Three for Thanksgiving: Mommy Challenge Part 4



  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    I believe my diary is open to freinds but here's what I have planned so far:

    Breakfast - steelcut oatmeal with brown sugar (might have overdone that a little :blushing: ), hard boiled egg

    Lunch - Orowheat (?) whole wheat sandwhich thin with slice of ham and american cheese; baby carrots

    Dinner - not sure yet (dinner is usually never planned - can't think that far ahead :blushing: )

    Snack - strawberries, mixed fresh fruit

    I am not a planner unfortunately, so I tend to eat when hungry and never know what it will be (although I tend to stick to fruit, vegg, 100 calorie snack packs, or diet ice cream).

    Hope everyone is having a great hump day! I've been having a hard couple days so I'm trying to be more energetic and careful today. Sleep deprevation can do nasty things to your mood, diet and exercise! :yawn: :yawn: How do you ladies with toddlers, infants do it? Mine just does not sleep well most nights (a lot of it is teething and congestion etc). Ugh! I get to the point that I just don't care what I put on my mouth and I hate that!

    kids not sleeping is the worst!!!! i totally feel you on that one. just do the best you can, and do what you can. focus on what you put in your mouth more than even excercise on those days. also for congestion while teething or just in general i have found something that works. I am sure your little one is old enough to use vicks but make sure when they are young with your doctor, but there is a small waterless vicks machiene that uses these little pads. It glows green when you plug it in. THe last on I got was about 12 or 14 bucks and the refill pads are around 5. I pug this in and shut the door and i kid you not it is MAGIC!!! it kept my daughter unclogged all night when she teethed or was just sick. It also helps to keep them from caughing at night when they are sick. Just an idea and hope this makes sense, i am working on little sleep today!!!
  • debstanley4
    debstanley4 Posts: 208 Member
    Sorry I'm a little late here is mine

    11-1 272
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    I believe my diary is open to freinds but here's what I have planned so far:

    Breakfast - steelcut oatmeal with brown sugar (might have overdone that a little :blushing: ), hard boiled egg

    Lunch - Orowheat (?) whole wheat sandwhich thin with slice of ham and american cheese; baby carrots

    Dinner - not sure yet (dinner is usually never planned - can't think that far ahead :blushing: )

    Snack - strawberries, mixed fresh fruit

    I am not a planner unfortunately, so I tend to eat when hungry and never know what it will be (although I tend to stick to fruit, vegg, 100 calorie snack packs, or diet ice cream).

    Hope everyone is having a great hump day! I've been having a hard couple days so I'm trying to be more energetic and careful today. Sleep deprevation can do nasty things to your mood, diet and exercise! :yawn: :yawn: How do you ladies with toddlers, infants do it? Mine just does not sleep well most nights (a lot of it is teething and congestion etc). Ugh! I get to the point that I just don't care what I put on my mouth and I hate that!

    On the days when my son does not sleep..I take a nap at lunch or during a break at work if it's a work day...if not I go down in the beginning of his nap for 30 mins or in the middle of his nap. Sometime i use water to help keep me up so I drink when I start getting sleepy...hang in there pretty soon your LO will sleep through the son sleeps through the night sometimes now but it only started once he was 12 months.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    I believe my diary is open to freinds but here's what I have planned so far:

    Breakfast - steelcut oatmeal with brown sugar (might have overdone that a little :blushing: ), hard boiled egg

    Lunch - Orowheat (?) whole wheat sandwhich thin with slice of ham and american cheese; baby carrots

    Dinner - not sure yet (dinner is usually never planned - can't think that far ahead :blushing: )

    Snack - strawberries, mixed fresh fruit

    I am not a planner unfortunately, so I tend to eat when hungry and never know what it will be (although I tend to stick to fruit, vegg, 100 calorie snack packs, or diet ice cream).

