I'm stuck!

I'm sure I'm not alone in this situation so what did you do to get over your plateau? I've lost about 40 lbs and now I've been at about the same weight for 3 weeks. (I go up a little and then go down a little but stay about the same.) I'm stuck and I don't want to backtrack like I did for every other diet before this.


  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I just posted this on my home page. Hope it helps.

    Muscle confusion. Ok, if you do the same workout over and over, your body gets used to it and kind of stalls and our metabolism slows. You have to change things up to "confuse" it and keep it from getting used to what you're doing. So, I do the elliptical all the time, but I have three different routines. One is 45 miinutes get the heart rate up and keep it there. Two is doing sprints, 3 minutes moderate, 3 minutes fast, repeat until you've done 45 minutes. (I use music to set my pace). Three is 45 minutes moderate. This makes it so my body can't get used to the routine, it doesn't know what I'm going to do next so it keeps burning. And, you need to try to get your cardio up to 45 minutes. You don't burn fat until after the first 30 minutes. Throw in some strength training and you will get results. And I take rest days. I work out 3, then rest, work out 2 then rest.

    So whatever it is you are doing, change it up. If you can do the treadmill and then the bike, and then the elliptical, do it. Whatever works for you. Just don't do the same thing over and over.
  • geraldm55
    I change my workout as far as reps and weight I lift every week. I also change my routine everyday. I've had great success doing this and continue towards my goal.

    hope it helps.

    God bless you on your journey.
  • agamage
    work out more. do you mine me asking how long did it take you to lose 40pds?
  • mswindy
    I lost 100 lbs & have been stuck for aprox one year.

    I met with a Dietician a couple of weeks ago. Turns out that EVOO that I thought was so healthy is really fattening. I was getting random calories from unlikely places. I understand that not everyone can go to a Dietician...but sticking to facts is helpful if your reading up on the internet.

    She also told me despite my awesome job of exercising for an hour a day that my body had become used to it. To change my time of day i exercise (when possible) and to break them down into 2 thirty minute sessions or 3 twenty minute sessions.

    I started the strict 1200 calorie, no sodium, no sugar diet she suggested I follow along with exercising at random times and came back to MFP & lost 5 pounds in one week.

    Planning and preparing ahead of time is what keeps me on track. I mess up just like everyone else but I get back on track the next meal rather than allowing a constant downfall.

    Hope this was helpful, feel free to contact me for ideas =)

    Keep it up...your worth it.
  • kayleeblue
    Plateau for almost 10 weeks now..BUT the inches are still coming off! Good Luck..each person is different I'm finding. Hope you find something that works.
  • RunnerKeri
    RunnerKeri Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with other posters that you need to mix it up. Try a different exercise class, or go for a swim etc but also, add strength training to your routine 1-2 times a week. Building muscle will increase your metabolism and will really help you both burn calories and with your workouts. Start with light weights and very gradually build up. If you have a gym membership, ask a trainer for help to set you up with a few different routines you can do. Many gyms will give you a free personal trainer session but even if you have to pay for one or two sessions, it is worth every penny.

    Good luck!
  • rae_mayer
    Thanks for your suggestions!

    I've been doing 30DS for the past three weeks and I really want to finish it up. I've been concerned that if I'm getting bored with the workouts maybe my body is too! I have noticed changes in my body measurements over the past few weeks but it is still a little disheartening to not lose the weight, especially since I have so far to go yet.

    I've been actively trying to lose weight since late June/early July. It's not been a quick loss but it's been steady.