gotnick124 Posts: 4
Oh boy, I have been doing very well at working out and limiting my meals to healthy foods and healthy servings, but I just can't stop snacking! and this wouldn't be a problem if I were snacking on celery or broccoli, or apples... but I find myself eating quite a bit trail mix! which is high in carbs and fats, healthy fats, but fats nonetheless. Any tips or advice?


  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
  • strivingfor130
    strivingfor130 Posts: 221 Member
    If you bring the trail mix, only bring a certain amount. You can always bring other snacks so you don't have to eat trail mix. Also, drink some water before you snack to fill you up :)
  • I have trail mix almost daily. I just pre-portion it out into 1/4 cup servings in snack bags. 175 cals (for the brand I buy) and I don't feel deprived. Way more satisfying than one of the sugar laden pastries at my workplace (Starbucks). Portion control is the name of the game.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Chives water.



    Raw veggies with hummus.

  • KateBarnhart85
    KateBarnhart85 Posts: 125 Member
    I agree with all the popcorn people... I used to HAAAAAAAAAAAATE popcorn... loved the smell hated everything else about it, but it has become my bestest friend LOL... seriously check my diary i eat a bag everyday... its a single serving bag only 100 cals
  • I feel your pain. I do goooood all day long and then 2:30am shows up with hunger pains and end up snacking to go back to sleep. Latest attempt to help is Lightly salted peanuts because of the amount of chewing involved and the protein/ fat mix. We will see. Worst/best is I discovered this wonderful oatmeal,peanut butter, protein powder "snack" that is like eating cookie dough. Started constantly grazing off of it. If you crave and can control portions.........1/2C natural PB, 1C water, 3 scoops protein powder(my fav is Body Fortress Choc PB MMMM) 2C Old Fashioned oats. Mix the PB Protein and water, add the oatmeal and mix well. Put in fridge to help oats soak up liquid for 1 hour. Have added choc mini chips 1/4C to the entire mix for sweet tooth every now and then or even walnuts. Can't remember caloric portion size but I normally do about 1/3C finished product. Good Luck and let me know if you discover any tricks.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I cannot by trail mix, dried fruit or skinny cow ice cream sandwiches so just don't buy it
  • hmmm, I never even considered popcorn, that is a brilliant solution! and pre-portioning is probably a very smart idea as well. Thanks!
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