Late note snack anyone?

Oops! I mean late NITE snack.
Right about now I like to go into the kitchen and forage for a tasty morsel. I look the part too- Oversized men's robe, messy ponytail, and the requisite barefoot shuffle. I check to see what's in the fridge, then the pantry. My go to snack is usually cereal (Life) or if I want something warm I make popcorn and eat the whole bag myself, since no one is there to stop me.

Tonight, nothing looked good (I know where the halloween candy is too). No snack tonight!


  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    I always get a late night snack at midnight :). But I make sure to include the calories in my diary.
  • jenculver
    dang candy in a geen pumpkin bucket, i want to throw it out i just haven't brought myslef there yet! :yawn: might i suggest keeping sugar free pudding cups low cal and help with the sweet tooth:)
  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    dang candy in a green pumpkin bucket, i want to throw it out i just haven't brought myself there yet! :yawn: might i suggest keeping sugar free pudding cups low cal and help with the sweet tooth:)
    I agree, or sugar free puddings or candy. But I'd watch the calories, they are usually loaded
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    every night at 8.30 i have a healthy oatmeal muffin/cookie, a small tub of greek yogurt, a piece of 85% dark chocolate and a tablespoon of walnuts.
    HUGE 'snack'
  • SammyMtz
    Well, chips and salsa got the better of me lol.
  • jenculver
    note; i'm not eating the halloween candy, it just taunts me it was my 19 month olds first trick or treating this year so seeing his handy work was cute and he does get starburst but it should really be thrown away temptations are to evil!! i'm more of a salty craver though chips and salsa sounds so goood....
  • mickynieuwoudt
    mickynieuwoudt Posts: 21 Member
    Mmmmmmmm now that sounds delisious!:happy: