New to MFP

Hello. I have been MFP since August 1st. I love what I have been reading and the encouragement that I see others receiving, but now I need a little encouragement myself. I have lost a total of 10-12 lbs (the last two always seem to go back and forth from day to day), but it has taken me 3 months to get these results! I am reading posts where people have been losing this much weight in the first month and now I am getting discouraged. I have been eating an average of 1310/day with an additional 320/day in workout. I have increased my cardio workout to 40-60 minutes per day in the last couple of weeks, but the scale still is not moving. My short term goal is to lose 20 lbs by Christmas and I only have 2 months to do it. At this point, I am wondering what else I can do because I feel like I am working my tailend off! Anyone else feel like they are running in place and not going anywhere?


  • adrianneboyd
    I know how you feel. I have hit my plateau after 3 months of doing great and losing pounds fast. Now it's a matter of switching up your exercise regime, and the times that you work out. Give that a try and DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!
  • kantone999
    I was stuck at 160/161 for 4 whole months. What turned the tide for me was reducing fat calories. I upped my complex carbs, cut out almost all refined sugar and lowered the fatty foods. Voila! I started losing again. Makes sense--if you eat 100 carb calories, it takes about 25 calories to turn 'em into fat. You eat 100 fat calories and it takes about 3 calories 'cuz the body doesn't have as much conversion work.

    Anyway, I'm losing again, thank heaven. It might work for you too. Hang in there--and good luck!
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    I noticed that I gained weight back if I did not pay attention to my sodium intake. I retained a lot of water, and until I figured out what it was, I was sorely disappointed in my halloween mini-binge.

    The type of foods you are eating may also have something to do with it.

    If you are not already;

    Try staying away from starchy foods like white rice, potatoes, white pasta
    Also corn is not a good food for diets(it turns right in to sugar, then fat)

    Some fats are good to eat; nuts, Milk products(as long as it is grass fed). They have certain properties that will assist in burning fat.
  • in_your_dreams
    in_your_dreams Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Aboard!! :happy:
  • jlikennedy3
    jlikennedy3 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support and suggestions. I am going to try a few and see what happens.
    I have also refered to a health advisor in a fitness program I joined at work. She advised me that I am eating too few calories. I usually net under 1000-1100 after my workout and she said that is not enough. It scares me to death to eat more because I equate that with more weight, but I am going to try. Don't know how, because I feel stuffed with what I do eat! Thanks for all your help! I think together we can attack this thing and conquer!
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Sounds a lot like me, although you have lost more to start with. It has taken me six weeks to lose 4lbs and I regain and lose two of those pounds regularly.

    Add me as a friend if you like, since we're in the same boat!