
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    count me in
  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    Would love to be part of this! =D
  • Please count me in also this seems like a very involved challenge which I love.

    I am Zoe and as it is already Friday where I am I will post my stats
    Current weight: 200lb
    Goal weight: 180lb (for this challenge)

    A little about me, I am recently married and wanting to lose about 50lbs in total, I live in the UK and work in customer service. I have been successful in starting to exercise regularly but am having a hard time with food choices, so I hope to put that in check during this challenge.

    Anyone feel free to add me if you wish x
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    my name is Kimmy and Im 28 from northern louisiana usa. I have about 70lbs to go and always love to support and get some in return my weight fluctuates bad but Im steady losing so will gladly join :)
  • thefifthvalue
    thefifthvalue Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Stephanie, I'm 23, and live in Batavia, IL (a western suburb of Chicago).

    Just weighed in at 215.5 lbs, which I'm excited to say is a 2.5 lb drop from last week, so hopefully I can keep this up till New Year's and reach my goal of the beloved Onederland!!

    I'm also doing C25K right now and in week 6, so if anyone is doubting if they can do it, just keep going!! ;)
  • mdorman8313
    mdorman8313 Posts: 109 Member
    HI! My name is Merlanda from Oklahoma. I've been using MFP for about 7 weeks, and LOVE IT! Love all of the encouragement on here. I want to lose weight for my health first and foremost.

    My current weight is 303.4
    Goal weight for this challenge is 285. (Lose--18.4 total)

    I've been doing really good on drinking only water (quit everything else 8 weeks ago...including coffee) and also do good eating much more healthy. Where I'm NOT doing so great is exercising. I need some motivation on that, so feel free to give me a swift kick in the butt if I don't exercise. I want to make this a lifestyle just like my new eating habits.

    Look forward to meeting all of you and doing this together!
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112

    My name is Barbara I live in Kentucky. I have fallen off the wagon with working out and healthy eating for the past two weeks but ready to get back on the right path.

    My current weight is 155.2
    Goal weight for January would be 140

    Before the two week bumpy road I was drinking water or hot tea, homemade fruit smoothies after my workouts and greek yogurt for snacks. Dinner hasn't been easy through this whole thing but it has been better that it use to be before joining the site. I was working out with Jillian about 6 times a week. My plan is to start the 30 Day Shred on Sunday and get back on track with food. I was diagnosed with migraines and have been fighting headaches off and on for the past two weeks. Everything seems to be calming down so now I know I need to regain my focus on achieving a healthy lifestyle.

    This was perfect timing to make me accountable for what I eat and how often I will workout. Excited to get started!
  • Hi! I'm Jamie. I am trying to lose the rest of my preggo weight and then some. (I have twin 8 month olds and a 2 year old... all boys!)

    My current weight is 260.8
    Goal weight for January is 235

    Looking forward to having some friends along the way!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello again! So happy to see people signing up!
    So far I am counting 23 signers. The group is still opened so keep signing up!

    Ok, for those who don't know me already, I am Loredana, 34, mother of 2 boys (7 and 4) and wife to my awesome husband. I live in Rockford, IL, about 1 hour west of Chicago. I have a full time job and a photography hobby which I am hoping to turn into a business.
    I love to work out and I get bored easily with my routines. I used to run on regular basis and ran a 10k and a half marathon. Then I tried swimming and that sucked me in. In February this year I was learning how to swim and now I am part of a swiming team and swimming an average of 1.5 miles 3-4 times a week.
    So, for those of you who want to get into fitness, feel free to ask me questions. I am no expert, but I have experience turning from a non-exercise person to a freak!

    My current weight is 164.5 and my goal for the end of this year is to get to 155. I do pretty much everything that I am supposed to do - eat right, exercise, drink tons of water ... my challenge is to reduce the amount of (healthy) food I am eating and to control my dinner. I am trying my hardest to lose 1 lbs per week because anything more I know will not stick. It's getting harder and harder to do that but I will get to my goal weight eventually.

    Don't forget to befriend eachother so we can get to know each other better. Also, keep your diaries open for your friends for encouragement and inspiration for others.

    So happy to be here! :)

    All the best,
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :happy: Hey there FIT CHALLENGE!!!! Happy Friday!!!

    I am so excited to see our group growing! We are going to make this happen!!! The first thing we all need to remember is "IF YOU SAY YOU CAN YOU CAN - IF YOU SAY YOU CAN'T YOUR RIGHT" We can do this and feel great!!!

    JULIE ~ Yeah!!!!!!! Great to see you :bigsmile:

    Olive ~ Wow you are losing fast...How are you doing it??? You will be in the 200 in no time!!! Great job

    Merlanda ~ What helps me stay on track with the exercise is coming here in the morning and posted what exercise I plan to do that day. I have to do it so I can come back here and say I did it:bigsmile:

    Barbara ~ Yikes Migraines yuck!!! I have had one or two in my life and I feel so bad for those of you who suffer from that regularly! I am so glad you are feeling better.

