Daily Weigh In???

So I have never been a daily weigher, but I have recently seen that a lot of people do weigh in daily...

What is ya'lls opinion on weighing in daily???


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    There is no reason to weigh in daily. Weight naturally fluctuates several pounds throughout the week, so it would be counterproductive to really take those numbers into consideration. The most reliable way to weigh in is to do it once a week at the same time; for example, every Saturday morning after you use the bathroom but before you eat.
    Best of luck! :D
  • FoxCarter
    FoxCarter Posts: 127 Member
  • Weighing in daily causes me frustration when I don't see a change so I stick to weighing in weekly!
  • That is what I have been doing, every Wednesday morning after I use the restroom.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    I do much more than weekly, not quite daily. It helps keep me on track.
  • cbmich1860
    cbmich1860 Posts: 11 Member
    I do not weigh daily... but I do a few times a week! I have been told not to do this but it helps motivate me, but if its higher it has the opposite effect.

    What ever you decide just do it at the same time each day I think first thing in the morning :)
  • Liluth
    Liluth Posts: 84 Member
    I weigh myself everyday because I have a problem. Yes, some people do it to average all the numbers, and that's fine, but for me personally I weigh myself daily because I have insecurities.

    So please do your best not to pick up this habit unless you feel it would somehow benefit you.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I weigh daily, but it's because I've lost 35 pounds and like to see if that number has gone down. I do weigh myself at the same time int eh same amount of clothing. I'm also using an Excel spreadsheet to track my workouts, so I enter the weight in there. For some reason, I always seem to weigh the least on Saturday mornings.
  • I weigh myself every morning for me this is best, if I went all week without knowing what my weight will be I would be really upset if I gained in that week. The way I do it is best for me because I can adjust as I go along.
    At the end of the day it's your choice whatever you feel is best suits you.
  • CaitlinMyers428
    CaitlinMyers428 Posts: 151 Member
    My weight goes up and down a lot through the week so I just weigh in weekly. I do it every Friday morning after I use the bathroom.
  • Once a week or every other week is what I do.
  • Apazman
    Apazman Posts: 494 Member
    1.Weighing yourself first thing in the morning is usually best. Because of variations in food and fluid consumption, we often "gain" different amounts of weight throughout the day.

    2.If you're weighing frequently, remember that daily fluctuations in weight are common. Just because you're heavier today than yesterday doesn't mean your weight control program isn't working. Don't become a slave to the numbers.

    3.Monthly variations in weight are also common in menstruating women.

    4."Plateaus" in weight loss aren't necessarily bad. If you're exercising a lot, your weight may remain constant for a time even though you're still decreasing your body fat content and getting healthier.

    5.Finally, cues other than the numbers on the scale are equally important. How do you feel? Are your clothes getting looser or tighter? Do you feel stronger, healthier, leaner? Your own perceptions can be the most valuable tools to help you track your weight control progress.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've been a daily weigher for as long as I can remember - picked up the habit from my Mom. And the only time I wasn't doing it is when I was getting to my heaviest and didn't want to face the scale. For me, it's just a way to check to see how things are going and how my body has reacted to certain meals. Like, last night, we had thai take-out for dinner and eventhough I didn't go over my calories by much, the sodium was super high so of course I was up a few pounds (and felt the bloating all over too). I don't stress about it, it's just something I like to do.
  • I can't help but weigh myself every day but I use the works scales so perhaps I should be using the ones at home first thing on a Monday morning before work, what do you all think about me changing scales?

    Should I keep to first thing Monday when I arrive at work or at home before my shower?
  • I would LOVE to see your excel format!
    I am a huge list and chart person.
    And if I can have another list/chat I would be THRILLED
  • I use to weigh myself daily, but recently asked my boyfriend to hide the scale on me and bring it out each week. I found it hindered me rather then help me, caue its true that your weight fluctuates daily!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    just like smoking...if you don't smoke, don't start just because others are doing it. weighing in can become addictive. I know. I'm currently trying to revert from a daily weigher to a weekly weigher. Even though I know and expect fluctuations on a daily basis, it still can be a bummer to know you had a great day the day before but watch the scale uptick some because you're retaining water from the resistance work out. On the flip side, if I see the scale move down quite a bit the first 3-4 days of a week, I have been known to get a little complacent the rest of the week and not finish strong.

    I'm trying to go back to weekly weigh-ins only. the scale is not the best measure of any success.
  • Thank you! That was a great amount of advice.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I weigh myself daily first thing when I get up in the morning right after I go to the bathroom, buck naked and holding my breath!..... lol seriously...... but I do it as a way to remind myself every morning as I start my day WHY I am going to take the stairs, and stick to my healthy eating...... if the scales are up a bit, it's ok.... I know that's normal, and I'm ok with it..... I just need to keep on track :) and if they are down an ounce or two :) lol I will gladly take all the credit!

    Life's too short to be normal :)
  • I would stick with one scale. I think the best would be your home scale, mornings.