Fat, fat go away....and DONT come back this time!!

I need some motivation help. Around Feb 2008 I decided to lose the muffin top. Had lots of motivation, started exercising in small doses first, 6-7 days a week. Found MFP and started paying attention to how I feed my body, eating lots of little meals, fruits and veggies, etc. Began weight training and walking outside a lot. By end of June I had blinked and lost 15lbs. Didn't have a scale, didn't have a heart rate monitor, only used walking and exercise tapes with free weights. Felt the best I've felt in my whole life and was SO proud!

Somewhere in the fall of 2008 my marriage, and life, seemed to fall apart and by Christmas time I didn't care much about anything. Exercised less, binged more, gained it ALL back in the blink of an eye. Never in a million years thought I could be one of those people who worked so hard to lose the weight and then actually let it come BACK. Well I was.

So this Feb, while looking at the all too familiar muffin top, I decided to buckle down again. Got control over my emotional eating, began logging calories again. MFP said I had to consume 1200 calories daily to lose the weight. Seemed low but whatever. Haven't been motivated to exercise 6-7x/week like I was before. Still though, with 10 extra lbs you'd think I could start to whittle them away with 1200 calories a day. I have my cheat meals at least once a week, sometimes twice, because everything gets the better of me. Haven't lost a dang pound in two months, despite my exercising and eating right again. I even cut out hydrogenated fats completely AND high fructose corn syrup from my diet. PLUS I gave up sweets/candy/desserts/etc. for lent (6 weeks) and STILL didn't loose a single pound!

I'm losing what little motivation I have because nothing is happening! I'm terrified to eat more calories because the fat around my middle is just going to gobble them all up! I only have 10lbs to lose, I'm not overweight, but those 10lbs consume my thoughts and I can't stand it anymore. I feel like throwing in the towl and admitting defeat. If I'm going to have a muffin top, I might as well eat the crap I crave and enjoy that.

What can I do differently?! I need some help from those of you winning the war!


A lovely shade of desperate


  • nik433
    nik433 Posts: 57
    I need some motivation help. Around Feb 2008 I decided to lose the muffin top. Had lots of motivation, started exercising in small doses first, 6-7 days a week. Found MFP and started paying attention to how I feed my body, eating lots of little meals, fruits and veggies, etc. Began weight training and walking outside a lot. By end of June I had blinked and lost 15lbs. Didn't have a scale, didn't have a heart rate monitor, only used walking and exercise tapes with free weights. Felt the best I've felt in my whole life and was SO proud!

    Somewhere in the fall of 2008 my marriage, and life, seemed to fall apart and by Christmas time I didn't care much about anything. Exercised less, binged more, gained it ALL back in the blink of an eye. Never in a million years thought I could be one of those people who worked so hard to lose the weight and then actually let it come BACK. Well I was.

    So this Feb, while looking at the all too familiar muffin top, I decided to buckle down again. Got control over my emotional eating, began logging calories again. MFP said I had to consume 1200 calories daily to lose the weight. Seemed low but whatever. Haven't been motivated to exercise 6-7x/week like I was before. Still though, with 10 extra lbs you'd think I could start to whittle them away with 1200 calories a day. I have my cheat meals at least once a week, sometimes twice, because everything gets the better of me. Haven't lost a dang pound in two months, despite my exercising and eating right again. I even cut out hydrogenated fats completely AND high fructose corn syrup from my diet. PLUS I gave up sweets/candy/desserts/etc. for lent (6 weeks) and STILL didn't loose a single pound!

    I'm losing what little motivation I have because nothing is happening! I'm terrified to eat more calories because the fat around my middle is just going to gobble them all up! I only have 10lbs to lose, I'm not overweight, but those 10lbs consume my thoughts and I can't stand it anymore. I feel like throwing in the towl and admitting defeat. If I'm going to have a muffin top, I might as well eat the crap I crave and enjoy that.

    What can I do differently?! I need some help from those of you winning the war!


    A lovely shade of desperate
  • chelseamckell
    chelseamckell Posts: 27 Member
    Yikes - I know how ya feel.
    I would just suggest not to let it consume your thoughts. Life is too short.
  • rivergirl2
    I am the same way. I have been exerciseing hard for about 9 months, and nothing. So last week I decided it was time to get really serious. I found mfp, (use to use weight watchers online, but very boring), and began logging on a daily basis,my food and exercise. I also decided to up my exercise a bit to both cardio and weight training 3 days a week, (3- 2 hour days), and some sort of low impact 1 hour twice a week. People think I am crazy because I am a workout fanatic. Religiously every day, some days two hours. These people also cannot understand why I have to worry about my weight, but, no matter who your are what goes in your mouth, does make a hugh difference.

    Ok, so on Monday, my weight was 139 lbs, I want to get to 125, I have only been 139 since Oct 18. That is the most I have ever weighed in my life. But, I even though I have continuously watch my diet, and worked out, my body just kept getting fatter. My conclusion, too much traveling, wine and not that much activity after working out. I would then become a couch potato, and done for the day.

    Ok, back to Monday, so Monday, April 6, 09, I began using this site, for exercise and diet. I was very nervous everyday this week. Because on Tuesday, I got on the scale and it said 137. Then Wednesday I was afraid to weigh because I knew that all this was too good to be true. But, I weighed, and the scale said 136, ok now I am really afraid, and really hated weighing every day, but felt the need because then I knew to not eat the same way i did the day before, if my weight went up. Ok, so on Thursday again hesitant, I got on the scale and it said 135.4, could not believe it. Today Friday still in disbelief, I weighed 135.2. :noway: :smile:

    I can't tell you why this happened this week, but I am soo glad it did. I entered every morsel of food that went in my mouth, and although MFP suggest you eat your calories that include your exercise deficet, I only did that one day. I was so nervous about eating more, and ( know what the web site says), I figured I would see what would happen if I just ate the 1200 calories suggested before exercise.

    I have added a boxing class that is more calistenics, jump rope, running, some boxing routines, for an hour. I was really hoping that would be the nudge my body needed to wake up and let go of the fat. I hope this is the case.

    Keep working hard, those stuborn ten lbs are the worse. I still have a ways to go, but, I am soo glad to be under 136, and I pray it keeps coming off. It will happen for you.

    I know that this is not much advice, but hopefull a bit of motivation.