    Hope everyone is having a great hump day! I've been having a hard couple days so I'm trying to be more energetic and careful today. Sleep deprevation can do nasty things to your mood, diet and exercise! :yawn: :yawn: How do you ladies with toddlers, infants do it? Mine just does not sleep well most nights (a lot of it is teething and congestion etc). Ugh! I get to the point that I just don't care what I put on my mouth and I hate that!

    i dont think any of us mothers have a ryhme or reason of how we do it, lol, we just do because we are mommies, lol. i eat horrible in the middle of the night due to being up with my baby. when i get up to make him bottle i grab the 1st thing i see. halloween it was candy, all bad...but im trying to change that. i usually just dont leave sweets around.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Good morning!!! so far ive had-

    Breakfast- 1 serving of frosted flakes with 1 cup of milk- (used kid bowl to make sure 1 serving) and coffee with 1/3 milk-273 calories

    I dont plan to workout today. I went to bed early last night and plan to do the same tonight and will awake early in the am to do a little 30 day shred!! my body was screaming for sleep! with that being said...what i eat needs to be healthy and within calorie budget. How do you ladies plan to reach your 3 pound goal this month? For me, i made a change, i decided to:

    Change my goal to lose .05 a week through calorie reduction (this allows me to eat 1530 calories rather than 1280 which i was not doing well at)

    Run, Run, Run and Shred some to burn at least 1500 calories a week in exercise....i will not eat my exercise calories back due to me increasing my calories to 1530.

    So this is my goal to get to 3 pound loss- whats yours?
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 313 Member
    Today's menu:

    Breakfast: Chocolate peanut butter Balance bar & Sobe 0 Calorie Dragonfruit water

    Snack: 12 whole natural raw almonds

    Lunch: Cafe Steamer, General Tso chicken & orange

    Dinner: Not sure yet.

    Lots, and lots of water.
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning mommies..

    Breakfast-Original Oatmeal and I added an apple diced and cinnamon and a splenda packet.

    Lunch-Some kind of lean cuisine thing LOL not sure what it's called

    Dinner-Going to eat Mexican so not sure what I will have yet....
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Thanks ladies for all of the words of support! It helps to be able to vent a little to ladies who understand! Last night my little angel slept ALL night without a peap!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am so happy; although I know it more than likely won't last at least for right now. Kelley - my baby will turn 1 in a couple weeks so here's hoping she magically starts sleeping all night consistantly!

    Wow - my baby turns 1 in a couple weeks!!! I still can't believe it's been one year!

    Ok, as for food today:

    Breakfast - whole wheat english muffin with PB

    Lunch - some lean cuisine thing :wink:

    Dinner - not sure

    Snacks - fruit and a fiber one brownie (Yes, they are good)
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    Breakfast: a peach yogurt and a Jillian whey shake

    Lunch: cottage cheese, peaches in 100% juice and string cheese

    Dinner: who knows??

    WATER WATER WATER WATER WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a great day on purpose ladies ;)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    ok guys we are having a system update here at work so i am checking off for a couple of days as they will be working on all computers individually and i dont need my mfp popping up all over....stay strong ill be back in a couple of days....
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Well today started out good. Got up at 5am did my workout, had breakfast and then went to work. That is where it took a turn for for the worse. I had to take one of my operators (I am a supervisor) to get scrubs and since we didn't have anything at home for me to take to work for lunch I thought I would get a sub from Subway while I was out. Well all was good until I got to the mall and then I crumbled. I had Chick-fil-A nuggets and waffle fries and iced tea. Then I washed all that down with an order of cinnamon pretzel sticks from Auntie Anne's. UGH I am so mad at myself right now. I only have 136 calories left for my dinner tonight. So I guess I am going to have to go home and do some yard work just so that I can eat dinner. I hate when I cave :explode: ! Hope you all have a great evening. I will be at home raking!


    P.S. We will miss you Latoya!!!!
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Great job ladies!! Food was pretty good today and yesterday. Working out hasn't been great this week, bhurley I too have had a teething none sleeping baby. Bhurley when is your baby's birthday? My little boy will be 1 year on 11/20.

    Food Today:
    Breakfast: Creamer and coffee, oatmeal, and a banana (everyday)
    Snack: 3 apple slices, and 2 wedges of laughing cow light cheese
    Lunch: Eating Right chicekn enchilida, chocolate chip cookie
    Dinner: chicken pot pie

    Not working out, exhausted.

    Hope you all had a good day!
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Bhurley - here's hoping your little angel does start sleeping through the night. I may have spoke too soon because he has been waking up the last 3 tonight I made sure he got in all his meals because he always wakes up to eat and then goes right back to sleep so I think it's mainly because he's hungry.

