Need some help getting restarted and some friendly support

My last few months have been insane. My mom entered hospice and to deal with my emotions, I have been using food to push down my feelings. I have gained 20 lbs (omg) was really hard to get on the scale. In August, I weighed 180. I had stopped exercising, journaling my food consumption and have been running back and forth to the nursing home to visit my mom. I am not sleeping well either. I feel horrible. On the positive side, I still take my vitamin supplements. I entered what I ate for breakfast and am recommitting myself to start journaling what I eat and restart exercising again.


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I'm so sorry about your mom- my grandma recently entered hospice, it's very difficult.
    I'm so proud of you for taking control of your life back at such a difficult time- I can't imagine that it's easy in the least. Feel free to add me for motivation and support and message me if you need anything at all. Breaking the link between emotions and food is very difficult, but I know you can do it. Food is not comfort, and food is not love. It is there to sustain your body- that's all. I'm still working on accepting that, but I KNOW we can do it! We're all in this together. Best of luck love.
  • movert
    movert Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry to hear about the family situation. Feel free to add me to your support system as we all know this is a marathon, not a sprint. Through all of the support and resources here, we all will make it to our goals.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    thank you everyone. I do realize that this is a life long decision to eat healthy and be active. Yesterday was a good day....I was able to balance between visiting with my mom (out of state) for a few hours, got my yard work done and ate relatively healthy. Hoping today going back to work will also be a good day of balance.