The importance of strength training

I have learned a hard lesson about adding strength training as well as "physical exercise" as we continue along on our weight loss journey. My exercise of choice is typically walking or riding my stationary bike. I have never done any weight lifting or working with weights at all. Three weeks ago as I was going up the stairs I got the sudden, excrusiating pain of pins being shoved into the sides of my knee. So I have been pretty much out of commission as far as my exercising went. I have just been very cautious with my calories.

So I finally got into the Orthopedic Clinic yesterday & found out that my knee cap is not staying in the "groove" it is designed to but riding up on the outside ridge of my femur (thigh) bone. The cause is that my thigh & hip muscles aren't strong enough to hold the knee cap into place. The underside of my knee cap is extremely inflamed & irritated. The doctor told me that this is a very common issue. He usually sees about 3 a day but I was there early & already his 2nd, so he might see 4.

I told him I couldn't understand why now. I thought my knees would be happy with 57 pounds less to have to lug around. He said the only thing my weight loss has to do with it is that I am more active now & irritating my knee along with the increased activity. Had I done some leg strengthening exercises along the way, I would have never had this problem.


  • janeitg
    janeitg Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you for this information. A word to the wise is sufficient. I will add strength training immediately. Thanks again.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689

    Hope you get/feel better soon.

    Good info.
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Without strength training, you are building a house upon a foundation made of sand.
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    yes, sadly so few people realize they need strength training from the beginning. I was one of them. Im so much happier wih myself and feel so much stronger now. Thanks for sharing. Blessings and get well soon!
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I was hesitant to begin my strength training, but now find it is helping me in so many ways. I have a funky back and hip, but strengthening my muscles and core is helping with them so much it isn't funny. I can't wait to get to "normal" weight wise and strength wise.
  • Kany
    Kany Posts: 336
    Yikes! Thanks for the information. I hope you have a speedy recovery!
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I hope things get better for you! I didn't know in the beginning either.

  • nacs246
    nacs246 Posts: 93 Member
    SO true!!! Most women don't realize what strength training does for them >it improves shape along with better metabolism and the most important is it maintains your bone density as you get older. If you trying to avoid being arthritic or osteoporotic weight training does help with these conditions to a large extent.
    I have been weight training since the age of 25years old and I am proof of this. My Mum suffered with osteoporosis at a very young age and this made me aware of how painful and difficult a disease this was to deal with.
  • deathstarclock
    deathstarclock Posts: 512 Member
    resistance training is good for bone density too