Hello from a newbie

Hey everybody. I'm going to give this weight loss thing a try as part of a life style change.

I'm 36 male and have been inactive due to my addiction to video games and dare I say fast food delivery.

I'll make this short and sweet. I just want to get back into fairly good shape the way i was before being introduced to the digital heroin that is video games and the landslide that followed.

Any ideas I have that work for me I will happy to share.

Great site and great people from what i have read so far today.

Have an excellent day!


  • Hey backat'cha ~

    Feel free to add me ... I'm in the same boat, not video games but Netflix (damned red addiction!), and I'd love a compadre in the escapades!

    Squeaky :)
  • welcome! you're definitely in the right place to achieve allllll o' dat! :)

    Feel free to add me, i'm a pretty loud cheerleader! ;-D
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    horde or alliance?
  • Thanks guys, Ive added you as friends.

    Oh and Horde of course :)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    read this blog. sub in video games for TV and I think it applies equally.

    good luck to you on your journey.

  • holzjw1482
    holzjw1482 Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me.
  • read this blog. sub in video games for TV and I think it applies equally.

    good luck to you on your journey.


    thank you much for that link. I got rid of the cable last month and got myself a dog. I would rather watch TV at this point but with netflix I'm finding myself only watching TV just before going to bed now. I agree with you 100%, its just not worth watching anymore.
  • "Welcome! Feel free to add me."

    Gotcha ty !
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    read this blog. sub in video games for TV and I think it applies equally.

    good luck to you on your journey.


    thank you much for that link. I got rid of the cable last month and got myself a dog. I would rather watch TV at this point but with netflix I'm finding myself only watching TV just before going to bed now. I agree with you 100%, its just not worth watching anymore.

    nicely done. I'm all for some entertainment...but just like food, everything in moderation. On a related note, I'm a bit concerned about the next generation. I think my 8 year old is the only kid over the age of 6 who doesn't have a Nintendo DS growing from her fingers. Anyway, I'm sending you a friend request. Hopefully I can help encourage you along your journey.
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks for the add friend! I feel your pain, I got so caught up with Mafia Wars. Easy to do, I had so many friends that played. Good luck, keep posting. :smile: