Calling all c-section mommies!!

Have any of you lovely ladies had 2 or more c-sections? I have and I have the tummy too prove it. Its gross and looks deflated...I hate it and I was wondering if it will all shrink up again over time? I noticed a difference in it since working out but again it just looks like its deflating on me. :-(


  • mom2my5sons
    mom2my5sons Posts: 28 Member
    well.........I've had 5 c-sections..........and my tummy probably looks a lot like yours :) I think it might just be the effects of pregnancy & still being overweight that make it look 'deflated', not necessarily the c-sections. Hopefully some weight loss and toning up will help with that!!
  • jaybee25
    jaybee25 Posts: 117
    I can't stand mine and wonder if it ever will go down cousins has fine and thats after twins and another 1 lol I started doing the 30ds for a bit months ago and the link shows the results I got in 28 days without even doing the whole shred.I'm about to start it again tonight and plan on finishing it this time!!
  • skinnygreen
    i hate to report that mine is deflated too. has been for years. it think it totally has to do with your skin type. I am fair and have dry skin, so i got plenty of stretch marks which adds to the over flat balloon look. Sorry.
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    I have had 3 c sections.. one being with twins.. but i'm not sure if it will get better.. mine is like yours :(
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I have only had 1 c-section but I have had 4 stomach surgeries, all in a 10 year time frame. None of them a tuck by the way. My stomach is my worst feature and everyone in the gym can tell cause I spend a lot of time on ab work. Don't loose heart though cause I am finally noticing a difference. So keep working.
  • nuts4cuts
    nuts4cuts Posts: 1 Member
    I will give you hope! Only in the push up postition does mine look like extra skin, otherwise flat with abs! Keep up the great work and you will overcome:smile:
  • MaryAnn678
    MaryAnn678 Posts: 182 Member
    Yes I've had six C-sections and six wonderful (grown) children, my stomach is still big but so am I and need to lose around 100lbs. so I don't know what it's going to look like when I get this weight off, it may deflate as well. I believe with stomach excercise it will be as back to normal as possible but will take some work I'm sure. But I'd rather have it deflated than sticking out and sagging. :) Good luck hope you can get it back to normal.
  • doinit4tayzie
    Thanks everyone I am not discourged I am just wondering if there is hope!! lol Plz feel free too request me if ya need any support
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I have had 2 sections and lost 30 lbs 3 years ago. I have a flat stomach for the most part, but do have a bit of overhang, which I can hide because I can "tuck" it into a bikini or my pants :blushing: But I am tired of tucking and am getting a mini tummy tuck 2 weeks from today! You can see some pics in my profile...but yes, a pretty flat tummy can be accomplished! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I may be an oddball here, but my stomach is really flat. I had 2 full term pregnancies and 2 c-sections. I have been very lucky to have my skin shrink right along with the rest of my body. I really don't have any loose skin at all. I will say that I have a little lip of skin right above my c-section scar, but even in a bathing suit you can't tell. I have had no surgeries to "fix" anything. I just run a lot.

    Everytime I see a post about this, which is often, I feel the urge to post a picture of my stomach to show that it is possible. Then I talk myself out of it. I am really modest.

    It is possible to have a flat stomach after 2 c-sections. I have one. :happy:
  • Shanz78
    Shanz78 Posts: 143 Member
    I had a c-section with my first son and gained at least 70lbs, and i had a vbac with my second son. 5 years after I had my second son I got down to 145( which is slim for me). my stomach got much flatter than i ever thought it would, and i never worked out. the little over hang was practically gone. i think if i could have lost 10 more lbs and worked out i know it would looked pretty good. so dont give up there is hope!
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    I have asked this question before....I have had 4 c section..a few different cuts....up and across. I was told to cut carbs and do cardio...also planks and stregth training. my belly actually looks like a "front bum" since i have a cut from belly button down-ahhaha
    Hang in there I know it can get flat since I have seen others who have done it! Take care
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I have had 4 c-sections and my pooch is definitely going down! I was able to get it flat after the 3rd, so this gives me hope that I can do it again! I have lots of flabby fat on pooch and hips and they are slimming, so there is hope! Good luck! :smile:
  • doinit4tayzie
    You guys are really making me feel better. As long as it slowly goes away I will be happy.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    I think it really depends on genetics, age, how much elasticity etc...that will determine how flat your stomach will get. This summer I got down to my lowest of 103 lbs and 15% bodyfat. I ate clean, lifted weights 3xwk, taught 6-10 classes of cardio a week and I was able to achieve a flat stomach but still have a small, hideable skin overhang :grumble: My belly is flat, but that little bit of skin is still there. So yes you can get a flatter stomach...but everyone's results will be different. Keep the hope and keep working at it!