For the maintainers... why it might be hard

k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
I was online and found this great article
Earlier today I was wondering why lately I feel hungry after meals that I've eaten for the past 10 months of losing that all of a sudden now that I'm on maintenance don't fill me as much. I have been eating carrots when that happens or drinking tea or going for a walk or just will-powering through so it's not that I give "into" the cravings but it is nice to see that there might be an actual explanation. Once there's a reason, it's easier to will-power through.
I'm just posting this for informational purposes since I found it to be interesting, I'm not looking for advice or motivation just wanted to share with ya'll in case you have reached maintenance and are wondering why you might be very hungry, gotta resist though!

SW 155.1
CW 112.0


  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    Enjoyed the article thanks:) Exactly why I keep saying that we are committing to a lifestyle change. Not temp, not a race. Slow Steady, Lifelong committment. Change habits!
  • mommykismet
    It's crazy hard! "Maintenance of weight loss requires continued vigilance and conscious effort to resist hunger."

    I guess that sums it up! I just try my best and exercise a lot. I've bounced around, and after starting a new birth control I was really being concious of the factor that I might FEEL hungry and not need to eat. Thanks for sharing and solidfying! Good luck! We can both do it!
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Thanks for the info! It just doesn't give an answer:sad: I guess we just act like we are still dieting.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Interesting article. I like the part about the hunger lasting for a would mean there is an end to it. But I won't count on it. I learned after my 53 pound loss and regain of 18 pounds over the next 3 years that there is no such thing as the "honor system" for me. I MUST log my food, I MUST log my exercise, and I MUST do it forever or risk the consequences. After all, what is harder? Being fat and hating yourself on a daily basis and everything that goes with "being fat", or taking time on a daily basis or mostly a daily basis to make sure you are doing the work that it takes to keep your body looking and feeling good and being one that will see you through? I'll do the work. I don't want to be the fat one anymore.

    Thanks for the post!
    Susan - less than 10 pounds til goal! I fluctuate, but I'll get there!
  • wilmaln
    wilmaln Posts: 36 Member
    Interesting read! Thanks for sharing :-)