Running Toes?!? HELP ME

I am not sure as where to post it.

For all those runners out there. I am recently doing between 35-40 miles a week and I have noticed that some of my toes (randomly) become black now and then. The kind of black when you hit it really hard or something fells on them.

On top of that, the tips of my toes have blisters - looks more like callus now. But it is not. They dont hurt - just for couple minutes after a run but i think its running pain not my blisters.

Another thing that happen is that the tips of my toes got WIDER? i have no clue why but they did.

other than that I enjoy running and am not skipping my daily runs, but want to know if it is something i should be concern about or just let it go...


  • KimertRuns13_1
    Earlier in the year when I started half marathon training I had a few toenails that went black and eventually lost 2. It was suggested to wear bigger shoes, different socks, etc. Done all that and still had the issues. I think for some of us it just happens.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Extremely common with runners.

    Get a half-size larger shoe.
    Your toes may be hitting the ends of your shoes.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I try to drain the nail when the fluid first builds up. If they get black, you should tape the nail down so it doesn't fall off. This could lead to ingrown nail taking its place.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    My daughter jogs alot she got a black toenail and it was a fungus but it started after she injured it she went to the Dr they may have to remove it. so keep an eye on it
  • pMalak
    pMalak Posts: 41
    Earlier in the year when I started half marathon training I had a few toenails that went black and eventually lost 2. It was suggested to wear bigger shoes, different socks, etc. Done all that and still had the issues. I think for some of us it just happens.

    lost them? no thank you. I had once nail removed from ingrown nail, and since then i am obsessed with them. I do not wish to have it again.

    but thanks for your answer - now i know i am not alone.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Happens to most runners at some point.

    Larger shoe will help.

    I don't have this problem except for winter when I am forced to wear shoes. I run barefoot quite often.

    Usually only happens for me on half marathons when I'm shod.
  • pMalak
    pMalak Posts: 41
    I havent have one fell off yet. They get black and grow normal after that. Then another one gets black. and on and on. its mostly toes nr 2 and 3 counting from the big toe.

    and i dont think its shoes. I normaly wear size 8 but for running i have 8.5 or 9. socks either. I invested in a good ones.

    maybe its just my downside of running :(
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Definitely get bigger shoes that are at least a half a size bigger...

    I had this problem when I first started running get the right shoes made all the difference.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    ok now I'm scared to run :noway:
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Oh no!!!! Now I'm scared!!! A week and half ago I ran 9 miles and by the time I was finished my big toe was killing me!!! That night I couldn't even put a sheet on my foot without it hurting, never mind shoes. I even had numb tingly spots. As of today the bottom part of my nail is purple and blue but I don't have any pain. It doesn't look really bad but I'm praying that it doesn't fall off. I haven't run since then.....walk/trot about 6 miles a day (different shoes) but no running.
  • pMalak
    pMalak Posts: 41
    Oh no!!!! Now I'm scared!!! A week and half ago I ran 9 miles and by the time I was finished my big toe was killing me!!! That night I couldn't even put a sheet on my foot without it hurting, never mind shoes. I even had numb tingly spots. As of today the bottom part of my nail is purple and blue but I don't have any pain. It doesn't look really bad but I'm praying that it doesn't fall off. I haven't run since then.....walk/trot about 6 miles a day (different shoes) but no running.

    o, so sorry to hear that.

    mine dont hurt either, but unlike you it doesnt hurt during run :(

    hope you feel better

    thanks to everyone for sharing :)
  • gobamagrl
    gobamagrl Posts: 27 Member
    Earlier in the year when I started half marathon training I had a few toenails that went black and eventually lost 2. It was suggested to wear bigger shoes, different socks, etc. Done all that and still had the issues. I think for some of us it just happens.

    lost them? no thank you. I had once nail removed from ingrown nail, and since then i am obsessed with them. I do not wish to have it again.

    but thanks for your answer - now i know i am not alone.

    I recently experienced the same toe nails (which a couple days later were throbbing and filled with blood under the nail)...blisters on the tips of my toes, on the inner and outer sides of my feet.....large blisters on the backs....I got shoes that are a half size bigger, upgraded to running socks, and they don't bother me as much anymore......I do still have bubbles on the bottoms of my feet...but no pain anymore....Unfortunately, I did lose a toe nail two days ago. :(
    Good luck, and hopefully this will get better for ya....I love running myself and refuse to stop....although my feet won't be cute anymore! :'(
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    If you have expensive socks does not mean that they are the right socks for you. I bought different brand and style until i found one that i liked.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    Oh, it doesn't hurt during a run, it didn't even hurt during the run that caused it. I'm just scared that I might loose the toenail so I'm trying to play it safe. I'm starting to get pretty antsy though...I miss running. :sad:
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    This also happened to my husband and he lost his nail. He then bought a toe protector. Fixed the problem wonderfully! This can be bought in any drug store, it looks like a rubber cup that fits over the toe. His is gel -like. After the toe starts to heal it will be callused. You can file this off with a heavy duty nail file and it will look much better right away. You must continue to use the toe protector every time you run or it will happen again. They are inexpensive and last a few months.

    Also, if you lose the nail it will come back.
  • DisneyMommy
    I used to get that problem on just my big toes. I did switch to larger shoes which it sounds like you already did. I agree with Queen_Christine. Try the gel caps. I use these on my big toes and have not had a problem since. You don't notice them while running either, or at least I don't.
  • girlontherun5
    girlontherun5 Posts: 59 Member
    I've lost a few toenails along the way, they've all grown back without any problems, but I certainly don't have cute feet anymore :( For the blisters you could try wearing toe socks (I wear injinji ones and love them!) I had blister issues between my toes and I find that they help because each toe is separated so they don't rub as much. You could also try something like bodyglide on your feet and toes to help with blisters. After long runs my toes used to hurt a lot, but I found shoes that work for me. Like others have said try different shoes, a 1/2 size bigger and maybe something wider at the toe? Best of luck :)
  • gobamagrl
    gobamagrl Posts: 27 Member
    For the blisters you could try wearing toe socks (I wear injinji ones and love them!)

    This is a GREAT idea! I've never even thought about these! I did get a little sad the other night, when I took my shoes off after a run, and I was just noticing all of the bubbled skin on the bottoms of my feet and around the sides...and of course, my lil missing toenail...but I have to say, the feeling I get when I'm jogging/running (especially in the cooler weather)....and the way my legs have tones up......has been WELL worth the trade off! I'mma gonna just have to invest in a GOOD pedicure soon!!!! Hahaha! :)
  • Fly_Tyn
    I run a lot and I don't have any problems with my toes. I have friends that I train with that have had the black toenail problem. We had our running gait analyzed and found out that my friends with the toenail problems were actually curling their toes when they ran. I agree with getting bigger shoes as your feet can swell up to a half size bigger when running. Also good form fitting socks are important. More importantly than socks and bigger shoes is learning to run relaxed and take notice of your toes possibly curling. Relax your foot while making your stride and use the entire length of your foot while pushing off.