Strength Training

HI, all!

I'm a fairly small person who has been lifting 5-7 pounds hand weights for the last few months. I absolutely love it, and I'm already starting to feel some definition in my arms. That being said, I want to see my work a bit more, and know that I need to go heavier. I always work out from home, using my mat, weights, and the occasional strength DVD.

Any recommendations for what size to move up to and how to approach it? Should I use a DVD (if so, suggest me one, please!) or find a workout online?

Any help would be super helpful! For reference, I'm 5'4", about 130 pounds, 22, and exercise 6-7 times a week, so bring it on.


  • kmcw50
    kmcw50 Posts: 26 Member
    I would go with an 8 and 10 lb weight next.
  • Quaters
    Quaters Posts: 85 Member
    Hello i have always done the les mills body pump classes its an all over work out with weights have a google you may be able to by a copy the music is fantastic i am sure you will love it.
  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    Body Pump is a GREAT class to enjoy at the gym! P90X is also a great home program, but you will need to invest in some heavier weights. If you are easily doing 10-15 reps with your current weight, up it to a weight where you hit failure at 6-8 reps and work from there. Try to make sure you add some variety into your strength training workouts as well so you can work all muscle groups and challenge your body. Best of luck!
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    I absolutely LOVE ChaLEAN Extreme! It is heavy lifting (as heavy as you can possibly lift) so I use 8, 10, 15, and sometimes 20 lbs.
    The program comes with 9 strength training videos, 2 cardio, and an ab video.
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Excellent, thanks, guys!! I guess I'll look into 8 pound weights (that way, I can add my 2 pound weights to them to make 10 pounders for triceps, etc). Awesome recommendations.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Do you have access to a gym?
  • greg822
    If you can get all your reps, increase the weight. this will help burn fat loss by using heavier weight..