Is there something I should cut out my diet??

gel91 Posts: 309
edited October 4 in Food and Nutrition
Hi as you can see I've lost 33lb since i've been here, big deal for me!! Gone from 16st 1lb to 13st 10 currently, but you can't see the change?? I've gone down ONE dress size, which obviously i'm happy with me can't help thinking I want more! I wanna see results.

Now maybe a little TMI - my periods really messed up since I had my son, I can be on for a few days off for 2 on again ect. It's confusing for me, so I spend alot of time bloated because of it. And I do have trouble going to the toilet often, as in, I rarely ever go! Unless I take laxatives, which I personally hate because they give me cramps so I avoid them.

But recently my belly is poking out SO much, I'm starting to feel fatter than ever, and I'm starting to wonder if it's something I'm eating? Carbs maybe? I eat ANYTHING, I haven't cut nothing out although I'm not huge on dairy. Obviously i'm not eating takeaways ect and that now though!

I'm now getting to the stage where i'm a little disheartend, not gunna give up because theres no point in that! But, I wanna see results. I wanna see my belly going down and my thighs getting smaller. I'm doing little bits of exercise I'm not huge on it, my typical day is pretty much 15mins on the cross trainer, sit ups, some weight exercises for my arms, about 30minutes worth all together 5 days a week, and a walk around 4 out of 7 days a week.

So where am I going wrong? Why am I bloating? Is there any main signs of bloating in foods? I wanna get to the bottom of this as I was feeling so good, and now i'm just not! What should I cut out first to see if it's the culprit? Is there any chance it's even the food I'm eating?

Edit, Oh and also I slack on my water intake last few weeks since I moved, I drink around 2-6 glasses a day but usually average at about 4, if thats any help?


  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Keep an eye on your sodium levels. Especially if your period is irregular, high sodium may absorb more water than normal.
  • sing4me4you
    sing4me4you Posts: 88 Member
    I hate to ask this, but are you sure you aren't pregnant?
  • if you want people to give you input on your food intake.. you need to open your food diary... would make comments easier.. :wink:
  • JulsDiane
    JulsDiane Posts: 349 Member
    You should always get at least 8, 8oz glasses (about 2 liters) of water per day to keep the sodium moving through your body. If you eat high sodium increase the water. I know, it's hard to believe it does matter so much, but it really does. When I don't drink enough i get bloated and swell something fierce.

    Make sure you are eating high fiber carbs also to keep things moving through ;)
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    You are likely retaining a lot of water. You need to drink water in order to flush out the abundance that your body holds onto because you are not giving it enough. This causes bloating. Also, if you are not going to the bathroom often you may need to add fiber to your diet. If you do this then water consumption becomes even more important to help your food along your GI tract. Maybe discuss with your doctor about your bathroom habits. You should be going once a day or at least every other day (my GI specialist gave me this info). Good luck!
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Are you intolerant to wheat or gluten?
  • I have the same thing with my stomach - my 2nd son is now two and I'm trying to make an effort to get down to about 62kg (currently am 68kg) but my guts stick out all the time. It looks almost like I'm 4 or 5 months pregnant but am definitely not! Just wondering also whether this is a dietary thing or just something that goes on for a while after having children.
  • mrsmichellewilson
    mrsmichellewilson Posts: 86 Member
    yeap .....sounds like sodium or pregnancy. Good Luck !
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    My sodium is rarely over 1000 unless I've had a bad day but it's really rare i'll go over 2000

    And haha nope, I've double checked I wasn't pregnant a while ago, I was wondering! And I've been single ever since I checked
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Suggest that you seek advice from your Doctor!
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Are you intolerant to wheat or gluten?

    Nope not as far as I'm aware and this has only started happening for a couple weeks now
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    morning sunshine!