    Breakfast today - Oatmeal, strawberries, a little brown sugar and a sprinkle of granola and cranberries
    snack - .5 cup of Special K fruit and yogure
    Lunch - 2 small slices of pizza
    this is where things went out of control
    Dinner was late and no snack in between -
    Dinner was a granola thin and banana, 4 perogies, 4 oz of lemon chicken, and then 2 servings of dark chocolate almonds, and a chocolate dipped macaroon. really not bad calorie wise because I was only 100 over my calories for the day but I didn't do a structured work out today.
    So not the best...and I was way over on the fat but surprisingly it was mainly due to the pizza....oh well drank lots of water and was active when I took my son to the park to play for 30 min.

    On a different note...anyone have tips for not gaining tons of weight while pregnant. I may be and I am totally worried as I gained 60lbs with my son and just never want to go back there...I think I would still track my food if it turns out I am...because I know keeping track of my food will keep me focused...
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Becca - My little girls birthday is 11/18! Wow - what a coincidence! What are you planning for his birthday? We are just having a party at our house; mostly family some freinds. I just can't believe she is a year old!

    Kelley - Wow - congrats if you are pg. I don't really have any tips on not gaining a lot of weight. I got lucky really; I ate everything (after the first trimester :sick: ) but didn't gain more than 15pounds with my pregnancy. All my weight was from hormone treatments and then being home for 3 months after.:noway:

    Well, the day started off good but I went out to lunch with the hubby. We don't get to do that much so I had something not so healthy. I managed to stay under calories because of workout but my sodium is sky high!! Good thing I drank 80oz of water today!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Some food for thought :) According to Reader's Digest:

    Although it seems too good to be true, dark chocolate can actually be good for you! When consumed in moderation, this delicious treat has some powerful health benefits. Following are three of the major reasons to indulge:

    1. It can help prevent heart disease: Like tea, dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which are compounds that act as antioxidants. Flavonoids protect cells from harmful molecules—called free radicals—that are produced when the body breaks down food or is exposed to sunlight or smoke. Free radicals can cause cell damage that leads to heart disease. Flavonoids can also lower blood pressure and reduce LDL cholesterol (i.e., the bad cholesterol) by up to 10 percent.

    2. It can improve your mood: Dark chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that bring on feelings of pleasure. It also contains the chemical serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant.
    3. It can protect your skin: German researchers found that the flavonoids in dark chocolate absorb UV light, help protect and increase blood flow to the skin, and improve skin’s hydration and complexion.

    For all of its health benefits, though, dark chocolate does contain a lot of calories. So, experts recommend sticking to no more than three ounces of the sweet stuff per day.

    SO I will have two squares of dark chocolate today!!! :)
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Mommies! I am so ready for halloween week to be OVER! Looking forward to Monday and the start of a new week! Back to my working out at least 4 days a week and 2 days next week MrsWilson and I are going to try out 2 clean eating days. Not a cleanse by any means, just clean eating to try and flush the junk! What goals does everyone else have in place for next week?

    LOVE dark chocolate Mimi... and LaToya... we miss you!!!!

  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I did not meet my goal on my other challenge. So, to lose 3 lbs. by Thanksgiving, I need to adjust my goal to 140. :(
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Mommies! I am so ready for halloween week to be OVER! Looking forward to Monday and the start of a new week! Back to my working out at least 4 days a week and 2 days next week MrsWilson and I are going to try out 2 clean eating days. Not a cleanse by any means, just clean eating to try and flush the junk! What goals does everyone else have in place for next week?

    LOVE dark chocolate Mimi... and LaToya... we miss you!!!!


    I could NOT have said this better myself!
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello Mommies! Today was much better than yesterday food wise! Still not back to normal, but steps! I woke up this morning and I have pain behind my right knee so I was afraid to exercise. I don't want to make it any worse. I will see how it goes tomorrow. Have a great weekend, Ladies!

  • Meggy247
    Meggy247 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi, just wanted to update with my weigh in results today. I lost 2.2! Well on my way to 3!!
    Starting challenge WI, 11/1 173.4
    Current WI, 11/7: 171.2