usually burn around 300 per exercise. How in the world am I going to lose weight? Do i need to stay on the treadmill for 3 hours???

Advice and help!!


  • MaureenF1969
    MaureenF1969 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories and doing fine, what are you eating? If you want to friend me and check out my food, that is cool. I'm not perfect, far from it..but it will give you an idea.
  • Eat back your exercise cals! I am 120 lbs and I eat 1700-1800 cals per day. I would be a shaky irritable mess if I only ate 1200!
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    What do you eat for breakfast? You probably just need to make a few changes
  • LoriFleming
    LoriFleming Posts: 14 Member
    If you're having 1040 calories before lunch, you really might should reconsider what you're eating for breakfast and snack. Low calorie, high protein is a better option than what you're eating, I'm betting.

    Make better food choices and it'll be easier.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    What are you eating? For me it helps if I log my dinner in advance and then I see how much I have to work with during the day. Some things I eat during the day are
    country hearth 12 grain bread - 80 calories for two slices
    lean deli sliced turkey - 90 calories for 6 slices
    Swanson's canned chicken breast - 50 calories per serving
    lots of fruits and veggies
    I also manage to get chocolate in every day!
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Exercise. The only days I meet my calorie goals are when I exercise. Hence, I usually exercise 6 days a week.
  • kelpaint
    kelpaint Posts: 18 Member
    If you would like make your diary public so we can see what choices you are making and maybe make some suggestions. If you arent' eating back any of your exercise calories.....eat them!
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    What I plan on doing (I just changed my calorie goals) is eating normally, and then exercising so if I do end up with 160 calories left for supper and i burn 360 during exercise than I have 520 calories for dinner.

    It will work out and you will still end up with your deficit in the end with out having to feel like you need to restrict yourself horribly.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I am having such a hard time sticking under 1200. By lunch I only have 160 left and I usually burn around 300 per exercise. How in the world am I going to lose weight? Do i need to stay on the treadmill for 3 hours???

    Advice and help!!

    If you workout and burn 300 cals your goal for that day should be 1500 (1200+300)

    Another thing to consider is that your weekly weight loss goal is too aggressive, change you goal to lose 1 lb/week and you should get more calories (assuming you were set at 1.5 or 2 lbs/week)

    with only 30 lbs to go you should not be set to lose more than 1 lb/week anyway. Here is a good reference:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    What are your goals set at? You should be eating at least 1200 calories, but you may need to eat more. Some facts would be good.

    Starting weight? Height? Current goal for lbs/week?

    I know that when I bumped up my calories by setting my goal to only 0.5lb/week instead of 1lb/week and actually saw faster weight loss than when I was eating less. However, I am very close to my GW and not very large to begin with. However, my point is everyone's body is different.

    In the beginning, when I felt like I was starving at only 1280 calories, I would workout like crazy so I would get to eat more. Eventually, my body adjusted to the smaller portions and I didn't feel hungry all the time. I cut back on the exercise because I didn't need the extra calories. Now I can't even physically eat as much as I used to "need."
  • I used to have that problem. Recently I figured out a way to do it that works for me. If you would like you can friend me and check out my diary. It's tricky but it's possible. I was able to go to Burger King with my husband this weekend and still manage it without eating back workout cals.
  • ShellyRae7
    ShellyRae7 Posts: 8 Member
    Did the doctor put you on 1200 or did you? Try to keep each meal at 400 calories. Plan it ahead of time so you can make adjustments. Maybe lighten up your lunch so you can fit in a small snack (veggies or fruit) twice a day. I know it's difficult. I'm doing 1300 a day and find I go over at times. I have to make a menu for the week and make sure I have everything with me for the day.
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    It's not just the number of calories per day...it's the quality of food you're eating. If you want help with what you're eating, you might want to make your diary public. Don't give up! It takes time to learn what works for your body.
  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member
    we dont get a lot of detail such what is your weight / height and what is your goal ...

    maybe you could calculate things in another way... try to read this :

    good luck!
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    I know this doesn't sound helpful, but my nutritionist has me at 1200 calories per day. Reduce but don't eliminate carbs from sugars including fructose, reduce but don't eliminate grains including cerals and breads, eat potatos only once or twice a week. Focus on lean meats and fresh vegetables (even for breakfast). With you continuing exercise, you should do okay. You didn't get here in a minute; you won't get "there" in a minute either. :happy:
  • 1200 calories can be a lot of food if you plan well. What are you eating for breakfast? Try low fat yogurt or instant oatmeal with stevia. A Land o Lakes mini moo (half and half) is only 10 calories and tastes great. Plan your meals and you will be surprised at how much food you can eat in a day.
  • lambeas
    lambeas Posts: 229 Member
    Stop eating processed foods... if you are eating whole grain, less processed foods- 1200-1400 cals is a LOT of food
  • It's hard to get used to less calories initially, but you DO.
    Making good choices really helps.
    Look for low/no calorie foods that are filling - I love asparagus, it's filling and low in calories. Cucumbers, even pickles if you are okay with the sodium.
    I've spent a lot of time figuring out what kind of bread is 100 calories or less per slice (rather than 150+) nd what I can put on it that isn't going to blow out my calories for the day.
    It's a lot of work, but worth it.
  • I too am trying to keep to 1200 calories but, I have 1350 set as my daily goal. My suggestions to help you stay below your total is to cut out a lot of carbohydrates and sugars (carbs). I've noticed those tend to be very high in calories as well as make you feel bloated and hungry faster. Now I'm not talking about carbs from things like fruit and veggies, just processed carbs like Wheat, Barley, Oats and Rye. I'm basically mimicing my wife's diet, who has Celiac's and cannot eat those things.

    I also try to stick to eggs in the morning for breakfast as I feel like that keeps me full longer. Snack on celery, cucumbers and carrots for low calories but also gets rid of the hunger pangs.

    Make sure you're counting your exercise in your MyFitnessPal totals. It is important that you take your calories burned into account as the net calories is what you're shooting for.

    I bet that if you stay below 1500 calories and use a couple of my tips, if you haven't already, then you will see more success and not feel so badly. Because what you're saying is what I was feeling a couple weeks ago.

    Also, stay away from fake sugar, those diet drinks are not so diet. They may not have any carbs but many of them will still spike your insulin which prevents fat loss.
  • Hi I just joined and I too am on the 1200 calorie per day plan. The best way for me is if I plan my meals in advance. I have to plan what I am going to eat the day before. Also once I find meals I like that keep me in the 1200 mark, I repeat those meals over and over! It can get boring but it works! I can't wing what I am going to eat each day it or I'll go way over. If I go over my calories one day I try to make up for it the next day. good luck!