    I would really recommend trying the atkins diet, for just a two week period and see if that does the trick for you... I find that carbs really bloat me up and cause a lot of dietary backups.....try it for a couple of weeks and see if it helps, if not, it's one more thing you can rule out on the journey of getting to know your body

    just try it, it's your body you can do what you want with it :)
  • If you have added veggies and legumes to your diet, you might have some bloating. The previous post regarding sodium is also a good tip. But, keep drinking as much water as you can. It works to flush out your system. You might also want to try a mild detox supplement available at your local health food store. Burning calories releases toxins in your body so the faster you get rid of them, the better you will feel overall. Also, I have found that eating a high protein breakfast helps keep me on track. I work, so I bought a microwave egg cooker in Walmart. I nuke some eggbeaters with a small handfull of turkey sausage crumbles. It's fast, tasty and easy clean up and only about 60 calories.
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Sorry hit the wrong button before I had finished! I happened to go for my usual smear test a couple of years ago and they got awfully excited as my uterus was the equivalent of 20 weeks pregnant! Turns out I had a large fibroid (over 20cms and a pint in size) plus smaller ones! Now having had a hysterectomy I am working on getting back to a flatter shape. They did ask if I hadn't noticed things getting tighter to which I laughed and said, "Well, yes, but I just assumed it was because I was getting fatter!"
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    I've always had veggies in my diet, well since I started on here anyway (101 days ago!)

    I can open my diary but it's by no means great.. I'm living at my mums at the moment after the split up so have to eat what shes got while i've no money!

    If anyone wants to take a look it will be open in a second
  • I too have a major problem with constipation. My Dr had me start MiraLAX, just a cap full a day and what a huge difference it has made.
  • NemesisJRM
    NemesisJRM Posts: 248 Member
    Your water intake is too low IMO, and Ill explain why:

    Your liver is the biggest converter of fat to energy, and your kidneys are what is used to clear the toxins out your blood, however when you become De-hydrated and don't drink enough water, your kidneys cant do there job properly. So then the Liver has to help them out, because of this your Liver stops processing the Fat into energy and as a result your metabolism will slow down. This can lead to weight loss becoming extremely slow and a lot harder.

    Now on top of that is your sodium intake is too high you become even more De-hydrated, even though your retaining water. Its all about balance. You need around 1000mg of salt and about 2litre's of water a day. IMO if you balance this out and increase your water intake you should start to see weight loss again and also fell less bloated

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It sounds like it's time to talk to a doctor. Any number of things could cause the symptoms you are describing, and most are treatable.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    I'll have to register myself with a doctor down here then shall I.

    Oh also, I drink diet coke about 4-5 cans a week if that can cause it? Thanks for all the replies.

    So drink more water and see how it goes? Will get myself a docs appointment if nothings changed in a week or so I guess.

    No one recommeneds cutting anything from my diet then?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'll have to register myself with a doctor down here then shall I.

    Oh also, I drink diet coke about 4-5 cans a week if that can cause it? Thanks for all the replies.

    So drink more water and see how it goes? Will get myself a docs appointment if nothings changed in a week or so I guess.

    No one recommeneds cutting anything from my diet then?

    If there is a wait to see a doctor, I'd suggest a week of cutting gluten from your diet. A gluten intollerance could cause those type of symptoms. If you don't see any difference in a week, then it's probably something else.
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Hmm okay, well I'll give it a shot!! Now i'll have to go to some research on gluten.

    I hear gluten free foods are horrible
  • Soda will make you bloat up from the carbonation, so that would be the first cut. Next, WATER. You have to drink more water, especially if you are not having BM's. I have all kinds of bathroom issues and most of what you said, I am dealing with. My belly went down when I upped my water intake (10 cups a day, now I'm up to 12). I recommend getting a cup with a straw, people look at me crazy until they try it, but you WILL drink more water if you drink it out of a straw. I walk around with a 24oz cup, and it's like my new best friend.

    Now for the other belly problems, try a fiber supplement, laxatives are no good if it's chronic. I take Metamucil MultiHealth Psyllium Fiber Capsules. It has been the ONLY thing to work without the pain. And I've suffered for 13 years...

    Now, another medical possibility...Endometriosis. I found out yesterday that I have it, and that it is related to a lot of my belly issues. So, ask!

    But remember, WATER is your friend!
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Thanks I'll look into some fibre tablets and I'm gunna try harder with my water. I used to get 12 cups a day in but I just got lazy.
  • I would recommend taking asodopholus suppliments - ask your pharmacist. My niece had the problem with bloating and being unable to go to the bathroom, and she now goes at least once a day. You should be going 1 -4 times a day. Your body has to be able to get rid of the waste. In my opinion that is probably the main contributing factor for you not seeing visible results. Make sure you keep your water intake up as well which will help with the whole #2 issue ;)
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