    Jamie ~ WOW twins...busy busy, do you take them out for walks...pushing a stroller for two can burn some calories!

    Stephaine ~ I see onderland knocking on your door!!! Push Push you can do it

    Guerita ~ It's OK to be moody...We won't call you out unless you ask for it....:wink:

    Well I have a busy day!!! I have an assembly to attend for my son who was involved in the EVERY 15 MINUTES program super intense. After that I have to take an hour and a half drive to a business meeting then game tonight and there is a chance of rain:cry: So I hope I can check back in before the game!!!

    Oh....CW 182.4 ~ I can't exercise today :angry: But I will try to get some walking in by parking far away...Also I have to be at the game tonight's senior night and we get photos with our son I am planing to walk before the game:happy:
  • Good morning,
    Yup, we have snow! It does look beautiful right now and I have to admit I was listening to x-mas music on the way to work. Had an amazing 100 cal starbucks peppermint mocha last night and it just seemed right. I love Christmas and this is my favorite time of year.

    Ok now for the news...

    CW: 220.2

    Now considering I slipped saturday, sunday and wednesday I am happy about this.

    I am not setting any goals for this challenge because losing weight is improtant for me but I am trying to not have it be my main focus. I am working on getting healthy for life and if it happens slow than so be it.

    Have a great Friday everyone!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hey judy count me in!!

    I'm Johanna ! 21 yrs. Old from louisiana ! I started my journey in July at 195 and I am down to 186 so far I would like to be around 173 for the new year.
  • @ Judy - Yes, We've got a stroller that all three can ride in. But the constant stopping makes it hard to get a good work out in. Thankfully nursing twins is a great calorie burn. If I make sure I log my calories and stay on track I can lose weight a lot quicker. I really need this group to have some additional accountability.

    Also, I'm 28 and live in Tennessee. :)
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Weighing in...
    SW 306 lbs
    CW 302 lbs
    Down 4 lbs Yippeeee..

    Started the 30 day shred yesterday {havn't exercised in years}. Was okay this morning and went
    to work but in the afternoon my two thighs from the knees up are soooooooooooooooooo sore.
    It took me 5 mins to get down on my knees and another 10 to get back up. I cant bend, Im not exercising
    today but will try tomorrow.

    Any advice please...
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Great job everybody - thanks for weighing in and posting the information. I am writing down the stats so we I can start charting.
    For those of you who didn't weigh in today, please do so and let me know. If you are not comfortable giving your weight here, you can send me a message.

    Thanks much! And TGIF!!!!!

  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    Hi, I'm Laura, I live close to Vancouver, BC. Im 23 and I work for the city in parks and recreation! (Thats right I work in the fitness industry! arrgaa)

    I want to lose 25lbs by the new year. Right now I weigh 205lbs, started at 230 Sept. 21st of this year.

    I do have a personal training certificate so I can try and help anyone that would need some fitness advice, just send me a message =)
  • Hi my name is Andy I'm 24 and I live in Michigan.
    Starting :287
  • Hello FLC members!!! My name is Michelle, mother of 4 handsome boys :tongue: (what mother would not say that of their sons :happy: ) Recently married in Feb 2011 and since that day, have gained about 15lbs :ohwell: putting me at 187. Ive been with MFP not to long, but finding it has been a blessing!! All the support of my fellow MFP friends is incredible :happy: . I'm currently at 180lbs as of today SO yay meeee, super excited. Hope to meet awesome supporters in this challenge and get through this together!!! BTW my first goal is 160..
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi I use snowflakes for all my posts. I'm 46 years old and live in Utah. Married 22 years in December and have two sons 18 and 20. From Sept. 2009 to Sept. 2010 I lost 51 pounds in 52 weeks. Tried to go it on my own and stress sucked me down and I gained back over 10 pounds this past year. In October of this year got my head back in the game and working to get that weight back off and on to achieve my final goal weight and learn to maintain it for LIFE.

    My favorite form of exercise is outdoors (biking, hiking, snow skiing and snow shoeing) and feel like I'm having fun and the time goes fast. Put me on exercise equipment, please just shoot me. ha ha ha My calorie deficit is set to lose @ 1 lb. a week. Happy to see so many of you committed to posting and supporting.

    Looking forward to many new friends. If you would like to add me as a friend please mention the Fit Life Challenge.

    November 1st weighed 179.4 and working to be down 8 pounds by News Years Day.
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi, Im Mackenzie. Im 19, a mother of a 3 and 1 year old girls. I live in the quad cities. Started logging eerything on mfp about 3 or so weeks ago, starting weight was 210 and *********today I weighed in at 202.8.************** My goal is to get down to 130 but i would be happy with just getting down t 145 (pre baby weight). I didnt gain alot of weight until I got on the Bc shot, then the pounds started packing on. Im making it my goal to get down to 190 by New Years. Im getting married to my wnderful fiancee and father of my kids in the next couple years. And want to look my greatest in my dress and in pics. Really didnt notice hw big i was getting til I look in other peoples pics and im in the background.. So its time to get my butt in gear and start melting off these pounds