I need some salad ideas!!!



  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    I just literally load up on my favorite veggies!

    -Half romaine lettuce/ Half baby spinach
    -Chopped broccoli
    -Diced tomatoes
    -Shredded carrots

    Then I add: Cut up egg whites
    cut up grilled chicken
    a teensey bit of lowfat cheese

    and I usually eat it with fat free Italian or fat free ranch (about 50 cals for 2 tbsp, not too bad!)

    This is like my favorite food in the world! I eat it close to everyday, when I can!
  • adrum
    adrum Posts: 2 Member
    Below is a list of some of my favourite salad ingredients:

    a few florets of raw brocolli (oops! can't spell it)
    a few florets of raw cauliflower
    lots of green leaves
    grated carrot
    chopped or grated apple
    garden peas
    endemame beans
    Roasted peppers (just spray with fine mist of olive oil before roasting)
    chopped celery
    chopped spring onions
    cucumber & tomato
    beetroot + small amount of feta cheese or goats cheese

    below are some protein options to add
    hard boiled egg
    grilled chicken breast (can be pre-marinated in small amount of soy sauce /or jerk seasoning /or lemon & pepper
    grilled salmon fillet - baked in tinfoil with lemon juice, salt and pepper
    Tuna (tinned)
    any grilled or baked fish

    and always measure out your salad dressing 10 mls goes a long way
  • belinda_b
    belinda_b Posts: 70 Member
    Southwestern Salad
    Avocado (I use 1/2)
    Black Beans
    Lime/Olive oil (Use a full lime and just 1/2 tbsp olive oil)

    They sell these salad toppings in produce section & there is a corn tortilla strips topping that tastes so awesome on this salad.

    Its so filling and not alot calories.
  • There are two I found. Hannah Tzatziki Dip was 50 calories for 2 TBSP and I found that a Costco in a huge tub near the hummus. Also the Wegmans brand Tzatziki Dip was 45 calories for 2 TBSP! Most that I see are pretty low in calories since its basically made of yogurt, garlic, and cucumbers. It makes the BEST salad dressing. Last week we had lamb so I made a lamb gyro salad and it was delish! Usually I just use grilled chicken though and its just as good. Hope you enjoy it!
  • I'm SUPER into this right now...I take a ripe avocado and roughly mash it (I like a few chunks in it still, or sometimes I'll only mash part of it and cut the rest up and add it to the salad itself), mix in some non-fat plain yogurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper. That becomes my dressing. It's pretty thick (you can always thin it out with more yogurt I guess, but I like it this way), you can use your (clean!) hands to really massage it into the lettuce (I prefer mixed greens, kale or spinach). This goes REALLY well with salmon or tuna (canned or fresh), grilled chicken, sometimes I'll just use beans.

    I like to add sunflower seeds, sliced bell pepper, some capers if I use salmon or tuna. Sometimes I'll add some feta (I like the fat free feta from trader joe's).

    It has a lot of fat because of the avocado and sunflower seeds, but at least it's GOOD fat. Usually I only use half an avocado.

    I am a huge fan of avocadoes! If only there were a swimming pool full of guacamole... haha, maybe I'm crazy but it would be pure heaven. Am I the only one that thinks this?! Too bad they are so calorically rich. Never thought to make an avocado dressing though, sounds delish! Thanks for the idea :smile:

    There are two I found. Hannah Tzatziki Dip was 50 calories for 2 TBSP and I found that a Costco in a huge tub near the hummus. Also the Wegmans brand Tzatziki Dip was 45 calories for 2 TBSP! Most that I see are pretty low in calories since its basically made of yogurt, garlic, and cucumbers. It makes the BEST salad dressing. Last week we had lamb so I made a lamb gyro salad and it was delish! Usually I just use grilled chicken though and its just as good. Hope you enjoy it!
  • AMA983
    AMA983 Posts: 28 Member
    I was getting tired of salads for awhile, but these recipes are making me hungry! My go to salad this summer was:

    mixed greens
    cherry tomatoes
    green or red pepper
    chick peas
    feta or goat cheese
    dried cranberries

    Add small handful of walnuts and/or chicken for protein!
    And for dressing, I love Ken's Steakhouse Lite Northern Italian.