Nutrition in November Week 5



  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    I just added my measurements and am down a total of 15.5 inches for October! I swear I don't see it though. I did take a "before" picture and am supposed to take my "after" (or during really) picture this weekend. I hope I can see the difference that way. I see the scale going down and my measurements getting smaller and even notice my clothes fitting looser but I dont SEE it when I look in the mirror...
  • kristennwinter
    kristennwinter Posts: 100 Member
    I've decided to start weighing on tuedays/wednesdays because for some reason fridays just don't work for me. I'm still gonna be a part of this group though, I'll just weigh a little earlier than everyone else. :)

    I'm down 2 pounds this week!! I also just did my end-of-october mesurements and was down a total of 15.5 inches!!

    Also a NSV for today: I have never been able to wrap a regular-sized bath towel around me that I can remember (maybe when I was 12ish?) and TODAY I did!! :)
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I've decided to start weighing on tuedays/wednesdays because for some reason fridays just don't work for me. I'm still gonna be a part of this group though, I'll just weigh a little earlier than everyone else. :)

    I'm down 2 pounds this week!! I also just did my end-of-october mesurements and was down a total of 15.5 inches!!

    Also a NSV for today: I have never been able to wrap a regular-sized bath towel around me that I can remember (maybe when I was 12ish?) and TODAY I did!! :)

    Hey the weigh day is fine! Awesome! I know all about the towels. I am convinced they are making them much smaller these days!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    I just entered my measurements into the spreadsheet. I had a total of 9.25 inches lost :smile: I cant see it but it feels great to record it. I feel like I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. I was able to go out for a walk today & had a great workout yesterday. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings.
  • amitcham4
    amitcham4 Posts: 14 Member
    Luckily for me my kids came home from their festival with a bucket full of candy and sat in our driveway and gave it all away. I have discovered that if a bag of candy is in my house but unopened I can leave it alone

    but if it is open and has Reese's peanut butter cups...well let's just say none of our tricker treaters got peanut butter cups...sigh. However while my nutrition was terrible this weekend I stayed mostly on track! Yay. I snuck a peak at the scale this a.m. and was happy to see I had maintained--which considering my poor choices this weekend is a huge yay. Hope you guys are having a great week!!
  • Malumyangel
    Here is a long distance KICK IN THE BUTT! Really what I think you need is permission to mess up once in a while. You just have to climb back up out of your hole and get with the program. When I have days like McDonald's (or even too much wine or Halloween treats), I just resolve to do better the next day and add some additional cardio minutes. None of us is a machine, we all slip up; it's how you handle it that matters.

    mkaluzny is right. WELL SAID!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Somebody has more talent than me! So cool! I just checked the spreadsheet and someone made a section that calculates percent lost! How cool! How did you do it so it changes itself? I can do it manually, but I forgot the code for excel to do all that cool stuff. I have been out of school WAY too long I guess!


    I thought that might help motivate :smile:

    For the life of me I can't remember the proper code so as weights are added just correct the last cell used and it should be accurate. I also put the auto code in for total weight loss (except for kg sry guys) so all we have to do is enter our weight and the rest is done for us.

    so I still think planks are evil lol I managed 1min 32 sec and thought I was going to die lol

    You are so awesome!!!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Okay, I went into Walgreen's today, and they were playing CHRISTMAS CAROLS. I talked to the manager; his reply was that there were just testing the system. Thank goodness. I would have had to boycott the store. But the offshoot of this was that when I did my plank, I did it to the 12 days of Christmas. I got through all 12 days. Music, obviously, distracts me when I exercise.
  • SaishaLea
    SaishaLea Posts: 333 Member
    Okay, I went into Walgreen's today, and they were playing CHRISTMAS CAROLS. I talked to the manager; his reply was that there were just testing the system. Thank goodness. I would have had to boycott the store. But the offshoot of this was that when I did my plank, I did it to the 12 days of Christmas. I got through all 12 days. Music, obviously, distracts me when I exercise.

    Lol..I LOVE Christmas music! I could listen to it 365 days a year.
    That is one LOOONG plank...I only last 30 seconds.

    Today was great! I finally reached 5 miles! Sooooo happy right now!!! Excited about the weigh in tomorrow. I have been losing weight pretty fast the past month, so I'm thinking it will probably slow down soon. I have heard that happens a lot. I have been switching up my routine with circuit training, running, weight lifting. I hope that helps.
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hey guys, I am still working on this weeks challenges, so I will post them after work today. in about 12 hours from this post. I'm so sorry!!!
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member

    O.K. I finished it before work today. Let me know what you think! I am slowly running out of ideas, so please share some with me!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Planks for 2 minutes and 20 seconds. The arms were rubber, the tummy started to sag, and my mood sank even lower, but I did it! Cardio for over 350 minutes this week; so I know I got in the miles. Read food labels, tried to de-stress through prayer, and did hip hop abs instead of crunches. Eating this week was over the top, but that happens. Overall, I gained a pound since last week's posting. Not too worried. It will come off again.

    A positive attitude may be my best offense in this weight struggle.
  • BeccaB1981
    BeccaB1981 Posts: 456 Member
    Somebody has more talent than me! So cool! I just checked the spreadsheet and someone made a section that calculates percent lost! How cool! How did you do it so it changes itself? I can do it manually, but I forgot the code for excel to do all that cool stuff. I have been out of school WAY too long I guess!


    I thought that might help motivate :smile:

    For the life of me I can't remember the proper code so as weights are added just correct the last cell used and it should be accurate. I also put the auto code in for total weight loss (except for kg sry guys) so all we have to do is enter our weight and the rest is done for us.

    so I still think planks are evil lol I managed 1min 32 sec and thought I was going to die lol

    maybe its just me but the % column doesnt seem to be updating automatically anymore.... I have no idea how to fix it.