Keep losing the same couple of pounds

snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
Summer 2010 I was 124lbs. Right now I'm 133 but when I joined MFP I was 137lbs. it isn't a lot to lose and I know many say a small amount is harder to lose. There will also be people reading this who wonder why I'm on here at all. My objectives are to track my weight, eat healthily, exercise more, tone up and stay in control. I have a lot of clothes that don't fit me.

I joined in September at 137lbs. Three weeks ago I was 133lbs. Today I'm 133lbs. During those three weeks I've regained and lost the same two pounds but have not fallen below 133lbs. I'm consistently eating around 1300 calories and I eat about half of my exercise calories. I track virtually every meal every day apart from last week when I was on holiday. I've started 30DS and I've done it 17 times over four weeks, I'm close to finishing level 2 now. I run sometimes, walk and cycle regularly, use Wii Fit occasionally.

I'm NOT giving up, but I would like some results I don't have to wait months for! Any suggestions?


  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Well, a couple things. Can't see your diary, so not able to comment on that.
    I would assume you should adjust your calories and see if it makes any change.
    If not, change up your workout.

    Have you taken measurements? Are losing inches?
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I increased from 1200 to 1300 a few weeks back, I think that should be around half a pound a week. I've lost 3cm off my waist but nothing significant from anywhere else.
  • michele_lynn
    michele_lynn Posts: 66 Member
    That's a good point... when you get close to the goal weight, "losing fat" starts to become "gaining muscle" especially when doing 30DS, so while the scale might not be moving, your body my still be changing. I've seen photos and stories on here of people GAINING several lbs while doing 30DS but looking so much more amazing by the end.

    Just keep doing what you're doing and be happy that you're living healthy. (At 4'11", my goal weight is 110 but I'be been hovering around 120-122 for the last month.. so I'm right there with you!!)
  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member
    Yes it is harder to lose when you don't have much fat to lose especially if you are exercising. Keep on doing what you are doing and you will get there. The rate might be as low as 1 pound a month but in 8 months you will get there but if you stop you will never get there. What happens is that when you don't have much fat to lose the body starts to burn muscles instead of fats when you are dieting but when you exercise and eat you build new muscles so you stay the same weight. You do burn some fat in the process so eventually you will look more and more lean. If you dieted without exercising you will lose at a higher rate but losing your muscles is not wise. You need them for a long healthy life so they can carry you as long as possible.
  • Mygrrls
    Mygrrls Posts: 10 Member
    Mix it up a bit. Try something new with your exercise or change something with your eating. Try eating all your exercise calories for a bit. Our bodies get used to what we have been doing and need a shake up to move from the plateau. You also may just stay there for awhile. I know it's frustrating but this has happened to me also. Just stay positive and the scale should start to move again.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    And, remember that sometimes we hit plateaus that can last a few weeks. I agree with the others - mix it up a bit and see if that helps. Add a few more calories one day. Change exercise strategies. The weight will come off in time.
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Thanks for all your advice. What do you think mixing it up will mean in terms of exercise? I already run, walk, cycle and Wii Fit in addition to 30DS. Might start a zumba class this week too. At weekends I exercise in the mornings usually, on weekdays it's usually the evenings unless I walk or cycle to work.
  • hi, most recommendations for women are that we only require 1,200 calories per day, so try cutting out that extra 100 and see how you get on
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