Has anyone done...

The 30DS without using weights and used a HRM to record their burn?

My dvd arrived last night and I'm going to give it bash tonight. I'm just unsure whether I'm gonna suffer for doing it without dumbells tonight, until I can buy some?!

Does anyone know what the burn is typically for a L1 session (20/30mins)?

Thanks to anyone who replies!



  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    You won't burn many cals without the dumbbells. she explains during the video why. IF you use dumbbells, she says 503 cals/hr. One workout is actually 27 min, so that's 226 cals.
  • louisyanna
    louisyanna Posts: 4 Member
    You could try using small water bottles or tinned food instead of dumbbells until you can get some. I know they won't be as heavy as the real thing but they will at least add some extra resistance if you are worried the programme will be too easy without :wink:

    Good luck
  • SarahE0417
    I'm on Level 1 Day 8 and burn anywhere between 215-240...with dumbells
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    Does anyone know what the burn is typically for a L1 session (20/30mins)?

    I'm doing L1 and at 200# my calorie burn is only 149 calories for 24 min. (not doing the stretching, etc). We can only estimate what your burn would be. Since everyone's weight is different, everyone's calorie burn would also be different. As far as not using weights, can you substitute by using a water bottle or 16 oz can? Just a suggestion ;)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    You won't burn many cals without the dumbbells. she explains during the video why. IF you use dumbbells, she says 503 cals/hr. One workout is actually 27 min, so that's 226 cals.

    **assuming a weight of 150 lbs
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    ANY exercise is better than NONE! So I say go for it! Its a tough workout, but worth it! I would just get the dumbells as soon as you can. :)
    Good luck on the shred!
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Everyone, thanks so much for the advice! I do have some tins of soup in and some 1.5lt bottles of Evian so I supppose I could try to use them! But, I think I may have to nip to a sports store after work, see if I can get some 2kg weights!

    So far this week I've done 3.5hours of exercise and I will be going to do a class or a gym session over the weekend too so I am commited to moving my *kitten*!!

    Thanks again, you've all been so helpful!!!
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    Everyone, thanks so much for the advice! I do have some tins of soup in and some 1.5lt bottles of Evian so I supppose I could try to use them! But, I think I may have to nip to a sports store after work, see if I can get some 2kg weights!

    So far this week I've done 3.5hours of exercise and I will be going to do a class or a gym session over the weekend too so I am commited to moving my *kitten*!!

    Thanks again, you've all been so helpful!!!

    Good dedication :) you can use pretty much anything for level 1, bottles of water will do fine :)

    I use beans :)