Hey guys!

Well I am sort of new to this website. I tried losing weight with this app about a month ago and never really stuck to it. My idea is to actually be more "involved" with this forum so hopefully hearing all your success stories will help motivate me to have one for myself too!

Soo here's some background information about me..

I am currently 5'9 tipping the scales at 183 & I'd love to be down to at least 160ish soon!
I lost the majority of my weight when I was in high school when I went to a nutritionist. But now I can't really afford it so here I am!
I am the worst person to ever get out and exercise because my days are spent running around all over the place and when I get home I'd like to just sit down and chill out (yes, I know there is no excuse..but I'd like to think this is a good one anyways :P)
I also tend to yo-yo and lose a couple pounds here and there but then some stress comes a long or a holiday and I'm right back up to where I was before.
I think it's also hard for me to control what I eat because I'm constantly always thinking about what I'm going to eat next. And if something good comes a long (aka pizza) then I eat as much as I can because I know I probably won't get it for awhile.

Anyways, I look forward to being more involved here and reading everything!


  • Welcome back! I hope you stick to it :)
  • kagenw
    kagenw Posts: 260 Member
    Yeah, I know all about the pizza. That stuff is killer deadly (not to mention delicious). I think that you hit the nail on the head with your comments on yo-yo dieting and how life sometimes gets in the way of our good plans to stick to our diet. I think that you'll find a lot of people on this site who agree with the idea that if you find you've totally blown it for the day, then stick with it and you'll find a way to recover. We're all about the long-term healthy lifestyle change over the short-term weight loss only emphasis. Friend request coming your way.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Hey Girly! Wow you have got a lot on your plate! A lot of motivation/control issues from what you posted. I will be your friend, I am only 5 foot 6 and 185 now. Wanna race? I need a buddy to message every day and bug about sticking to it.

    1. Try going to the gym as part of your daily running around. Make it more of a "have to do" and not "try to do".
    2. Try to pre-plan your meals if you have a habit of doing that. Do it all in the morning or the day before. This way you will have a better chance of sticking to it and not eating to often :D
    3. Squeeze these forums into your everyday relax time. I come onto the forums and when I get bummed out or need some more motivation the success stories are amazing!
    4... I am sure there are more.. but these are just quick thoughts!
  • Thanks guys!

    1. Try going to the gym as part of your daily running around. Make it more of a "have to do" and not "try to do".
    2. Try to pre-plan your meals if you have a habit of doing that. Do it all in the morning or the day before. This way you will have a better chance of sticking to it and not eating to often :D

    I agree about the gym part. I just need to set a time everyday to go to the gym. It's just my days change up from week to week. And some days I don't even get home till late. And I'd rather not work out at 10pm. Haha :)
    And most of my meals are random because I'm usually not home. But I just got a lunch box.. So a plan shall be in order soon!

    And I'd love to be your weight loss buddy. I think a good dose of competition would help me get a kick start :)
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome back... many here to help ya, myself included!