Need a November Motiviation Group

Several groups are closed. Are there any open, I am looking to join a group to support me through the holidays!
Can anyone suggest any?


  • I'm looking for one too, why don't you start your own?
  • jenn_voss
    jenn_voss Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Amy,
    I just logged in today to see about connecting with people for November! I am coaching a group for November...not through myfitnesspal, although I think it's a FAB idea! I just ordered the 10minute trainer from Beachbody, I recently became a coach and they are running a company-wide challenge starting on 11/11/11. Message me if you'd be interested in hearing more about it, I'm looking to hook up with 5 people who want to do this challenge with me!! jenn_voss
  • yummymum77
    yummymum77 Posts: 5 Member
    If you start one, I'd love to Join!
  • jenn_voss
    jenn_voss Posts: 2 Member
    SUPER Idea--as I was looking to join a group too! Are you in one already? I am making a committment to do my fitness pal daily to track my daily eating habits..trying to stay healthy and really look at food as FUEL this month! ;-)
  • I would definitely be in too, but I have never been in a Group before so don't really know what it entails. All I know is I need to stay motivated and reach some goals.
  • ashleylevans
    ashleylevans Posts: 19 Member
    Count me in as well!
  • amylynna1
    amylynna1 Posts: 152 Member
    wow so this makes enough of a group! I have never ran a group like this. Have any of you? I was just thinking we could do weekly weigh-ins, weekly challenges and be support. I see some groups develop spread sheets and I guess we could do that. I dont know how to post one online so that everyone can access and weekly update their progress. Also I think we could great a blog. Anyone experienced in this?
  • I am also in need of some motivation and support and would love to join a group if y'all start one.
  • I'm not really sure what is involved in running a group, I think we should do what suits us and will be motivating. Weigh ins sound good and maybe we could set some goals to give us something to work towards? If there is only a few of us we could weigh in on a blog or post? Challenges sound great too and will be fantastic for mixing it up.
  • ashleylevans
    ashleylevans Posts: 19 Member
    I love the weekly weigh-in idea! I need to be held accountable. I'm not sure of everyone's activity level, but we could do a calories burned challenge...or that could be one of our goals. I've tried a blog on here, that's pretty easy - or, like mariec said, we could just do a post. Whatever is easiest !
  • amylynna1
    amylynna1 Posts: 152 Member
    Ok great lets do it. I will be the organizer! First lets give it a name. Any suggestions?

    I will work on a spread sheet that I will develop tomorrow. We can include weekly weigh-ins, challenges, exercises and short term and long term goals.

    I can try to have this in place for Monday. How about mid week weigh-ins. Wednesdays? I like mid week not too close to weekend which tend to be more challenging and not too late in the week to allow for harder work second 1/2 of week? I am open for suggestions.
    Fridays would not be bad either.

    Please post ideas to challenges? I know 10 minute trainer was suggested. I not sure as we all dont have this but we could make something work.
  • amylynna1
    amylynna1 Posts: 152 Member
    Ok Folks prepare yourself. We will have a Wednesday weight in and I will figure out some sort of way to blog this. Please help me think of names for our group and challenges
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I would like to join in, if possible :smile: .
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I would like to join too.

    There are two challenges I do and one that I ended up starting.

    There is a daily mini challenge by charger440. I like this one becuase its new everyday and if I do not like the challenge a I can wait for tomorrows.

    There is a monthly cycling challenge that is def getting harder as it gets colder.

    And then the step challeng that I did for one month and then ended up starting for this month when the woman who had started it stepped down ;) We just count our steps and post in our responses - no spreadsheet.

    All of these are open
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Holiday Heroes
    Christmas Challenge
    Wednesday Winners
  • amylynna1
    amylynna1 Posts: 152 Member
    I LOVE Wednesday winner! W2 clan! Thanks I will work on the blog and spread sheet and get back to everyone.
  • mimi31
    mimi31 Posts: 8 Member
    Id really like to join to - sounds great x
  • jodimull
    jodimull Posts: 7 Member
    Is there room for one more? I need some accountability.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I would like to join too.

    There are two challenges I do and one that I ended up starting.

    There is a daily mini challenge by charger440. I like this one becuase its new everyday and if I do not like the challenge a I can wait for tomorrows.

    There is a monthly cycling challenge that is def getting harder as it gets colder.

    And then the step challeng that I did for one month and then ended up starting for this month when the woman who had started it stepped down ;) We just count our steps and post in our responses - no spreadsheet.

    All of these are open

    I forgot the link for the step challenge.