8 cups of water daly? Are they kidding?



  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    it's a guideline. Your body needs fluids. Lots of fluids .You get those in foods and in any other liquids you drink.

    You do NOT need to chug down an additional magical number of 8 glasses a day over and above all the fluids you are drinking.

    Water DOES NOT "flush out toxins " or any other nonsense.

    What it CAN do is keep you feeling a bit more full .

    And all those trips to the loo burn calories !

  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    it's a guideline. Your body needs fluids. Lots of fluids .You get those in foods and in any other liquids you drink.

    You do NOT need to chug down an additional magical number of 8 glasses a day over and above all the fluids you are drinking.

    Water DOES NOT "flush out toxins " or any other nonsense.

    What it CAN do is keep you feeling a bit more full .

    And all those trips to the loo burn calories !
    Definitely this. I've always thought the water-drinking thing around here had a bit of a cultish flavor to it (no offense, Folks.) I've been doing this for 3 months now and lost 35 lbs without doing anything special with water. I just drink when I'm thirsty, and only then.

    That said, if you drink a significant amount of any cold beverage, your body will spend Calories warming it up to body temp. Two liters of water at 1C will earn you about 75 Calories.

  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    Keep in mind that you can actually drink too much water. The recommended 64 oz a day obviously isn't too much, but a friend of mine was drinking 3 to 4 gallons a day and his doctor told him to stop that high amount. I'm just sayin'....

  • jamcd
    jamcd Posts: 1
    It is good to drink that much water. It helps with feeling full. you can add a splash of any kind of juice to it, I add a splash of cranberry juice sometimes. Also instead of filling up glasses of water to drink, try bottled water, & try drinking 3 through the day.
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    I always thought it seemed strange too. Some people say it makes them feel full and so they eat less, and I can understand that. However, I don't think there's a physiological need to drink that much (unless maybe you're training for a marathon here in Texas in July)....in fact an article in the New York Times listed the eight-glasses-of-water advice in an article called, "Medical Myths Even Doctors Believe."

    Unless you're in some extreme climate or under extraordinary physical duress, I think it's fine to just drink when you're thirsty. For goodness' sake, our parents and grandparents didn't tote little water bottles everywhere they went!

  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Im another one who went from none to 8 glasses a day (assuming 300mL is a glass) It has made me feel SOOOO much better. I honestly believe its a big part of what's helped me kick the depression. I still drink Pepsi Max but I'm going to try and cut it out for the new year.
  • Remember they mean 8 ounce cups. If you drink from a normal size water glass (12 ounces) it's really only six glasses of water to put you over the daily requirement.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Ur suppose to drink half ur body weight in ounces a day. I drink a gallon a day. I have a 4cup water bottle that I bring with me everywhere. I don't leave the house til I've drank 1, I drink another by lunch time, another after lunch sometime, and another around dinner..I just sip on it... alot of times I go over 16 cuz I just keep sipping away. Heck, there's been a couple of times I've doubled my gallon goal cuz I just kept sipping and didn't even realize id drank so much. If you excercise, drink caffeine, or go over sodium ur suppose to drink even more.

    But keep in mind u also get water from food; like rice/pasta, fruits/veggies, etc, except u can't count it as a cup drank. So its better to just drink the lil extra then be under what u need.

    Water helps with skin elasticity, skin complexion, helps flush toxins, fat cells, & sodium, helps heal sore muscles, and it can fight hunger but not so much for me... but sometimes I notice myself saying" wow I've drank 26cups of water today and im still so thirsty" well sometimes u can flush a lil too much sodium out, so I have a salty snack (like a couple crackers) and it cures the thirst issue, so I have to keep myself at 16 to 22cups a day or else ill notice that issue.

