Just feeling Down

tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
I dont know why but Im feeling so down outta no where today. I guess with Halloween Monday and having all this candy in the house I gave in and had some but never went over my calories but I still feel like total **** for eating them. I know it's only my fault for doing it but I feel bad. Monday was my first rest day in 3 weeks and I feel so damn guilty for not working out. I've been doing the 30 DayShred and also A 6 week plan on my Wii. Im mad at myself for not going to the gym like I was my son got sick so that was a week I couldnt go then I had so many doctor's appt and so much going on the pass couple days I havent found the time to go. I have 68lbs to lose and with the crap Im doing I dont think I'll every get there......Life right now this time of the year is so hard for me but I'm not going to break I will not give up on this!


  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    Don't feel so bad. I dug in my kids candy baskets this weekend too! I never went over my calories neither and I actually don't feel bad that I ate it. Sometimes I feel I need to treat myself to a little something here and there if not I will def binge.

    Remember there is always tomorrow and you can start fresh if you'd like.
  • supdudes
    supdudes Posts: 4 Member
    Don't feel bad. Before finding this wonderful site we used to do the 5 factor diet. The author recommended eating 3 main meals daily, two snacks AND once a week eat what you want. We had great success with that diet. We're all human and blowing it sometimes is OK. Just get back on the horse :smile:
  • Turn the situation on it's head hun - read your post as if somebody else had written it. What would you say to that person?
    Why would you say anything different to yourself?
    Whatever our goals, we're all so busy beating ourselves up for something we perceive we've done 'wrong' that we don't give ourselves credit for all the things we do right.
    You went three weeks without a rest day? That's amazing! Your son was ill, you had loads of doctor's appointments, and you still managed to restrain yourself from eating enough candy to go over your calories? Seriously? You rock!!
    Give yourself a break... Start trying to be your biggest cheerleader instead of your harshest critic...!
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    I dont know why but Im feeling so down outta no where today. I guess with Halloween Monday and having all this candy in the house I gave in and had some but never went over my calories but I still feel like total **** for eating them. I know it's only my fault for doing it but I feel bad. Monday was my first rest day in 3 weeks and I feel so damn guilty for not working out. I've been doing the 30 DayShred and also A 6 week plan on my Wii. Im mad at myself for not going to the gym like I was my son got sick so that was a week I couldnt go then I had so many doctor's appt and so much going on the pass couple days I havent found the time to go. I have 68lbs to lose and with the crap Im doing I dont think I'll every get there......Life right now this time of the year is so hard for me but I'm not going to break I will not give up on this!

    Yep yep- you said it yourself and it's in your profile pic- dont give up. I have finally realized that I usually get down when I eat lots of sugar or crap. I think it's somewhat physical in that all that sugar and wierd ingrediants makes me feel ill and depressed. So maybe you need a few days detox from the Halloween candy before you will feel better. Hang in there. You CAN and WILL conquer this.
  • I agree with Jlsh09. Sometimes you have to give yourself a "cheat" day so don't go on an eating binge. One thing I try to remember is that I am in this for a lifetime and I will have my down days and after you get it out of your system just pick yourself up and get back into the routine. What usually motivates me is continuing to look at others success stories and their journey behind it. Good luck!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I dont know why but Im feeling so down outta no where today. I guess with Halloween Monday and having all this candy in the house I gave in and had some but never went over my calories but I still feel like total **** for eating them. I know it's only my fault for doing it but I feel bad. Monday was my first rest day in 3 weeks and I feel so damn guilty for not working out. I've been doing the 30 DayShred and also A 6 week plan on my Wii. Im mad at myself for not going to the gym like I was my son got sick so that was a week I couldnt go then I had so many doctor's appt and so much going on the pass couple days I havent found the time to go. I have 68lbs to lose and with the crap Im doing I dont think I'll every get there......Life right now this time of the year is so hard for me but I'm not going to break I will not give up on this!

    Look at your picture....REPEAT IT 1000 times and FORGET about the "regret". You do what you do. Every moment is NEW. And you make of if what you choose to.
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    Don't beat yourself up. I think you need to treat yourself. Otherwise you can never keep it up. What happens if you don't you tend to binge. You never went over your cals so no harm done. Your body needs rest, too, so I wouldn't beat yourself up over not going to the gym one time in 3 weeks. I have one rest day per week for my body to repair. Keep it up. You'll get there. This is a lifestyle change if you want it to be permanent. Be realistic with that lifestyle. Don't burn yourself out. You can do it!
  • Hello...Ok so you have had a few weeks of crazy. You must be determined because here you are! You son is better off because you were there for him. It's ok to trip up every now and then. However it's not very good to stay down. Allot of bad stuff happens when your down. I know, I am a recovering tripper. That WII is calling your name! You can do it! I do suggest you consider removing the candy from the house. If you can't do it all at once then each day a lil at a time that way it is not noticed as much. You will accomplish your goals. Get up, brush yourself off and shake that booty! I am shaking mine! And let me tell you, there's allot there! I have a good deal more to lose than you. Hang in there and stay focused. The yucky feeling may be from the intake of sugar from the candy. Maybe it is a good thing that you feel that way after eating it. Just remember that for the next time you want to dive in! Trip, but get back up! You can do it!
  • chris6515
    chris6515 Posts: 131 Member
    Totally agree with the writers. Your sugar intake can cause some wicked highs and lows. I used to really love to have a donut with my coffee at the office in the morning, then wonder why I felt so tired and grumpy halfway through the morning. I feel so much better since I completely cut out sweets. Now if I want to treat myself, I have pizza or pasta or a Caesar salad.
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