I think I need help

I can't seem to be able to get my head in gear to lose weight, I really wanted to lose weight for my graduation and I've ended up gaining. I feel like I've let myself down so bad and let my parents down too, they've been counting on me to lose weight. no matter how much I try and focus on a goal, it doesn't work, food seems to rule my life and I don't know how to get out of that.
I feel so unhappy this week that I haven't managed to meet a goal and am embarrassed to go to my graduation, I'm so upset with myself.

Are there any tips people have to help me get started again ? at the moment I can only eat healthy for a week and then I go off track, it's been like that for over a year now and it's driving me mad !!!


  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Do you make drastic changes to your diet? or do you gradually reduce the junk food? Bing eater?
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Hi, I just looked at your page, Im in my second year of studying graphic design!

    I know how you feel, over the past month I have been really off track, literally getting starbucks everyday! and just eating brownies or whatever cakes i could get my hands on!

    I started again fresh on monday, today is thursday and im still on track so far. I decided that I would try hard again due to it being a new month and the fact its not long till xmas. And I want to look decent for photos!

    It does sound however that you want to lose weight more for your parents sake than your own? Losing weight is about doing it for yourself and yourself only!

    Dont think about long term goals as they will just over whelm you. Just take the week day by day, meal by meal.
    Try and exercise in the morning to motivate you for the rest of the day.

    Perhaps even stick up pictures of what you wish to look like on the fridge or around the house to motivate you to continue eating well.

    I Hope you manage to stay on track. Every one slips up sometimes, its all about starting again and not giving up.
  • selfishshellfish
    There's a really good book called 'Mindless Eating' by a psychologist (Brian Wansink) who talks about ways to eat less without even noticing. It has helped me very much.

    I agree with helloburger - if you're under pressure to lose weight for your parents' sake then it all becomes incredibly complicated and very difficult. I've had a lot of experience of my parents nagging me, and they're still at it even though I'm in my 40s! Believe me, you have to decide to live your life for you and no-one else. Try to get a bit of distance and perspective on what they want - even though they're your parents you don't have to take their desires to heart.

    Yes, it's true that often our parents want the best for us, but it's equally true that sometimes they are inappropriately involved in our lives. Maybe you just need a bit more space to work out what you want and to get to know yourself better. Extra weight goes on easily enough, especially with the student life, but if we have trouble losing it then that can be a clue that our unconscious motivation is out of line with our conscious desire.

    Good luck!
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    It is sooo easy to say that you are going to eat right and exercise daily...but then you get hungry and it is sooo easy to grab something unhealthy! I am really struggling too right now, so I feel your pain! Just stick with it and don't give up...take it one meal at a time! I think it helps to have friends on here, knowing that people are looking at your journal. Just commit to writing down EVERYTHING that you eat and if will help you say no to things you don't have the calories for , feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Ericgunner
    Take every day as a step nearer to your goal, the old saying softly softly catchy monkey applies. Diet because you want to feel better for yourself, and with a little determination and willpower you will be able to do it. I could not do it without the help and support of MFP being able to calculate my calorie intake, using the food diary to add everything I eat and drink has been fantastic.

    Look at what other people are eating and you will be surprised how good your diet could be, and how varied. It doesn't have to be boring because you're on a diet.

    If you want to add me as a friend please do so the more support the better.
  • gemma247
    gemma247 Posts: 44 Member
    hey babe, dont get upset!!!!
    keep on doing what your doing but allow yourself to have treats, and then just think when you have a treat go for a walk or do a little bit of excercise!!!
    dont give up, you have been doing ever so well xxxx
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Let's take this one step at a time. You can't change the past. Do you still want to go to your graduation? Attending a graduation ceremony has never been important to me, but it is to some people. So, do you want to go?

    If you do, will you be wearing a gown? ie Do you need to find something to wear, or will your clothes be covered by a gown? If you need to find something to wear, I'd would suggest going for something simple. Remember that this is a celebration of what you have already achieved, it is not a fashion contest.

    Second step is to work out what is important to you. Do you want to lose weight? If so, why? Why is it important? Are you already in good health? Do you feel well? Do you enjoy exercise? What do you like doing? Spending time with people? Spending time alone? Walking the dog? Going for bike rides?

    Have a think about what is important to you.

