dealing with hard times

I'm currently dealing with hard times--I'm VERY stressed out with school, as my thesis is due in about 5 days (I know I shouldn't be on here, yet here I am..) and I've got an exam on the same day. My boyfriend is stressing me out, we almost broke up last night--I'm having a hard time really dedicating myself to him because I've dealt with a lot of emotional issues in my past that prevent me from letting anyone get close. I'm in such a bad place emotionally right now. I'm trying really hard not to turn to food. It's especially hard, because although I did lose weight for myself and to feel great, I did that because my boyfriend made me feel great and made me realized that I deserved to be healthy and confident. However, now that I"m kind of upset at him, it makes me want to just eat everything to spite him a little bit, if that makes sense. I don't know what to do! I'm waiting to go to the gym (doesn't open for another hour and a half), but I've been trying to occupy myself all morning with laundry and my homework, but I just want to eat the chocolate that my roommates have in the house (I wouldn't have it otherwise, but I live with 5 other girls who don't exactly eat healthy..). Food is involved in all facets of my life, it's all I've been thinking about since I decided to lose back in June--even though I'm pretty much maintaining right now and just trying to build muscle mass. How do I remove food from this equation with him? I don't know how to separate my feelings from my actions with food. Any advice appreciated. Thanks, friends.


  • nomena
    nomena Posts: 165
    When you want to eat, try writing down the feelings you're having. You eat to drown those feelings, but it doesn't make them go away. Try making an emergency list with alternatives to eating when you're stressed, such as taking a bath or a shower, going for a walk, meditating or reading a bit. You can do this!
  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    don't do it! It will only set you back and you don't want that, can you leave the house and go for a walk even if its at the mall or something til the gym opens
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I know you are busy but get in a workout today to help with the stress. Get some sugar free gum, sunflower seeds, popcorn and/or baby carrots to help with the munching. Do you best to stick with healthy eating but if you can't, you can't. Don't beat yourself up over it. Get your school work done first. I doubt you can do that much damage in 5 days. Your mental health and your school can come first for a few days.

    You need to explain to the boyfriend how stressed you are and that he isn't helping. Maybe if he can't help, you need to forget about him for 5 days...
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    If hunger isn't the problem ... food isn't the answer.
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    Put on your workout clothes and go for a run/jog/walk. Clear your head. Drink some water. Eat some carrots
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Everyone goes through tough times sooner or later. Years ago, my mother and father were both in the ICU at 2 separate hospitals.
    This year, my hubby has been hospitalized 6 x. Everyone has a story of extremely stressful times. I didn't lose a lot this year or meet my goal (yet), but I didn't regain it all back either.

    During an extra stressful period, remind yourself that taking really good care of yourself will help you cope better while you're in the midst of it all. And when you get to the other side of the situation, you'll be glad you did. When the dust settles, wouldn't you like to see that you lost weight & kept your focus, or at the very least, maintained? Food will not make the situation better or worse, it's just food. It's tough, for sure.

    Hang in there! :flowerforyou:
  • CityOnAHill
    CityOnAHill Posts: 136 Member
    If hunger isn't the problem ... food isn't the answer.

    I LOVE this SO much! :love:
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    If hunger isn't the problem ... food isn't the answer.

    I LOVE this SO much! :love: do I. really puts it into perspective. Thank you!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    silly little thing that I do. if i am craving sweets or junk, but know I really don't need it, I brush my teeth. for whatever reason, gets me past that moment.

    tell yourself that no matter how negative he is, you will be more positive.

    think about your food intake and exercise as a source of strength, something that YOU are in CONTROL of. all the other stress may be beyond your control, but what you put in your body is not :-)
  • Wpbarr
    Wpbarr Posts: 142 Member
    Everything you don't want to hear:

    1) Get out of the house and go someplace you can work in solitude.
    2) Eat some sweet veggies, very slowly. Enjoy the crunch, every chomp, the flavors. Close your eyes and focus on taste.
    3) There are 3 billion men on the planet. There ARE others.
    5) You have 5 days until one of the most important deadlines of your life. NOTHING else matters right now.
    6) Get off the internet for a week! :)

    Been there, done this, emerged victorious.