Looking for fitness friends in Maine and New Hampshire

Looking for like minded people in the area. I am in southern Maine, in the Greater Portland area.

Have family in Northwood and Merrimack NH.


  • justbeachy01
    justbeachy01 Posts: 53 Member
    Well bummer, I just left Southern Maine a month ago and was looking for a fitness partner :(
  • world2c
    world2c Posts: 178 Member
    You got me.... :) I love heading up to Portland... You guys have some awesome trails and amazing food!!
  • Marinip
    I live in NH and I just started using MFP.
  • efarrar13
    You got me.... :) I love heading up to Portland... You guys have some awesome trails and amazing food!!

    I know I do...and we should get together with our spouses.

    I was thinking if we could get a group together maybe we could do a fitness club. The have these running clubs etc. Thought maybe we can do something similar but include whatever...kayaking, hiking, biking, a 5K, charity walk etc.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm from central Maine, but have been living in west-central New Hampshire for about 18 years.
  • efarrar13
    I mean my spouse and your boyfriend....I am ready for bed.