Daily Weigh In???



  • AshleyAmmerman
    There is no point in weighing yourself everyday. Bowel movements, water intake or retention and other things will give you a different number almost everyday. People who weigh themselves everyday get mad when they have "gained" a pound. When in all reality, they may just way more because they just ate, drank water, retained water etc. I would say once a week is good. Weigh yourself at the same time each week. I typically will do mine in the morning before I eat breakfast or drink any major fluids.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I would stick with one scale. I think the best would be your home scale, mornings.

    100% agree. you will drive yourself nuts if you use different scales and weigh at different times of the day. if you are going to weigh daily, at least do so on the same scale first thing in the morning...ONLY.
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I weigh myself every morning for me this is best, if I went all week without knowing what my weight will be I would be really upset if I gained in that week. The way I do it is best for me because I can adjust as I go along.
    At the end of the day it's your choice whatever you feel is best suits you.

    I agree completely with this post.
  • Suzyder
    Suzyder Posts: 12 Member
    I weigh in everyday. No, I don't get frustrated or angry when I "go up a pound" in a day. Or three pounds. I know fluctuations happen.

    I throw my numbers up on an excel spreadsheet and watch trend lines (these work better with more data points, hence the daily weigh-in). Those trend lines (linear and 7 day average) keep me feeling motivated, because despite daily ups and downs, I still see that I'm making progress.

    I only do an "official" weigh in once every week, and post that on MFP.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    Daily weighing will only result in frustration as weight fluctuates so weekly is best for an average,
    But in saying that whatever works best for you, I wanted to weigh monthly but my currentvexcercisebrequires me todo a weekly weigh in and immfine with that :-)
  • SweetVaness
    SweetVaness Posts: 30 Member
    Daily weighing is no good. I need to get in the habit of just once a week at the same time. Seeing how the weight fluctuates can be frustrating.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    I get on the scale every day, but I only "weigh-in" on here once a week at the same time. It's not that I have to weigh every day it's just a really bad habit that I have.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I weigh myself daily, same time same place. That way Id I'm stalling, I'd rather have lots of little disappointments than one big disappointment at the end of the week.
  • houzkat
    I absolutely weigh in every day. My weight is all over the place all week (even on weigh in days). I hold water like a pro and, since having my gallbladder out this summer, my poor intestines just can't quite keep up with the work load like they used to so I'm not the most regular ever. I weigh in every day simply because I know my weight will be all over the place. If I lose then I lose but if I gain I just remeasure that ever slimming waist to remind myself that, while it's a good indicator if I'm going in the right direction, it's just a number.
  • runnerjenn0708
    runnerjenn0708 Posts: 400 Member
    A daily weigh-in would drive me BONKERS :) Once a week .. same day, same time, same scale ... It works for me
  • Shanahan09
    There is no reason to weigh in daily. Weight naturally fluctuates several pounds throughout the week, so it would be counterproductive to really take those numbers into consideration. The most reliable way to weigh in is to do it once a week at the same time; for example, every Saturday morning after you use the bathroom but before you eat.
    Best of luck! :D

  • childofbodom123
    childofbodom123 Posts: 175 Member
    Always weighed in weekly, because you will barely see improvements if you weigh in daily, where as you feel much better when you see a couple of pounds off after the week :-)
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    I was weighing just once a week for my official weigh in, and then once or twice through the week to keep tabs...

    This week I am doing every day and going to average it and see how it comes out. I do fluctuate about .5 to 1 lb depending on what I ate for dinner.

    There was a while where I was at a plateau and weighing in was annoying, whether it was daily or weekly....so I just stopped for about 3 weeks, but kept up my workout. When I weighed in, I was still at the same place where I was before the break from the scale, so I am glad I didn't weigh. I would have just been really frustrated, and who knows what would have happened to my motivation!

    I added a little more variety into my diet, and actually started to eat about 200 calories more per day, and the numbers started moving again.

    Regardless of if you weigh daily, weekly, or never, the best judge of success is how healthy you feel, and how your clothes fit! I must be doing something right, because I have only lost one pound in the last two weeks, but a pair of pants I bought recently was extra, extra roomy today :)
  • PreciousMissy
    I weigh myself daily first thing when I get up in the morning right after I go to the bathroom, buck naked and holding my breath!..... lol seriously...... but I do it as a way to remind myself every morning as I start my day WHY I am going to take the stairs, and stick to my healthy eating...... if the scales are up a bit, it's ok.... I know that's normal, and I'm ok with it..... I just need to keep on track :) and if they are down an ounce or two :) lol I will gladly take all the credit!

    Life's too short to be normal :)

    Ditto. I weigh everyday to remind me why I'm not going to Wendy's for lunch, or Sonic for breakfast. The only weight that I record is when I weigh on Thursday. It's what works for me but YMMV.