

  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I want to join! I have been looking for a good challenge to join on here. I joined MFP earlier this year after starting my "lifestyle change" on Dec 28, 2010. So far, I have lost 41 pounds, dropped more inches than I can count, and have had to buy an entirely new wardrobe! That was the best part! :) I reached 41 pounds lost the summer and have been able to maintain at my current weight since then. I got very busy and wasn't able to exercise as much, but maintained with diet alone thanks to MFP and how it has taught me to track what I eat on a daily basis. Even when didn't use MFP for a few weeks at a time, the habits were already there, so it was easy to stay on track.
    I am very excited that this challenge will extend thru my 1 year anniversary on Dec 28th! I had just made a new goal tonight to reach 165 pounds (3 pounds to lose) and lose 1 inch on my waist by Dec 1st. If I can reach that goal around Dec 1st and maintain thru the Holiday Season until the New Year I will be very happy!
    Most importantly than my weight or measurements....I want to committ to more exercise this winter, this challenge will help me with that!
    So, for the details you asked for:
    1. I am a new member to this challenge
    2. Current weight 168 and 32 in waist. Goal 165 and 31 in waist.
    3. My name is Kat. I live in California. I have horses, cats, dogs, and rabbits. I am a singer in a band. We perform almost every weekend and play a mix of Blues, Pop, & Rock music. I am a 4H leader, Choir Director at my Church, and a Team Beachbody Coach. And I Love to make new friends!
    4. I love challenges!
  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    Hi. my name is Geri. My CW is 174 my GW is 154 with a size 10 jean. Have never been this heavy in my life. I'm in my mid fifties with two children (one still in college). Have fallen off the exercise wagon these past 10 days - fighting some depression. Hoping this group will help me back on track. Have a 5K I was training for on 12/5/11 that I need to get back in gear for. Trying to work things out with the ex and that is not going so well. New first grandson!! which has been wonderful. :flowerforyou:
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member

    If there is still room, please count me in! My name is Elizabeth. I live in the Napa County.

    I started here 15 pounds ago. I made it down 18 and got distracted... fell off the wagon and gained 8 of them back. I stopped myself before I did undid ALL my hard work and restarted again.

    I seem to do reasonably well on controlling my calories (most of the time,) but the fitness part is a challenge and I would love some extra encouragement on that front.

    CW: 151.8
    GW: 142 by the new year.
  • MsImperfect0
    MsImperfect0 Posts: 127 Member
    I would like to join if its not to late!
    My name is Nicole, from Canada
    Would like to get down 15-20 pounds by the new year!
    Complete the 30 day shred and start working on 6 week 6 pack once im done the shred!

    GW: 195 by new year ideally!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy weekend friends!!! Yes there is room welcome!!!! So sorry but I have another busy day!! I am so addicted to this site as some of you already know...I have just run into a few extra busy days. I am planning a couple challenges and we will focus on them for a couple weeks at a time. So stay tuned.

    I have to go take care of my Dad this morning...then meet my sis to watch her son at karate then SHOPPING!! It's Boutique time:love: Today is the day of the annual Boutique at my son's high school... I hope I can start some holiday shopping. I'm with you Genny...I love Christmas! Oh and I love shopping!

    Keep turning in your weights. Be sure to take your measurments too. That is so important when you hit a plateau you just might be losing inches. Also take a picture of yourself!!! I can dig up some pictures from when I started...but I am pretty good at hiding my weight issues with flattering clothes....I just tried on a more fitting work out top that I haven't been able to wear in along time...cuz it was just plain old embarassing.. Now it looks pretty good!!! I wish I had a pic of it looking bad!!!!! So I encourage you to take those pictures and hide the pics if you need to just take them.....It's an extra proud day to have that great before and after!

    Another great thing our group founder Julie asked us to do when we started this group and I encourage you all to do it....Is to open your diary so you friends can see it!!!!! Wow talk about being accountable. It was hard for me..but it really helps.

    So - Weigh in ~ Take measurments ~ Take a before picture ~ Open your diary :bigsmile:

    See how I ramble even when I should be out the door!!! I will be logging in later today to catch up with you all and tell you what exercise I ended up doing today....... MAKE GOOD CHOICES..... What exercise are you doing today???

  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    I posted that I wanted to join at the beginning of the thread but here is some infor about me.

    My name is Erica, I am 20 years old and I'm married to my high school sweetheart for about a year and a half now. I live in northern Mobile county Alabama.

    SW 155
    GW 140
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi ~ I am so excited about this group!!! I wanted to report that today I did my work out!!!! I might have mentioned that I joined a running class and we started at running 1min walk 2min...then we were at run 3 mins and I wanted to quit...I didn't give up - I signed up for the class and I will finish it!!!! I am soooo excited to say today I ran 20 mins straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEVER thought I could ever do that!!!!! Then some friends joined me and we did a 4 mile I did over 6 miles today:bigsmile: I also got my picture taken :glasses:

    I'm am going to enjoy some wine earning the extra calories is fantastic! I am planning a big hike tomorrow...but it might rain, so my back up is a class at the gym maybe some treadmill or bike too.

