Hello I'm tired of trying

Hello I am tired of trying and need some help. I don't even know where to start. Everyhting I start, I don't finish. I am always starting over. How do I get out of this?


  • sryan8408
    Well you have to start by
    1. Changing your attitude. If you come into this saying "I'm tired of trying." "I never finish anything." etc, you're setting yourself up for failure. You have to believe you can do this. Be excited to lose weight.
    2. Make a commitment to yourself. That you will try this for at least 2 months. Exercise 3-5 times a week. Eat healthier and within your calories. Sign a contract with yourself if you have to and show it to everyone you know so they keep you in check! \
    3. Remember one day isn't going to kill the entire project. One meal won't kill all your weight loss results. Not even one tiny bite will mess up everything you've done. Because theres always tomorrow and yes this may be a long journey but its worth it in the end.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Nike said it best...JUST DO IT!

    Welcome! This site is a good start to getting (and staying) motivated, but you have to really want it at the same time...

    Good luck!
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Will power and determination mate. If you want something that badly you will do what ever it takes.
  • rcpayton
    It's all in your mindset. Tell yourself that you are going to DO it, not just TRY. If you set small goals (even daily goals), hold yourself accountable and rely on your support system you will get there. The journey to lose weight and get healthy can be a long, bumpy one but it is worth it! YOU CAN DO IT!! :)
  • shaynes14
    shaynes14 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi there. I think sometimes it is tough at this time of year, but you have to start sometime. I went over to your page and noticed you haven't filled out anything. I think it helps to list what your goals are and what your motivation is. To see it helps you get motivated. I have been known to go back and look at those to remind myself just why I am continuing. It isn't all fun, so you need to remember your motivation!

    You can do this. Figure out why you want to do this.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    Do you want to lose weight? Why? What was that breaking point that say HEY, I gotta stop what I'm doing because I'm sick of it.! What brought you to MFP?

    Start by editing your profile and filling out all that in the questions. Get it written down.

    Then just start small. Don't worry about what you eat, just LOG it. Log log log log log. After a week of faithful logging, look at your diary and ask yourself (or others), what can I change so I can lose the weight I want to?

    That's your assignment for the week ;)
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Having quit smoking years ago I can tell you that your mindset and attitude is everything! Truly believe that you can do it! Once you commit you actually free yourself from self doubt. Make a plan that you can stick to and commit to it. Find an eating philosophy that you can get behind. Get your friends and family to support you. This is a gift to yourself, to be the healthy & fit person you want to be.
  • bjean0
    bjean0 Posts: 23 Member
    i know the feeling for a long time i was starting over "tomorrow".
    i finally got it together and decided i will not be fat one more day than i have to be and id get my health under control.
    i think maybe its like you have to hit a bottom
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Hello I am tired of trying and need some help. I don't even know where to start. Everyhting I start, I don't finish. I am always starting over. How do I get out of this?
    Don't start over, just keep going.
  • ccomins0311
    Nothing can derail your best diet efforts faster than caving into cravings. Set smaller goals like "just today" or even break your day into three parts. Plan ahead for the next day. Talke to someone. Get a text buddy. I totally understand as every day I wake up and say I'm going to do good and at dinner time my portion distortion sets in; but knowing this I am planning ahead and being accountable to write it down on the food charts helps you make better choices. Never give up. The most successful people failed many times before being successful. You can do it this time.. Just today. Keep trying! Colleen
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hello I am tired of trying and need some help. I don't even know where to start. Everyhting I start, I don't finish. I am always starting over. How do I get out of this?

    Tired of trying what, exactly? Thinking of weight loss as having a "start" and a "finish" is why many people fail I think. It shouldn't be a short term thing. You start to eat right and exercise and then you continue to do so forever. Once you do it for a while it will become normal. Don't think about how long it's going to take because it takes forever. I lovely long healthy forever where you are healthy and fit. Don't try. Do.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    Life is a constant "do over", just like kids playing ball... "Do over!" I love that life gives us the chance to DO OVER! I just painted my bedroom a color that I thought was going to be sort of tan and it looks like raspberry ice cream! eeeekkkk ... do over. Yes I worked so hard to paint it, yes it cost money and time to do it... and yes I will have to do the same thing over and it will take several tries to cover it... but life gives us chances to DO OVER!

    Don't get tired of trying. Look at all the things in life that take time... the most beautiful things take time to become beautiful.

    My father had this quotation on the wall of his office.

