Help - curry night out with the girls

I am going on a night out in a fortnight with a group of friends I have not seen in ages. We are going to our favourite curry house. I am on a 1000cals diet a day, and don't want to completely ruin the night, by not eating. I am planning on swimming and stepping during the day, to try to use some calories before going out. Please can anyone recommend low cal curry dishes. (I'm in the UK). So far I have lost 19Ibs, since Sept. and have a goal of another 10Ibs by Christmas.


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think for the sake of one night out you should exceed your 1000 cals. That is too low to be sustainable anyway.

    Lower cal things - go for vegetable dishes, without cream or coconut milk. I usually have a sag paneer or sag bahjee which are mostly spinach, boiled rice rather than fried (or skip the rice altogether), and I have dhal for some protein.
  • Wow - you've done really well - but yes 1000cals a day is very low. Your body might go into starvation mode..!

    But anyway I always go for the dry dishes - chicken tikka, chicken tandoori etc. I have a couple of poppadums with the onion but no dip and rice but no naan and I'm afraid I'm the mad one who always eats the little bit of salad they bring...

    If you plan in your head before you go how much you're going to eat (and drink) then stick to it you'll have a lovely evening. And tell your friends what you're doing...

    Have fun! :smile:
  • I had exactly your fears a few weeks ago, but my advice is not to get too worked up about going above your calorie limit on here

    "Create" some calories for your diary via exercise. As already mentioned chose a vegetable dish, something like a Saag or Aloo (potato) or a Balti Dall which is lentil based.

    Will all your friends eat a full portion of boiled rice? ask to share one.

    I actually enjoy Chicken and mushroom saag. I'm from the UK capital of curry houses - Birmingham. Most places are very good at cooking to your needs. Have you though of asking for a small portion and negotiate on the price with waiter, its worth a try. I've lost 27 lbs since sept and had 2 curry nights out, and still lost weight the following week. You can still have a treat every so often. This is your reward for the first stone lost. Have a good night out with your mates.

  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sounds wierd, but I've actually revved up calorie loss by eating a large calorie meal out of the blue. Definitely try to stay on the lighter side of things, but don't worry too much about going over - HAVE FUN! - this is about life, not guilt.
  • like most people have already suggested, stick with chicken tikka. Sauces either have cream or oil in them which boosts the calories greatly. Tandoori king prawns are extremely low cal if compared with other dishes, but stay clear of the Naan, especially the peshwari or keema. If you do enough exercise and plan ahead I'm sure you can still have a good time and stay under.