    What exercise have you got planned????

    This next 8 weeks will be the most challenging!!!! We have to stick together!!!


    1. Drink your water!!!! 8 glasses a day...go get a cute cup and keep it full - drink drink drink. Except for probably don't want a cute cup....maybe just a big bottle :happy:

    2. Fill out your food diary everyday!!! I know it is hard and some days will be a challenge. But fill it out even if you are over. This will force us to think twice and will bring us success!! Heads up I am not filling mine out on Thanksgiving day :noway: But everyother day!!!

    It takes 21 days to form a new let's keep these challenges going for the rest of the month. I hope you are having a great weekend...keep turning in your weights.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mommyjeans
    Is there still room in this group? I'd love to join and definitely need to be held accountable for my oftentimes less than ideal food choices!

    I'm a stay at home mom to a wonderful little boy who was born this past spring, and am looking to get rid of this baby weight! I've noticed that my habit has been to do really well for a few weeks, lose a few pounds, and then get lazy for whatever reason. My friend and I were doing an accountability "competition," but that hasn't worked out because neither of us has really been doing too much in the way of holding each other accountable. My current weight is 155, and my goal is ultimately 125-130. My goal is to be down to 145 by the end of the year, as I seem to lose about 1.2lb/week when I'm actually doing what I'm supposed to do!

    How does this work? What do I need to do other than reply to this topic/thread? Thanks!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Mommyjeans ~ Welcome!! You are in! I think we will close the group tomorrow. I see you are you can hit community and then my topics and post here. When I start a new tread I will post that this one is dead and direct you where to go.

    Feel free to message me and or friend me with any questions...of course that goes for everyone! You can review this tread to get to know everyone and try to check in here daily to gain lots of support and get you to that goal!!!!

    You can do it! Signing off for tonight..

  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    Hey! I would like to join too- a little late. My name is Corinne, I am 28 years old and I am from NJ. A little about me... I am in graduate school, trying to plan my wedding (May 26), and buy a home so things tend to get a little stressful. I am 5'5'', 131 pounds but I am looking to be closer to 118 by my wedding. I love MFP because it allows me to not be as controlling and negatively fixated on food and exercise which used to be a huge problem for me. I recently have gained some weight and lost the tone a bit so I need to turn things around because being healthy is so important to me.

    Today: Ran 2.5 miles on the treadmill at my gym and then went out to brunch with my fiance. May seem counterproductive but we never get to do it because we both normally work on the weekends. Plus, I had an omelet with shrimp and spinach- NO CHEESE, and got to enjoy a wonderful mimosa!

    Hope everyone else had a great start to the weekend.
  • cckwmh

    I would love to join the challenge. I am basically new to MFP, although I joined a while back, I had not committed myself to logging everything or actually changing anything.

    My name is Chris, I am 37, and live in Massachusetts. I am a stay at home mom to a 5 year old, but will be returning to work full time after the new year. I need to be able to fit back into my work clothes (which isn't my main motivation, but it is important).
    My weight on friday was 209.4
    end of year goal is 199 lbs.

    Took my first pilates class today - not sure why I was so afraid of it. but it was great. I also discovered how bad cookies are. I have kept a food journal in the past, but never actually counted calories - after 2 days of it my eyes are wide open!!
  • mdorman8313
    mdorman8313 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm posting this now because I may not be able to post it tomorrow morning, but Judy, I'm following your lead and I'm committing to doing my exercise tomorrow:

    Tomorrow, I'm going to do 15 minutes of Wii boxing, and also do a Wii EA Sports Active session. I'll report in when I've done that exercise; won't be til tomorrow evening.

    Night night, everyone!
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Hi everyone! So, if it's not too late, I would really love to join this group. I've been a member of MFP for years now, however, I've yet to ever reach my goal weight. I need a group to help keep me motivated and accountable, so please, count me in!

    A little bit about me:
    I'm 25 (for another month or so) and a graduate student in music for opera. I will be graduating with my Master's degree in May. Auditions for my future are coming up soon and I'm disappointed in myself for my lack of progress this past year, but it's time to move forward and finally reach the goals I know I'm capable of. Unfortunately the opera world has turned very much into a "looks" career and it's time for my outside to match my voice and who I want to be.

    My highest known weight was 267lbs when I joined MFP in Sept 2008, but I'm pretty sure in 2007 it was closer to 275. My lowest weight was 219lbs for a brief moment in Nov 2010, but after a break up in Dec 2010, I managed to creep back up to 239lbs by August 2011. I'm currently at 231lbs as of Friday morning. Getting back on track has been extremely difficult and progress has been slow, but I'm ready to see changes and create a healthy lifestyle.

