Just started

Hi every one I just started this site 2 days ago and very excited to be here I have been working out since Febuary 2011 and was at 190 and for the past 9 mouth i have only lost 5 pounds. I have been working out at the gym lifting weights 3 days a week and about a month ago i started to walk a mile every day before work. last week i found out at the gym i had been starving my self and not eating enouph calories so i have changed my whole life now and stated last week to eat 5 small meal a day and with in a week i have lost 4 pounds so i joined this site to help and for the encourgement i look forward to helping others out to and talking every one else may God bless each and every one. and be sure your eating enoph calories so you don't starve your body. and happy working out.


  • Saisha23
    Saisha23 Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome and best wishes on your journey! This is a great website! :happy:
  • SophiaElaine
    SophiaElaine Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss and I wish you the best in you're weight loss goals.
  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    Welcome- sounds like you are on the right track! I know it may sounds funny- but you really do have to eat to lose! Just got to eat the right stuff- best of luck on your journey. You can do it!
  • thank you this has been alwsome meeting other people who have the same challenge it feel so great to help other too
  • loufelleE
    loufelleE Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome and congratulations for deciding to change your life. Let's go burned those fats away :)
  • you are so right ablkins it felt so wird the first fue days but when i am deturmind it will happen it frusting because i still don't eat enouph even when i work out and i am a very picky eater but i am getting use to it now!
  • to balotitch thank you and you got it will do it together
  • Hi My name is Melissa and my starting weight is 209.5, been working out but having a hard time decreasing carbs. I am a carbaholic. Just ate about 500 calories in carbs this morning...arghghhg help!!
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    hi jen. well you have come to the right site, when I started I was 17st 5lbs and I started with slimfast it works but then after a month it slowed down and looked at web sites found this and since then with going to the gym and controling what I eat and dont eat I got to my goal of 13st as my trainer said but my doctor said it should be 12 st 10lbs so I got down to 12st 10lbs and feel so much better and thats because of changing what I eat and a great bunch of friends on here who motivate and give you advise all of which helps and if I had not been here I think it would have taken longer to get to my goal so welcome to the club and remember if you want to know any think just ask and one of us will or might know so good luck and if you need a friend then just add me