cheat day

allofourdreams Posts: 107 Member
edited October 4 in Food and Nutrition
mac and cheese. anyone else have friday as their cheat day?


  • saturday is my weigh in :] I use that as my cheat day :]
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I don't plan cheat days but I had a ****ed up week and ate 1500 calories over goal today. :ohwell:
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I think a cheat meal is more appropriate. :) Typically mine is on Saturday - but it really just depends. Sometimes my family and I go out on Friday instead, then I just switch it to Friday.
  • bbjellybones
    bbjellybones Posts: 1 Member
    Saturdays tend to be my cheat days, and the culprit is booze.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I don't plan cheat days but I had a ****ed up week and ate 1500 calories over goal today. :ohwell:

    Yep, me too. Well not 1500 over but I'm guessing you have your cals set lower than me (I'm set to .5/week) so I went like 400 calories over my MAINTENANCE for the day. Eeeeesh.

    My diary for the last 10 days is like a everywhere.
  • allofourdreams
    allofourdreams Posts: 107 Member
    hmmmmm a lot of saturday cheat days. mine is normally one of the weekend days.. is it still considered cheating if i stayed within my calorie limits? i didn't go over.. so maybe tomorrow will be my cheat day too!! ;P haha
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    hmmmmm a lot of saturday cheat days. mine is normally one of the weekend days.. is it still considered cheating if i stayed within my calorie limits? i didn't go over.. so maybe tomorrow will be my cheat day too!! ;P haha

    I guess that is personal preference. lol. I had Chipotle last Saturday but stayed in my calorie range, so I didn't count it as a cheat. XD
  • wanderinj
    wanderinj Posts: 2 Member
    My Friday is my cheat day and yesterday my day was diabilically over.
  • allofourdreams
    allofourdreams Posts: 107 Member
    yeah, i don't see why not. in reality, i'm probably going to eat more tomorrow than i ate today.. so i'm going to allow myself to cheat tomorrow if the opportunity arises. i'm also going to burn a lot of calories tomorrow, so i'll probably still be in range. i'm finding it harder and harder to over-eat. my stomach has shrunk so much, it's incredible to think about what i used to stuff in my mouth.. mindlessly. i'm so happy i've changed my life in this way :) yay for all of you who have too!!
  • I rarely go over on my cheat days xD I try to eat clean during the week and allow myself a few treats on my "cheat" day

    and no, not just sweets for treats xD
  • I don't have a cheat day. Cheating on your dieting is like cheating on your girlfriend and should not be done. I have been dieting for 10 months without any cheat days. The reasons for this are:
    1) On cheat days you will tend to go for high sugar high fat foods. These foods are very addicitive. The more high fat foods you eat the more high fat foods you will crave. So if you want to make life harder on yourself and lower the odds of successful dieting by all means have a cheat day.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    MFP IS NOT A DIET!!! If you consider it a "diet" it means you plan to stop eating like you are when using MFP which will lead to weight gain.

    I allow myself one meal a week that I don't have to log. But I usually only do this once a fortnight or month. I think it's healthy to let it go for one meal every now and then :)
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    Cheating on your dieting is like cheating on your girlfriend and should not be done.

  • I don't have a cheat day. Cheating on your dieting is like cheating on your girlfriend and should not be done. I have been dieting for 10 months without any cheat days. The reasons for this are:
    1) On cheat days you will tend to go for high sugar high fat foods. These foods are very addicitive. The more high fat foods you eat the more high fat foods you will crave. So if you want to make life harder on yourself and lower the odds of successful dieting by all means have a cheat day.

    This is very untrue for many. Depriving yourself of foods you love can lead to binging. Which is much worse.

    I can have a "cheat" day and then go about my week just fine without any cravings. I've have been very successful so i don't agree with this one bit.

    Lifestyle change. Not completely take out all foods you every enjoyed. And since when is hig fat food bad for you if you are watching your calorie intake?
  • allofourdreams
    allofourdreams Posts: 107 Member
    I don't have a cheat day. Cheating on your dieting is like cheating on your girlfriend and should not be done. I have been dieting for 10 months without any cheat days. The reasons for this are:
    1) On cheat days you will tend to go for high sugar high fat foods. These foods are very addicitive. The more high fat foods you eat the more high fat foods you will crave. So if you want to make life harder on yourself and lower the odds of successful dieting by all means have a cheat day.

    actually, when i eat my cheat foods, i tend to not crave them anymore. i'll eat something completely different the next weekend and sometimes it's really not that bad. i'm not "dieting". i'm not on a "diet". this is my lifestyle. i eat things that i love to eat, most of the time they're healthy. it's actually been proven that people who have "cheat days" are more successful with weightloss. it's obviously working for us :)
  • allofourdreams
    allofourdreams Posts: 107 Member
  • Manjipor
    Manjipor Posts: 2 Member
    You should always cheat just infrequently. We all tend to stay away from carbs like there the plague but by doing so your leptin levels start to go down and as they do so lowers your RMR and increases cortisol production in your body making it much harder to lose weight. So do cheat just do go over 1000 calories over your maintenance caloric intake and make sure your eating those carbs on your cheat day to up your leptin levels.
  • allofourdreams
    allofourdreams Posts: 107 Member
    i definitely got a message saying that my forum post didn't follow guidelines... hahaha. well, ya know. you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • mslh84
    mslh84 Posts: 180
    I don't really have a cheat day. If I feel like I want something within moderation I'll have it. Like I'll try to eat healthy most of the day, and have a not so great snack, or not so great meal, and thats my cheat...that way I don't have to wait until that one day. But I think having one cheat day for me, would ruin my whole routine lol...
  • My cheat day is Saturday. My cheat day is usually me staying under my daily calorie goal (with exercise calories), but not caring about fat/carbs(I EAT A TON OF THESE ON CHEAT DAY)/protein/sugars for that day. I worked hard all week, give me a break! ;)

    I eat clean foods, of course, and usually have a few drinks at night. It's been working so far for me..but what works for some may not work for others! You know your body!
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