    Then break down your goals into little steps. When I joined MFP I knew that I wanted to lose 10 kg (about 22 lbs). I knew that it would be better if I could lose more, but my first goal - the one I was committed to - was to lose 10 kg (almost there!).

    Picture what it will be like when you've accomplished this first step, and remember why you want to achieve it. Write it down. Share it with MFP and/or your friends.

    Now you need to plan on how to achieve it. I make sure that I eat a proper breakfast. For me, it is a choice of low-GI cereals with yoghurt or possibly some low-GI toast.

    Before I go to work, I take my dog for a walk. This means that before going to work, I've already done 30 minutes of exercise. Work out what the best exercise is for you. Are you a morning person? Can you walk to the station? Go for a walk at lunchtime? Go to the gym or a swimming pool after work? Join a walking club? A ten-pin bowling club?

    You see, you have to make this work for you. You know what you like doing. And if you're not sure what would work for you - what an opportunity to try out new things.

    Then promise yourself that you'll stick at this for a month. Starting today until the end of November. What day is "weigh-in"? I weigh in on Monday morning (in case I get tempted to go off my diet at the weekend).

    I know that some people have a "break day". I don't. For me going over my calorie limit, means that I'm less committed to my weight loss, and more likely to stray in the future. But everyone's different. If I think I am going over my limit, I take my dog for another walk (lucky dog!), or clean the house.

    Whatever you decide, I hope you will keep us informed of your progress. We want you to work out your own goals, and work towards them.

    All the best
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 765 Member
    Two things here for me:
    I feel like I've let myself down so bad and let my parents down too, they've been counting on me to lose weight

    I feel like I've let myself down so bad and let my parents down too, they've been counting on me to lose weight. no matter how much I try and focus on a goal, it doesn't work

    1) This is your journey, about you and no-one else. Their support in your journey is welcome, their input on your weight and any potential negativity isn't. You need to find your own way to put that message across, but you need to find a way to do that to take some of the pressure off of yourself and make you less likely to start the "oh *kitten* it" rebellion eating.
    2) You've let no-one down! You're graduating from uni, which makes you a success! Congratulations!

    I think you need to address the feelings you have about doing this for anyone other than yourself - they can want it for you too, that's fine - but you have to do it for you and then you'll start enjoying it, how you look different, how you feel, as you go through the journey. You WILL look and feel better! Take some pressure off, give yourself some realistic exercise goals, even if it's just a walk every day, and maybe up your calorie intake so you lose but at 1/2 a week so you can still have the odd treat.

    You can do this! Just take the pressure off xx
  • nowornever47
    nowornever47 Posts: 333 Member
    And I want to look decent for photos!

    It does sound however that you want to lose weight more for your parents sake than your own? Losing weight is about doing it for yourself and yourself only!

    Dont think about long term goals as they will just over whelm you. Just take the week day by day, meal by meal.
    Try and exercise in the morning to motivate you for the rest of the day.

    Perhaps even stick up pictures of what you wish to look like on the fridge or around the house to motivate you to continue eating well.

    I Hope you manage to stay on track. Every one slips up sometimes, its all about starting again and not giving up.

    I completely agree.. she said everything I was thinking. You really do have to do it for YOU. Making little, reachable goals helps tremendously and thinking of it as a new, healthier lifestyle change for you will also help. Don't think diet - customize it to what you like. Change little things, baby steps. Park a little further away from the door... take the stairs, etc - all of those little changes will help. You will not stick with it until you have the motivation for your own reasons. I love to think about wearing new outfits - think of the holidays coming, fitting into those jeans that are a size smaller. All of the little NSV's (non-scale victories) that everyone talks about on here - they are huge in keeping my success. Don't let a bad day get you down, you'll see we ALL have them. Keep little snacks with you - planning ahead is huge. I also highly suggest the phone app if you can - it makes all the difference when out in a restaurant, etc. I really hope you like this as I do. You can do it, and there are a ton of supportive people on here... good luck in your journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • harrietlg
    thank you guys I really appreciate your feedback, i know I need to do it for myself, unfortunately I have pushy parents ! I've done what I thinks best for me and started weight watchers again, i'm only doing it online as I work awkward hours and coudn't commit to going to meetings all the time ! i've paid for 3 months so we'll see what happens, i'll try and organise my meals but its quite difficult when your a chef working nights as there is food everywhere! i'm just going to take it 1 day at a time and see what happens!

    thank you x