    "Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back." - Piet Hein

    You are worthy of change for the better if that is what you truly want. It is easy to give up, it is rewarding to press on.
  • richardholt2011
    richardholt2011 Posts: 118 Member
    Dont worry about finishing. What does that mean anyway? Just focus on a day at a time. Aim to have a day when you have done things to improve your health. Then the next day, do the same. And the next.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Don't set a goal for yourself that seems unattainable or impossible. I started out setting my goal at 10# - which to me seemed like a far reach, anyway. I decided to set my goal to ½ lb. a week and forget about a BIG number that seemed so far away. I figured I could at least do THAT much. If I reached my goal of ½ lb. a week - I wouldn't beat myself up about how long it took to reach my ultimate goal. I had a conversation with a co-worker about a year ago about how I'd like to lose weight, but I "Knew I'll never be a size 6 again". To me, that seemed like an unattainable goal. I have surpassed that size and am not wearing a size 1/2! Baby steps worked for me! I am anywhere from 30-35# gone. It fluctuates, but stays within that 5#.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Hi and welcome ...
    You are the only one who can make you choose a healthy lifestyle. Don't try another diet, you will just fail it and feel horrible. Start changing your life, one step at a time if you have too, or just full blown everything. I personally just woke up one day and said enough is enough and changed everything. But that won't work for some people. Figure out what works for you, and get to it.
    You need to eat healthy to be healthy, you need to drink healthy to be healthy.
    I love this quote ... "Don't give up what you really want for what you want right now" If you remember what you really want, to be healthy, then that will help when you decide you really don't want whatever unhealthy choice you are fixing to make, be it junk food or not exercising etc, right now.
    Good luck, I am always willing to make new friends. Send a request if you want to.
  • Tani316
    Do you want to lose weight? Why? What was that breaking point that say HEY, I gotta stop what I'm doing because I'm sick of it.! What brought you to MFP?

    Start by editing your profile and filling out all that in the questions. Get it written down.

    Then just start small. Don't worry about what you eat, just LOG it. Log log log log log. After a week of faithful logging, look at your diary and ask yourself (or others), what can I change so I can lose the weight I want to?

    That's your assignment for the week ;)

    Totally agree with lawtechie and others. There's a reason that you decided to make a change, that you sought out help. Think about whatever your reasons are when you go to eat something you know you shouldn't or when you don't feel like being very active some days.

    There will definitely be difficult days and slip ups but it's not the end of the world so just come back and refocus on your goals. Sometimes when I see good cake I have to refocus several times a day. :happy:

    MFP is a great place for support. You can ask questions or just surf to read other people's questions and the answers they received. We're all in this together and you will never lack in people who are rooting for your success and willing to offer an encouraging word.

    Just send us a friend request and you'll see. :flowerforyou:
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Well you have to start by
    1. Changing your attitude. If you come into this saying "I'm tired of trying." "I never finish anything." etc, you're setting yourself up for failure. You have to believe you can do this. Be excited to lose weight.
    2. Make a commitment to yourself. That you will try this for at least 2 months. Exercise 3-5 times a week. Eat healthier and within your calories. Sign a contract with yourself if you have to and show it to everyone you know so they keep you in check! \
    3. Remember one day isn't going to kill the entire project. One meal won't kill all your weight loss results. Not even one tiny bite will mess up everything you've done. Because theres always tomorrow and yes this may be a long journey but its worth it in the end.

    And stop "trying." DO. You won't do it perfectly at first, but at least it's getting done. I didn't start having any success with weight loss until I decided I was going to do whatever I had to do for however long I had to do it to get that weight off, because walking around staying fat was NOT an option.

    What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for it to be easy & fun? Well that's not how life is. Nothing worth doing is easy at first. With some consistency you'll find that there will be days it IS easy & fun, & you'll enjoy them as they come. But most of the time, it's work, so you need to be mature enough to have the discipline to do what you know is good for you even if you don't want to.
  • nursinggirl64
    dont give up make this a life long change u have the rest of ur life...i know how u feel i was fed up last noc at wi thought after hiking 20miles id lose more than a pound...but, i deserve better from myself im not quitting n dont u..add me as ur friend i wont let u quit
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    The way I do it is...one moment, one minute, one day at a time. Break it into smaller and smaller pieces until there is something that doesn't overwhelm, and go from there. BUT. You have to go :)
  • Jagmamma
    I was thinking like that too not long ago. I guess we are all just a moment away from feeling that way. Maybe I don't have any right to give advice but being not far removed from where you are, I can tell you what finally got me going.

    I made the same choice with my health that I had to made with my spirituality... it's not what I'm NOT going to do, it's what I AM going to do. If I make it about what I can't have or do, it's negative and I get nowhere. Somehow I decided it's not about a need to lose weight (it overwhelms me to think of that) it's about giving my body what it has needed and wanted for a long time. It became an experiment to see how much of what ailed me might change. It's about curiousity and NOW I'm excited. :) And yes, weight loss happens too. ;) I dont' want raw broccoli but I eat it because that's what I (all by myself) decided I was going to do. I took control, I have the power and I'm pretty dang pumped about it to be honest. :)

    Good luck with your journey. Just know, you are far from being alone.