HEALTHY TIP: Spirulina

I am a person who struggles eating veggie and fruits, not because I don't like them (I really do) but because they're not always readily available at home and I am just too busy (more like LAZY) to go to the shops and buy some, let alone prepare it... Having said that, I always lack vitamins and minerals that is needed by my body...

My solution to this problem is to take vitamins and a food supplement called SPIRULINA. Spirulina is a Blue-green algae that is 65-71% COMPLETE PROTEIN, with all essential amino acids in perfect balance. (Beef only has 22% of protein)

*** To synthesize protein for the body's repair and maintenance, all dietary protein factors must be present simultaneously or the amino acids are wasted.***

***Spirulina provides all the required amino acids, and in a form that is five times easier to digest than meat or soy protein.*** (which is good for me because I have a slow digestion)

Spirulina also contains:

Pantothenic Acid
Folic Acid
Riboflavin or B2
Thiamine or B1
Vitamin E
Vitamin A

Aside from the impressive protein, vitamin and mineral value of spirulina, it also has ENZYMATIC PIGMENTS, such as:
Phycocyanin - Related to the human pigment Bilirubin, , which is important to healthy liver function and digestion of amino acids.
Porphyrin - Related to this structure is the polypyrrole molecule of B12, which is essential to the formation of healthy red blood cells.

***Experiments in Japan have demonstrated that Spirulina has a marked positive effect on anemia, possibly due to the conversion of chlorophyll into hemoglobin.***

***Chlorophyll also increases peristaltic action and thus relieves constipation***

***Chlorophyll normalizes the secretion of digestive acids and soothes the inflammation and reduces the excess pepsin secretion associated with gastric ulcers***

***Chlorophyll soothes swelling and promotes granulation, the process that regenerates new tissue over injuries.***

Taking the normal dose of 3 tablets 30 minutes before meals can help satisfy your body's appetite. It is not an appetite suppressant in any way, and contains no drugs or chemicals that trick the body. It is simply super concentrated, easily digested natural nutrition.

I decided to take a multi-vitamin tablet with Vitamin A, C & D as well as a vitamin E capsule along with spirulina (3 tablets, 30 min. before meals 3 times/day) and it has been 3 days since I started taking it and it really is an appetite suppressant. I've noticed that I do not crave for food or sweets if I am not really hungry. Eventhough my mind tells me to eat, my body just won't probably because my body gets what it wants already and it's just my mind that is hungry... :)

Because of the high content of vitamins and minerals in Spirulina, please CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR before taking this if you are PREGNANT or TAKE OTHER MEDICATIONS or VITAMINS (MULTI-VITAMINS). Vitamin/Mineral TOXICITY may occur.

Spirulina -

Toxicity -
vit. a toxicity:
vit. e toxicity:
iron toxicity:
recommended daily allowance:


  • bump
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member

    Thanks for Bringing Up My Post ^_^

    I hope I can reach as many people as I can with this...
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member
    I'll just BUMP it myself every 30 mins :)) sorry for being lame but I just want this info to reach as much people as I can here in MFP as I believe it will help a lot of people ^_^
  • flip1329
    flip1329 Posts: 14 Member
    Bump to read later! All of my fish love this stuf ;) LOL
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member
    Bump to read later! All of my fish love this stuf ;) LOL

    wow really? you should love it too ^_^ I'll send you a link so you won't forget :)
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member
    BUMP AGAIN!!! ^_^ Please bump this thread people ^_^ Thanks!!!
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member
    BUMP ^_^ Spirulina Awareness!!! ^_^
  • sheclimbsrocks
    sheclimbsrocks Posts: 110 Member
    I am a vegetarian and spirulina fan. I have also read that you should make sure that it is certified organic and not harvested from polluted water. Supplements are unregulated, so you're better off trying to find true organic forms.
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member
    I am a vegetarian and spirulina fan. I have also read that you should make sure that it is certified organic and not harvested from polluted water. Supplements are unregulated, so you're better off trying to find true organic forms.

    I've never considered whether my spirulina is organic or not... anyway, I just searched the net on where to buy organic spirulina so when I fiish my bottle of spirulina, I'l get that organic one...

    Thank for the info :)
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member
    BUMP!!! ^_^
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    Spirulina is so gross looking, hahaha. Can you take it in capsule form?
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member
    I take it in tablet form ^_^
  • patriciaachish
    patriciaachish Posts: 39 Member
    I've been taking this for nearly a week now with the recommended dosage and I don't have problems with constipation any more ^_^