diet pills??

hi everyone happy thursday!
i'm in a hurry to lose another 10 pounds before i buy a bathing suit for summer. i have been eating healthy (mostly) and excersising when i can, but my weight loss seems to have slowed WAY down lately:grumble:
i've been thinking about trying Alli or another pill to help me get rid of my flab. i've never tried anything like that before and i'm wary of having negative side effects:noway: i want to feel healthy more than i want to look good in a bikini, but both would be nice!
anyone using anything that works for you? or should i stay away from pills altogether?
thanks in advance for your input!:smile:


  • evolve33
    evolve33 Posts: 61 Member
    hi everyone happy thursday!
    i'm in a hurry to lose another 10 pounds before i buy a bathing suit for summer. i have been eating healthy (mostly) and excersising when i can, but my weight loss seems to have slowed WAY down lately:grumble:
    i've been thinking about trying Alli or another pill to help me get rid of my flab. i've never tried anything like that before and i'm wary of having negative side effects:noway: i want to feel healthy more than i want to look good in a bikini, but both would be nice!
    anyone using anything that works for you? or should i stay away from pills altogether?
    thanks in advance for your input!:smile:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Most people here will tell you to stay away from pills. Get ready .. I know they're coming, hehe.

    Stay clear of caffiene if you don't want side affects.

    Some antioxidants couldn't hurt. People tend to feel better on them and therefore work out more like green tea (without caffiene) or acai.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    There is no shortcut to being healthy marly. Eating right, and exercising is the real only way to achieve a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.

    Pills generally trick the body in one way or another, either through appetite suppression or via changing the way your body processes food, this doesn't lend itself to long term health and can be dangerous.
  • weasleman42
    Pills are a flawed shortcut. As soon as you stop taking them, the weight will almost certainly come back. The most effective weight loss method is eating healthy, in moderation, and exercising. Good luck!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Check your calcium and B12 intake to be sure you're having enough.
  • magnolia1077
    I can tell you about Alli. I haven't taken it but I have taken the RX that it was fashioned after. Anything you eat that has fat in it will come out of you and fast! I only took the RX for about 3 weeks and couldn't deal with that side effect any longer
  • persian_dancer
    Don't do it!!! Resist the urge to be in a hurry! I've been in a hurry for 3 years now and I am finally starting to lose weight healthy and right. I started on diet pills and they do nothing but slow ur metabolism down like crazy and then when u get off of them you feel like ****!!! Just buy a swimsuit in the size you hope to be in 10 pounds or so and aim to get into it! :drinker:
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    really the alli is a waste of money. I have been taking it for a month now. and honestly, I had side effects from it 2 times(a trip to McDonalds and a fatty pot roast). the rest of the time I wouldn't have known I took anything. you only get side effects if you eat too much fat, and I don't, and so i feel it has done nothing for me. I'm just cheap and don't want my money to go to waste so i keep taking it hoping to see a difference in the scale, not happening. I was going great at 2lbs a week until 2 weeks ago, lost 0 and then this week lost 1, so don't get alli thinking it's some wonderpill. I guess if you live on fast food and fat you might see something, but if your already healthy, Not....... TOTAL WASTE OF MONEY!!!!!!!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I'm sure if you kicked up your exercise your weight loss will kick back into gear- Don't wait for time to come to workout- - If you look at everything you do in a day I am sure there are 30-60 minutes of time where you can squeeze some sort of exercise into your days.
    Time spent on the phone, remaining time on a lunch break, TV time ect..
  • evolve33
    evolve33 Posts: 61 Member
    thanks for the advice - or rather the reaffirmation of what i already knew. i know losing weight is about change and moderation, but sometimes my impatient side starts looking around for cheats.
    i saw such great results in the first 3 weeks of my diet, then my motivation started fading and i started slacking on diet and excersise :huh:
    oh well back on the hosre today
    good idea about buying the size i want to fit into - i hate the idea of wasting money on something that will hopefully be too big for me in a few months :tongue:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    A new exercise routine will probably work better than any pill :smile:.

    It will make you feel better too!
  • xfluffyfrogx
    From experience the only thing a diet pill does is fill you with caffeine. Your better off drinking a cup of black coffee. My advice is to just stick to the good diet and nutrition and increase your exercise as best ou can.
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    Once upon a time in a thinner life I did personal training for my friends. I took the course then passed on the information through a few group gym outings. Plus I was an addictions counselor for many years. Please do not take any pills to lose weight. Even prescription weight loss med's can have side effects. One of the most difficult things to undo is when a person speeds up their metabolism with pills, supplements, whatever and then stops using what they were taking. Your body has a really hard time bouncing back from that. I mean it can take years. Which means the weight will be really difficult to keep off let alone lose.

    *Stepping off my soap box* What I do recommend is switching up your cardio workouts so your body doesn't get complacent. Do ten minutes on a bike then 10 on a treadmill and 10 on an elyptical. Or any other variety of ten each a couple times a week. Then use your cardio of choice the rest of the week. I used to sprint on an indoor track for a quarter mile and then walk a quarter mile alternating. Loved it. Miss the track!