    I'm currently working on the 30 Day Shred and completed day 8 today. I've still got a ways to go but I'd like to start incorporating other cardio exercises as well.

    Sorry for being so long winded! CW 231, end of the year goal 219! :flowerforyou:
  • Belinda_81
    Belinda_81 Posts: 18 Member
    Can I also join if not too late. My name is Belinda and I am 30 and I am from the UK. Only just joined this website so could use all the support I can get, and it seems like it is a very friendly group.

    My current and starting weight is 203lbs and for this challenge I would like to lose a stone (14lbs).

    For exercise I plan to do Zumba and use the elliptical.

    I would happily accept any friendship requests.

  • Helenabc
    Helenabc Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I would love to join in. My name is Helen, I'm from Australia. I have four beautiful boys and work full time.

    We are going on a family summer holiday in Febuary and I would love to feel and look fit and healthy.

    My current weight is 154 lbs and my goal is 143 pounds.

    I plan to have 1200 calories a day and exercise daily.
    I am training for a 5km fun run so I am doing a walk/jog three times a week.

    My main weakness is snacking in the evening (tired) and emotional eating. So Iam trying to do a little yoga in the evenings instead.

    All the best to everyone and thank you for setting up the challenge. It's great to feel part of a community. Have a great week!
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Good Morning Everyone! :happy:
    I started 30 Day Shred today and burned 326 calories. Tried spinach in my fruit smoothie and it is okay but I think I may need to add ice, usually my frozen fruit keeps it cold.

    Hope everyone is having a great morning! :flowerforyou:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :heart: Good Morning!!!!! Daylight saving here got an extra hour aaahhhhh.

    Well again I am sooooo excited about your all signing up and checking in!!!! It is so fun to have friends and support form all over the world!!! Welcome everyone. I see we have some single Mom's on board. That has to be one of the hardest things you can be faces with. I hope you can share with each other and get some extra support from the rest of us to stay on track.

    Michelle ~ I think I saw on my home page that you signed up for a gym??? True??? Can I push you yet??? :laugh:

    Kat ~ Wow 41 # you are facing the hardest part of this whole journey...those last pounds and keeping it off!!! We have your back!!! Hey I was in 4H and had a horse in my younger days. Fun stuff

    Corinne ~ You weren't counterproductive you did great!!!! Sometimes that what exercise is for to allow us to have that extra stuff in moderation!! Good Job

    Chris ~ Keep checking in with us and you might have to buy new work clothes!!!!! Sorry you have to go back to work:ohwell: I was and am a working is sooo hard.....but it seems like my kids made it through OK :bigsmile: Pilates hummmm, you will find out that I have been pushing myself to try new forms of exercise. Pilates has always scared me..maybe I will try it.

    Merlanda ~ Good job with your exercise!!!!! Keep it up

    Opera Bound ~ Wow you have a bright future! I remember the Biggest Loser a couple seasons ago with the opera sucks that you need to be a certain thing on the outside!!! But it will be healthier for you and you will feel so great!!! One day at a time. You can do it! Talk about long winded...look at me:ohwell:

    Barbara ~ Good job on the shred...anyone else here have that??? Maybe you could start a challenge in our challenge:wink:

    It is raining here as they expected so no hike. I have to go have a snack and get to the gym... I am going to take a Bodyworks class which is working out with dumb bells..squats etc.... I am feeling good today...I logged in EVERYTHING yesterday even all my wine and I still had some calories left over. I got in my water too. I want you to know the logging in is a huge challenge for me...I start off good but many days I don't finish logging in. I am going to push myself to do what I say :bigsmile:

    Enjoy the day
  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    BGent: Spinach in your smoothie! I am impressed- I love spinach but I don't know if I would be able to stomach drinking it! How do you enjoy 30 Day- do you recommend purchasing it?

    Opera_Bound: Wow! I can honestly say, I have never met anyone who does opera- pretty cool. Remember: just keep moving forward- make new goals instead of focusing on past ones that sometimes don't keep working out.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    Happy Sunday and Daylight Savings Time Everyone!

    Today is going to be awesome!!! I can feel it!!!

    Who's with me?
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Corinne: Thanks so much! I love what I do and I'm ready for the what the future will bring, but you're right. When it comes to my weight loss, I've got to move forward, not dwell on what I've done in the past. Have a great Sunday!

    PositivePower: Thank you for starting, or rather inviting new members, to what I can see will be an amazingly supportive group. Are we going to have challenges throughout our next 8 weeks? Daily or weekly? Just curious.

    Happy Sunday everyone. I'm about to get my last day of Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred in...moving on to Level 2 tomorrow morning. Nervous about that as this week is going to be utterly insane. Then it's off to the library to some how force myself to write this 15 page research paper. :sick: Haha.