What level should I put?

I walk 10 minutes to work and then spends most of my day on my feet standing behind a desk, with several periods of walking around. My work day is 11 hours long. In that time I walk home for lunch. This happens four days a week.

My days off are basically spent watching TV with periods of cleaning the house and walking the dog,

I try to bike (on my stationary bike) for 30 mins a day.

I am really confused as to what set my activity level as.


  • dianhathaway
    I think it m atters how fast you are walking. If you are walking to work and it takes 10 min, then walking home for lunch and back, (20 min?), and then back home, that's 40 minutes of activitiy. Additionally, you have 30 min on the stationary bike, but how fast or slow are you going on that? Enough to put up a sweat?
  • emyback68
    Your level is sedentary. Use this, and then just log your walks and bike as exercise.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    sedentary. riding the bike doesn't count for activity level because that's an exercise and you will record the additional exercise calories for that work.