New here and need support!

cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
Hello! My name is Carly and I'm 29. My weight has always been a constant yo-yo. I will sometimes get down to 150 and then without knowing it I'll be up to 165. I know I should be around 135/140. I hope this will help me. I can normally drop 5ish pounds really easily and then I get too confident and gain it back due to feeling like I can slack off a little. I run, but now that the chill is coming back to the air it's harder to find motivation since I will have to run on a treadmill. Looking for support so I can get it right this time!


  • Jessica2Skinny
    Jessica2Skinny Posts: 118 Member
    welcome to mfp!
  • Welcome to the site. I am sure you will find all the help, support and motivation you require from people here. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • verqu
    verqu Posts: 5
    Dont worry, this site helps so much!! Plenty of support! Great tips! Great advice! Add a few people and they will most defiantly will help you! We are all in this together!
  • Welcome to the MFP will definately find lots of supporting, inspirational, and motivational people on this site. Feel Free to add me! I am a daily fixture on MFP.
  • uLinx
    uLinx Posts: 148
    :bigsmile: Welcome to MFP! I have experienced yoyo effect myself and now I want to lose weight and get in shape once and for all! Let's stay motivated: we can do this! :glasses:
  • I hear ya there...My name is Maria, i'm 25, I just got down to 150....5 pound drop or so...but I haven't really been sticking with it...holidays coming...time to get serious...I had started running this summer, but don't want to do it in the cold either...I've got a Total Gym but haven't really been using it consistantly...My weight has been a yo-yo most of my life...I'm only 5'3 so my goal weight is 127...would you like to be my accountability partner? First time being to this website on my laptop...I have the mobile if only I can get myself to use it regularly...
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Welcome, welcome! We have the same situation.. I have yo-yo effect too. But mine has been going down but not gain that obvious... :) Now. I'm stuck... =_= anyway! Glad you found this right place to achieve your goal! Cheers!
  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    Thanks everyone! Looks like I came to the right place. It's going to be hard with the holidays, but I'm feeling more confident than ever!