17 Day Diet - Who is Doing It, How's it Going?

I'm starting the 17 Day Diet today - so far so good, I'm not so sure I ate the right kind of veggie at lunch (had a little bit of black beans in it) but so far I'm on par for a 1,200 cal day and very low carbs (not super low, like Atkins, but within a good Atkins Phase II range). I just started reading the book (I bought it today at B&N) so looking forward to this (somewhat similar) approach to weight loss. I like the fact that it's 17 days, I'm focusing on "anybody can do anything for 17 days" a motto in the book... it's true! Anyone else on here doing this program? How's it working? I have 24.2 lbs to go to my goal weight, so I'm hoping within 90 days to be there (I'd LOVE to hit it by year end, but even I realize that's unrealistic!)


  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    I am on C1D9 and I have lost 9 lbs so far. I am a usually a stress eater and have a lot of cravings. So far - no cravings. I did have a couple of pieces of candy last night but other than that I have been sticking to the program. There have been a few days were I have been barely able to get up to 1200 calories. I am satisfied with the food that I am eating and have not been hungry as I have in the past on other plans.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend, if you would like.
  • gpacheco0768
    gpacheco0768 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks! Glad to hear it is working! I'm encouraged by the 9 lb loss... I know they say it's "water" but as the book says, it's still "weight"! I friended you, so we can chat and encourage each other... I want to lose 25 lbs, so excited this is out there to try!

    SW: 186
    CW: 149
    GW: 125
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I have already lost 63 pounds so far just counting my calories. But I have been wanting to try something new and have been looking into the 17 day diet. I heard alot of people had success with it. I am planning on starting it next Monday. Good luck!
  • RyaneC
    RyaneC Posts: 14
    I got through the first 17 day cycle and lost 6 lbs. Got through about 5 days of cycle 2 and lost track of what day I was alternating on... and I got bored with it so it kinda went out the window. I was soooo tired of chicken after the first cycle! Lol. I didn't lose anything more after the first 6 lbs in the first week or so. Don't know what I was doing wrong, or if I was doing anything wrong... so now I'm just doing the calorie thing on here.
  • gpacheco0768
    gpacheco0768 Posts: 47 Member
    Today was a great start, no cheating and I ate chicken twice! LOL... yeah, I can see where that'll get old, but turkey is a good alternative, along with fish. I love tilapia and salmon, both, and shrimp is always a good low calorie choice, so it's possible to do without red meat for 17 days... heck, it's possible to do anything for 17 days! I'm sticking to that motto! Even drank my 8 eight ounce glasses of water, and one with lemon in it! We'll see what tomorrow's scale says. On another post I asked about how often everyone weighed in, and most said daily. That worked for me last time, so I'm going to weigh in each morning, log it for the day, and get myself motivated for another great day tomorrow!
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Hey there,

    I just started this past Monday. I have lost 4# so far. I made a double batch of the chicken vegetable soup over the weekend and take it to work for lunch everyday which helped with my planning for the week. The plan has really helped me focus on making better choices...didn't even touch one bite of my kid's Halloween candy which is a major victory for me! Feel free to "friend me" for support!
  • caroline1685
    caroline1685 Posts: 80 Member
    would be interested in this 17 day challenge but how does it work?
  • gpacheco0768
    gpacheco0768 Posts: 47 Member
    Foodstuff, it's the "17 Day Diet" it's a "new" diet that came out about a year ago, just got the book yesterday.. My initial observation is that it's the best of Atkins/South Beach/Zone combined, focusing on good carbs, low carbs, low fat, lean proteins... low cal. The first 17 days are the most restrictive, just like Atkins/SBD "induction" but then you start calorie cycling, which I like, basically means you have low days and high days (calorie wise) which more appropriately reflects my "normal" eating habits (some days I don't eat a lot because I'm busy, other days I eat because I go to a dinner, etc.) Barnes & Noble sells the book, or you can download it, google it, you'll find it. I am psyched! One day and I lost 1.0 lbs and I already feel better...
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    hello ladies :)

    i have been on it for 9 days and its been great. i ahve lost 5lbs and it is definately helping me feel less lethargic and weighted down. it really helps you clean out your whole body and as you stop putting the sugars in, you also stop craving it (shocking i KNOW hehe!!!)

    i had a bad day today (my office went out for brunch and i ended up having a crepe with egg and ham :( but it is what it is) so i will justh ave to make it extra clean the rest of the day and moving forward

    Im so glad there is a new group for this!!! good luck to everyone!!!

  • LilOlMe69
    LilOlMe69 Posts: 89 Member
    I've been on it since Jan 2011, have lost over 60 lbs and I love it! I think I have 10lbs to go til I reach my personal goal, though my family and friends think I can stop now. :D
  • gpacheco0768
    gpacheco0768 Posts: 47 Member
    Awesome posts! Very inspirational! I haven't finished the book yet, so I'm on Day 2, had a few nuts (which on Atkins/SBD would be totally fine) I'm way within my 1,200 cal intake, no added sugars at all.. and sticking with the water intake as well!!! Can't wait for the scale tomorrow! Hungry now, but going to drink a BIG glass of water, and I'm counting all of my tea (I like it with skimmed milk and splenda 1 pack) cups so I'm really keeping accurate track, more than ever! Can't wait to see how we all progress!
  • RyaneC
    RyaneC Posts: 14
    For some reason shrimp isn't allowed in the first 17 days. Didn't understand that one. (As I sit here eating a 300 calorie bowl of shrimp and grits, haha....)
  • gpacheco0768
    gpacheco0768 Posts: 47 Member
    Hmmm... wonder why shrimp isn't on the list? Oh well, haven't had any! Haven't been able to read the whole book yet so sticking with what I think is right... eating strawberries/yogurt for breakfast, then veggies/cottage cheese for lunch (not sure about the cottage cheese) and I have some thin sliced ham... I'll read the book while I'm eating things I'm probably not supposed to! ;-) BUT, I've lost 2 lbs in 2 days, so not complaining! The water is probably a big help, I'm actually drinking the 8 glasses.

    I don't think this diet is any "miracle" it's just healthy eating and paying attention. If you focus on what goes into your mouth, you're less likely to put bad things in there. It's will power, plain and simple. Off to Day 3! Can't wait to stick with it and see how it goes!
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    This "diet" looks very interesting. I've been doing low carb since April, but seem to be stuck. I also drink wine and I know that's hindered my weight loss big time. But I think that I can stay away from it for 17 days.

    So I'm thinking I'll get the Kindle version (have too many diet books laying around) and start on Monday. It would be great if we could all support each other.
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Hi Again - I wanted to let you all know that there's a support group thread on here called The 17 Day Diet. Looks like it's been going on since April. Tons of good info and great support. See you over there!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Day 2 for me today. I woke up earlier this am than i have in the past 2 months... I don’t know if i can attribute that to day 1 or not but so far I am feeling pretty good. Down 1lb (and TOM is on the way) so that's pretty awesome.

    I agree.... I am thinking about the phrase "Anyone can do anything for 17 days" over and over and over :laugh:

    Feel free to FR me... please include a note though :flowerforyou:
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Hi Again - I wanted to let you all know that there's a support group thread on here called The 17 Day Diet. Looks like it's been going on since April. Tons of good info and great support. See you over there!

    Can you send the thread link. I found a couple of groups... just want to make sure I found this one you are talking about too :)
  • Hi everyone! Great posts, so excited to have found this... I started the 17 day diet, cycle 1 today. I'm doing great with food intake, but am wondering about artificial sweeteners... is anyone using truvia/splenda/etc? I didn't buy the book, so I'm not positive about this aspect of the diet. I'm a tea junkie, but need it to be sweetened to tolerate it!

  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Hi Again - I wanted to let you all know that there's a support group thread on here called The 17 Day Diet. Looks like it's been going on since April. Tons of good info and great support. See you over there!

    Can you send the thread link. I found a couple of groups... just want to make sure I found this one you are talking about too :)

    Here's the link to the support group thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/347674-the-17-day-diet

    They are on Part 5!

    I just downloaded and read the kindle book. Looks great and doable.
    Hi everyone! Great posts, so excited to have found this... I started the 17 day diet, cycle 1 today. I'm doing great with food intake, but am wondering about artificial sweeteners... is anyone using truvia/splenda/etc? I didn't buy the book, so I'm not positive about this aspect of the diet. I'm a tea junkie, but need it to be sweetened to tolerate it!


    I use Raw Truvia. He recommends Truvia or Agave Nectar.
  • gpacheco0768
    gpacheco0768 Posts: 47 Member
    On C1D4, no weight loss today, but no gains either! We ate a late dinner, which I know probably has something to do with that, but I'm sticking to it STRONG! I've got a lot of resolve, just like I did when I started some 40 lbs ago, so glad that's back!!! That's the key, nothing else. Whether it's this diet, SBD, Atlkins, whatever, it's all im my head! If I can control my thoughts about it, I can control my actions, which means I WILL eat right, I WILL exercise, and I will be happy at the end when the results come in! Can't wait to keep going!