People are finally noticing!

I am extremely excited at my progress. I was very focused on what the scale said at first and now i really don't care all that much. I have been trying to lose weight for a long time, but, I always fell short in some respect. I would lose my motivation and not stay consistent. This time everything is in place. I am eating right and getting lots of exercise. I have been at it for about 6 weeks solid now. I have been consistent and it has paid off!! I have only lost 12 lbs, but, I have lost over 12 inches! I went to the store the other day and was able to get size L in shirts instead of XL...which felt amazing. My belt for my work pants is about 5 notches tighter than when i bought it 6 weeks ago. And people are finally start to make comments about seeing a difference! That makes me most excited!! Today I was picking up my Daughter from her tutor and as I walked up she said..."hey look at you Ms Skinny" That felt great!!! Definately makes me want to continue to make the right choices and keep moving!
