why, why, why

i have been on mfp since oct. 16, i have been working out 4 times a week for at least 60 to 80 minutes each w/o. so far i have only lost 1# and no inches! i eat at least 1600, i burn off approx. 400-500 calories with x-rcise....what the #%@* is going on!!!!! I am not going to give up cuz right now i am really p*&%@!!!!


  • discodaddy61
    discodaddy61 Posts: 161 Member
    please dont quit i think i can help please add me as friend so we can talk
  • ctriston
    ctriston Posts: 71 Member
    i would go right back to basics, enter weight and height etc in mfp, and assess what you should be eating a day...based on how much to lose ( I am 1200 a day) I eat my fitness cals if I need to at w/ends.

    be as accurate as poss with calorie entries

    drink a lot, of water, especially before you eat...

    give your body time to get used to the new way of eating...

    I was eating a lot of baked potatos with Tuna, now I have varied that a bit and WEIGHING the potatoes first to check the cals and I am losing more quickly.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Do you feel comfortable sharing your food diary (its not available right now) so we can take a look? Cant really recommend anything without seeing a large portion of your food-log history...
  • alright, i didn't know if i wanted to make my eating public, but here goes....as you can see i am eating what i should and some times i don't even eat all that i am allowed...and i am burning off a good amount of calories....i just don't get it!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    without being able to see your diary we can't help you. sometimes it's not how much you eat but what you are eating. make your diary public so that your fellow MFP members that are having success can help you.
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    I'm in a similar situation, I've been on MFP since September and in that time I've lost 4lbs, painfully slowly (and the scale's gone up as often as it's gone down). Like you, I eat right and work out plenty. Add me as a friend if you like and we can compare notes!
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    There is no question, if you burn more calories than you consume, you will have to lose weight (of course, if you build muscle you will lose less since muscle is heavier than fat).

    I suspect that your problem is not on your food regimen, but you are probably overestimating your calories burned during the day.

    I suggest you get one of those Calorie "trackers" that count the actual calories that your body uses.

    Once you know exactly how many calories you burn, you will have your answer, since you know how many calories you consume.

    There are several calorie trackers in the market, but one that worked well for me was the Body Bug: http://www.bodybugg.com/

    Good luck !
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    From what Im seeing, you eat alot of the same foods, ingredient for ingredient every day, and each meal's carbohydrate amounts are pretty high per meal...

    Youre definitely not getting in nearly enough vegetables on a daily basis -

    I do see several name-brand prepackaged foods - ever thought to trying to make things from scratch and on your own as opposed to prepackaged foods?

    You dont have enough of a variety from what Im seeing here and perhaps easing up on the number of carbohydrates AND focusing on low-glycemic foods would be better for you>?

    I dont know what dietary-focus you are following, but from what I see within the past few weeks, its the same every day and your body is not getting any variety whatsoever...
  • MauiSue
    MauiSue Posts: 80 Member
    I agree with Vicky... we are here for you but if you do not share your diary and perhaps what you are consuming??? And I may add water is of the utmost importance because it flushes all of the toxins out of your body. If you would like to friend me, please do so. I have an awesome support team of MFPS, who encourage me, validate me and also hold me accountable. Aloha, Maui Sue
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I agree with Vicky... we are here for you but if you do not share your diary and perhaps what you are consuming??? And I may add water is of the utmost importance because it flushes all of the toxins out of your body. If you would like to friend me, please do so. I have an awesome support team of MFPS, who encourage me, validate me and also hold me accountable. Aloha, Maui Sue

    If you look at her earlier post, she already opened it up
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    You make good recommendations to increase the variety of food consumed, but as you know this does not directly correlate to weight loss.
    Variety is good for nutrition, don't take me wrong.

    When I looked at her daily diet, what I detected is that several times she increased her calorie intake to include her exercise of the day.
    But still, she in general consumed less calories than what her calorie target was for the day.

    If she is not losing weight, and her list of food is accurate, then what must be wrong is the calorie target.
    The calorie targets provided by MFPal are just estimates, and could very well be wrong since each of us has different levels of metabolism, daily activities, etc.

    I have suggested to her to use a calorie tracker, such as the Body Bug, since this is the only real way to accurately know the calories your body burns.