    I use to never drink water, I drank alot of milk and juice..I find that on days im not drinking enough water, without even realizing it, im in the fridge taking chugs off the milk...milk is calories so I can't be doing that. If it weren't for drinking water I wouldn't have lost as much weight because anything else either contains calories, chemicals, or caffeine. Caffeine depletes your water in ur system, calories help u gain weight, chemicals can stunt weight loss and/or bloat u (and alot of those sug.free sweetners have been linked to cancer). I can't believe all the people suggesting crystal light added to ur water to help u drink it...crystal light has both sodium and caffeine, as well as the chemicals. We get enough sodium from food, don't need to get it from drink too. If u can't handle the water, try lemon which will boost metabolism, orange slices, watermelon, cucumber. If u drink tea or coffee u can count those as water just only if u drink decaf.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Water helps you poo. Drink up!
  • Ritala1987
    Ritala1987 Posts: 135 Member
    i drink so much water that im surprised i havent drowned yet!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Must you always shout?
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    i am drinking over 100oz a day. it is sooo good for you!! it flushes out your system and leaves you cleaner!!

    Me too! I love water. I was never a soda drinker, but I love coffee, otherwise it's water all day long. I have two 24oz reusable water bottles and just fill those up and drink up!
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    it's a guideline. Your body needs fluids. Lots of fluids .You get those in foods and in any other liquids you drink.

    You do NOT need to chug down an additional magical number of 8 glasses a day over and above all the fluids you are drinking.

    Water DOES NOT "flush out toxins " or any other nonsense.

    What it CAN do is keep you feeling a bit more full .

    And all those trips to the loo burn calories !

    Water may not flush out toxins, but I believe it does make it easier for your kidneys to do their job. And it's absolutely great for your skin.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    Water means water people! Soda has sodium in it as well as horrible chemicals. Caffinated beverages are a diuretic and the idea behind water is to hydrate yourself not dehydate. Many people here dring 1/2 to a full gallon a day. I ususally hit 9-10.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    Water means water people! Soda has sodium in it as well as horrible chemicals. Caffinated beverages are a diuretic and the idea behind water is to hydrate yourself not dehydate. Many people here dring 1/2 to a full gallon a day. I ususally hit 9-10.
    Wow. You are so unbelievably wrong.

    I just don't understand why this myth keeps alive around here. Is it because those of us repeating the truth get tired and give up?

    Here's a question for you "water only" folks: How come you ignore the calcium carbonate, magnesium, sodium, chlorine/chloramines, etc that is almost certainly dissolved in your water, but insist that we CAN'T ignore a little tannin, caffeine, theanine, and antioxidants in unsweetened tea? The concentrations of both can be similar. Is it the color that freaks you out?

    Water is required for life. Hydration is achieved by anything that has water in it - food, soda, coffee, beer, tea, water - regardless of whatever else is dissolved in that water.

    Yes, caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, but their affects are hugely over-estimated, and the drinks they come in have way, WAY more water included than the caffeine or alcohol drive out. The only exception to that is high-proof spirits, but if you're trying to drink those for hydration you've got bigger problems.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Also, "diuretic" does not mean that it dehydrates you. It simply is a name given to something that makes you urinate more. Water itself is a diuretic.
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    I try to drink a gallon a day, so about 16c of water!! I bought a half gallon water bottle (love BlueWave) and it's been a great way for me to get my water in. It's important for so many of your digestive & metabolic functions! And I still fit in a cup or two of green tea per day too.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I always give people who are struggling to drink water this link


    If you are drinking less than 8 glasses of water and your pee is showing you are hydrated there is no reason to drink more just because a random site tells you too.

    Thanks for sharing the urine chart! I've always used color as a rule of thumb. Some days I may drink 6 cups of water, some days my body needs 12. It can vary greatly based on how tough my workout is, what the temperature is outside, what medications I'm taking, etc.

    I am convinced there are hordes of MFP'ers that are wildly overhydrating. There is no credible scientific research I've ever seen that says drinking EXTRA water beyond the amount it takes to make your urine a light straw-yellow color has any health or weight-loss benefits. Extra water just passes through your body and out into the toilet without really doing anything beneficial for you. Those extra trips to the bathroom are a pain in the rear, and I'd rather not make them. :-)