Why do I still feel so HUGE???

Just worked out I've lost 36 and 3/4 pounds this yr , most came off since i Joined MFP in June . So y do I still feel so bloody HUGE????
I look at old pics and I look in the mirror and I see the same person. My family say they can see Ive lost weight so y can't I see it?

I don't get it. Is this normal?? Will my brain catch up eventually??


  • RhondaLeeRoss
    Have you taken before and after pictures??? That helps! Don't get frustrated, you are doing a great job! Smile and enjoy life and keep up the great work! YOU ARE WORTH IT!
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    congrats on your loss! Maybe you are being to hard on yourself, I bet your clothes are fitting better? I cannot speak for everyone but I know I have "fat days" , they are days where you weigh the same but you feel huge and nothing looks good on you.
  • horror_hamster
    we're our own harshest critics. Your brain should be able to catch up eventually. These feelings usually spawn from being self conscious to begin with, and it takes time to break out of that. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal, especially since weightloss is so gradual and most people feel like they're working REALLY hard for such small changes in results.

    Keep your head up, you're doing a great job!
  • n3wlif3styl3
    it might be the fact that you see yourself everyday so you don't see the process of change?

    also I believe that we see ourselves 10 lbs heavier than others do but that's just my opinion :P
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I know my problem with this is that I have a picture in my head of what I WANT to look like. I'm not there yet, so it makes it harder to see my progress. I have to look for other signs of progress. For example, I put on a pair of last year's pajamas and walked right out of the pants! I took that as a sign that I'm making progress.
  • SmugCanucksGal
    SmugCanucksGal Posts: 79 Member
    Its a mind thing. You've always thought one way, and seen one way. It will take time for your brain/mind to catch up with your physical changes. I have no idea how much time, but it will. Just keep the confidence up, amd it will all catch up with you.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    This is probably not very promising, but I always feel huge. Regardless of what I weigh. Sometimes you just have to accept that opinions of others. I know most people tell me that it's how I feel, but I know that if I went by how I feel it would get very unhealthy very quickly.

    What does your clothes size say? What does the scale say? And what do your friends say? If they are all positive things, then you should be happy. =)
  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    I know what you mean! I've lost a lot, but I see myself naked and see just how much there is still to go. So I try not to think about that, and focus on the numbers. The numbers don't lie! Has you clothing sizes gone down? Focus on those types of things, if you can't "see" it in yourself. You are doing great! Take the compliments with a smile and a thanks, you deserve it!
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    Wow our stats are almost the exact same.... I weighed 238 in June and I'm 203 today. I still feel HUGE and like I look the same. I think it's just mentality. I put together before and during collages of myself pretty often so I'm reminded I do look different and it keeps me going. I can't wait for my before and AFTER comparison when I get to my goal. Don't let it get you down and keep going! That is a great loss in a short time.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I promise you, your brain will catch up :)

    You will probably always have things you want to change (we are women!) but one day when you slip into a little dress you never thought you'd wear and your significant other looks at you with their jaw on the floor, you will work that little dress like no one else could :)
    Everyone better watch out!

    You are doing great, keep it up!
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    I've been there in the past, however, this time around I noticed nearly every pound I've lost and it has been very encouraging.

    I can guarantee that your body has undergone a TON of changes - you just weren't paying attention.

    If you are like me, then when you are at your heaviest, you tend to not look at yourself - not while naked, not with your clothes on. You avoid mirrors at all costs. So....how can you see the changes if you haven't really looked at yourself until now? This was always my mistake....I actually believed that I had to lose at least 20 pounds before there was the slightest noticeable change - I was so wrong!

    I highly recommend that you put on your own private fashion show. Inspect your body naked. Look at what your butt looks like in your clothes. Note how tight or loose each of your shirts and pants feel on you. And measure EVERYTHING! Then once every other week or so, make sure you re-inspect what you look like in your clothes. You WILL notice a difference and you will be impressed. Taking pictures will also help, though I never did that :)

    Good luck with continued success! 36 pounds lost is amazing and I can guarantee that everyone can see the difference in you, even if you can't! Now, it's time to pay attention to yourself! ;)
  • gleechick609
    First of all, Congrats on losing 35 lbs! That is a huge accomplishment!

    I know what you mean about "I just lost this weight and still feel huge!" When I hit 20 lbs back in September, I still felt like same heavy girl in the mirror. But I KNEW I was losing weight when my jeans went from a size 18 to a 14. Just think, we see ourselves every day. You may not see that *BIG* difference until you hit another milestone. But just know, if your dress sizes are diminishing, you ARE changing! :)