Not sure what's going on with me over the last week or so, but I've been craving some really bad food recently. Yeah I know, no food is bad as long as it's in moderation, but seriously. Crap like pizza, fried chicken, milkshakes, cookies, cakes, cheeseburgers, etc. That's all I want anymore. I was doing pretty good for a while eating mostly healthy stuff - but just lately, like I said... all I want is sugar, grease, and carbs. I know I'm not pregnant, so let's skip that possibility. lol.

Please help! I feel like I'm slipping back into old tendencies... and I really don't know why. :( I've done so well, and come so far. Why would things turn for the worse now, after all this time? I don't get it! I'm not depressed. I am frustrated, and stressed, but that's no more than usual I don't think. I hurt myself a few days ago somehow, and I've been trying to take it easy so I can heal - so I figured I'd want to eat LESS since I'm not working out as hard...


  • cirellim
    cirellim Posts: 269
    I crave all those things as well I let myself splurge on weekends normally and then kick the diet into high gear come monday.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Maybe you are depriving it a little too much? Or maybe you are not eating/sleeping enough or are simply more stressed! Those are all going to contribute! Splurge a tiny bit for a day or two and see if that helps maybe?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Crap like pizza...
    Dude, take that back.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I swear that kind of food is like crack. You eat it once and you start craving it all the time.
    If I eat one lousy Oreo, I crave them for days. If I eat sugar I crave more sugar. It takes a while of going cold turkey to get past it. I'm the same way with Whoppers with cheese and pizza.
  • deannasmom
    deannasmom Posts: 16 Member
    aww maybe you should try some things that kind of mimic the things you want. like i love piza so i get a lean cuisine pizza. or sometimes i just have a snack of pepperoni and cheese. i am sure there are healthy alternatives to fried chicken, there are all kinds of recipes online that give you options on what to do. Im sure you know that already because you have lost so much weight from what i can see from your ticker. don't let it get you down. and seriously sometimes eating just healthy food all the time can suck. just be careful of taking it over board. i bet when you are all healed up and working out again you won't be tempted as much
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Take a free day. Pick one day of the week and have at it. Make sure you don't hold back, because starting the day after you will get yourself back on the straight path.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    I agree with deannasmom. Look up how to make crappy foods in a healthy way and you can get the taste without the guilt. Oven Fried Chicken, Tortilla based pizzas, stuff like that :)
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    it is the time of year.

    Historically, our bodies hoard food in the fall preparing for winter. We don't need to do that anymore, but, it is nature, that is what your body wants to do. I have been drinking LOTS of green tea lately, it seems to help with my sugar / carb cravings somewhat. I agree with others... try to find healthy alternatives to give your body a little of what it wants, or... take a cheat day. GL!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Thanks everyone! :) I really appreciate your comments so much.

    @ Guru - I normally do my "cheat day" or cheat meal on Saturday, as that is my rest day as well. But last week it ended up being on Friday, so I'm just going to do the same for this week. I will just have to be more strict this weekend since I already splurged this week. Not a great week for me, over all really.

    @ deannasmom - I know once I'm healed up and can put my all back into workouts, I'll probably want that junk food less. The harder I work, the more I want to not throw the hard work away. That is a good point. :)

    @ janetpratt - I really think that too! It's like the more I eat, the more I want! I gotta back off that stuff like right now!

    @ snookumss - I have thought about that. I do think I wasn't eating enough for a while there - so I upped my calorie intake by eating back most or at least half of my exercise calories. Now I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have! They say the more you eat, the more you eat... x__x

    Again, thanks everyone! I feel much better and a bit more clear headed now. <3
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    Hmm, well I'm not sure how reliable this is but I've heard that eating sugar just makes you want to eat more and that's why companies put it into foods that might normally not have or need it. Maybe try cutting out stuff that's processed/sugary like the chocolate or donuts?

    And this is just a wild guess but... maybe your body is craving healthy fats? Like nuts? I don't know.

    Good luck and don't give in to temptation. Remember, you'll just feel bad afterward.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I swear that kind of food is like crack. You eat it once and you start craving it all the time.
    ..... If I eat sugar I crave more sugar.

    ^^ this^^

    Halloween really screwed with my sweet cravings, lol
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    it is the time of year.

    Historically, our bodies hoard food in the fall preparing for winter. We don't need to do that anymore, but, it is nature, that is what your body wants to do. I have been drinking LOTS of green tea lately, it seems to help with my sugar / carb cravings somewhat. I agree with others... try to find healthy alternatives to give your body a little of what it wants, or... take a cheat day. GL!

    lol - I was just thinking this the other day. And I did stop drinking green tea a few days ago because I was having problems sleeping - but I'm sure I'd be fine to start drinking a cup in the morning / afternoon again if I wanted. Maybe that's the issue? I didn't think about that.

    @ wackedoutpet13 - Thanks - I do not get nearly enough healthy fats. I think I need to and will try to get some more of those in my diet. I do love nuts, so that's a good idea!
  • Karen_145
    I once took an endocrinology class and learned something interesting about fat cells. Apparently they don't die, they just shrink when you lose weight and their contents are gone. If you gain weight to the point that all your fat cells are full then your body will make more, but it won't remove these cells once you lose weight. Now here's the kicker, any time those cells are empty they release hormones that tell your brain, "Hey buddy, I need some energy to store!" So the more weight you lose the hungrier you will feel because you have all these cell spamming your brain that they need more food. When my professor explained this, I asked if that meant that lipo was really the only way to ditch these cells. His response: "Pretty much." Lovely.

    Not condoning lipo, just saying it's perfectly understandable that your body wants all those glorious fats and sugars. It's a testament to how much you've lost. :)
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    I right there with you. I'm forty-eight hours out of about a two month bender. I'd made steady progress for around 18-months then, BAM, I relapsed.

    I told myself week after week that I needed to pull out. I think what did it for me was I fessed up to a "real life" friend, and said I wanted to change it, and I knew they would be asking me about it. Peer support/pressure. Sunshine, honesty, transparency, and such. While hiding for a couple of months I lost about nine months worth of work.

    I'd encourage you to pull out now. I agree. I had a chocolate and the damn burst. I just couldn't get enough. Crack.
  • lucyhoneychurch
    lucyhoneychurch Posts: 576 Member
    First, congrats on your weight loss! I read your profile and you have come a long way. Your physique is awesome. I hope to get a flat stomach like you some day [soon]. :bigsmile:

    So here's my two cents: you're human, you will crave those things. But your body is probably trying to tell you something from all of this, and it may not necessarily be "Stay away from all that bad stuff!" Like a plateau, what was working for you before may not be the case now. After all, you have dropped a lot of weight and are much closer to goal. Since it seems like you do a good job of eating back most of your exercise calories, why don't you increase your net calorie goal a little bit? Perhaps 1200 net calories isn't cutting it like it used to and your body needs more fuel since it's leaner and meaner. Sure, there's the debate about eating back your exercise calories, and it works for some and not for others. I'm from the camp where it DOES work. I also believe that food is fuel. You don't say whether or not you are hungry a lot, but like I said before, even going up in your net calories by 100 could help stave off any cravings because you are nourishing your body with healthy foods--- and now you'll have the room to do that.

    Good luck! You look fabulous!
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I right there with you. I'm forty-eight hours out of about a two month bender. I'd made steady progress for around 18-months then, BAM, I relapsed.

    I told myself week after week that I needed to pull out. I think what did it for me was I fessed up to a "real life" friend, and said I wanted to change it, and I knew they would be asking me about it. Peer support/pressure. Sunshine, honesty, transparency, and such. While hiding for a couple of months I lost about nine months worth of work.

    I'd encourage you to pull out now. I agree. I had a chocolate and the damn burst. I just couldn't get enough. Crack.

    This really made me think. Thank you. <3

    @ Karen_145 - Thank you! I knew that about the fat cells too, and it sucks! I wish they would just die off or something... lol. I know we need some, but I don't want a bunch extra telling me to eat when I don't need to! lol argh!

    @ lucyhoneychurch - Thank you so much! :) You are so kind. I think perhaps I should do what you suggested - but instead of eating junk food (like I have been) to fill the calorie void, I'm gonna try eating more healthy fats and veggies. 1200 calories doesn't seem like enough anymore!