lower calorie bread-like things?

ok, so probably 90% of the reason i've struggled with my weight is my absolute adoration of fluffy bread, pastries, etc - i love to bake. i can make beautiful cakes, loaves of bread...aaaargh. i've given up baking since starting MFP because i have NO willpower. if i make a loaf of bread, i can NOT eat just one tiny slice. baked desserts are out of the question.

but four months of carefully measured half-portions of crackers and using flatbread for my sandwiches is making me CRAZY. i was trying to find recipes for sweet bread today, but i know better than to make anything, because, HELLO CALORIES. i can overindulge slightly on ice cream, and ride the exercise bike to make up for it. but if i overindulge on the homemade cinnamon rolls, i am DOOMED.

anyone else in this position? do you have any substitute suggestions or low(ish)-calorie recipes? the best i've been able to do is just not bake; rolls and buns are occasional treats; the bread machine is gathering dust; and i stash a package of little debbie red velvet cake minis in the cupboard, because they're tiny, measured, and 100 calories. but i'm dying to make a big fluffy loaf of bread. halp...


  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    You have GOT to get acquainted with Cooking Light and Skinny Taste. Lightened up versions of your favorites. Try it out!
  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    i also love baked goods, though i certainly enjoy eating them more than making them. :smile: i use sara lee 45 calories and delightful bread. it's yummy and i like using it for toast and sandwiches. good luck!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    I use Village Hearth light bread and buns. They are excellent and also Joseph's Low Carb pitas and flat breads.
    I am a bread guy, but these options let me have it without taking up to many of my calories.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I have been buying Wonder Smart White bread -- 100 calories for two slices and MUCH more filling than sandwich thins.
  • jennp1313
    I know exactly how you feel!!! I love to bake, and now that I'm living alone I can't do it because I will eat it all! I haven't found any tricks yet. Like you, I just avoid it altogether, because I'd rather have none than 1 or 2 bites. Ice cream helps with the sugar cravings, but I miss the act of baking and I miss the fluffyness too!!!! One thing I've done is started baking/making pancakes for breakfast o the weekends (weekdays there is no time). I try and make something with a lot of nutrients and since it's a meal instead of a dessert, I don't have to worry if the calories are a little high. Today I made pumpkin pancakes with almond milk (way less cals than reg milk) and instead of putting butter or syrup I put a half tablespoon of pumpkin spice flavored cream cheese on each pancake. I also topped it with some raw sliced almonds. It was super yummy and I'm still full. The whole meal (which was 2 pancakes) was 398 caloires. I'll send the recipe if you want.
  • ellagracesmom
    ellagracesmom Posts: 3 Member
    I understand- I love to bake, and sadly, baked goods are my downfall. I don't bake anymore. Even if I made "healthy" recipes, it was just too much for me. I like the low carb/low calorie bread- I think it's Arnold brand. I also have tried the "thin" sandwich rolls- there are two brands out there making them(one is Pepperidge Farm) - they are 100 calories for two slices. They are round shaped. I have made the decision that I need to avoid those things unless it is a special occasion and REALLY good. Good luck!:happy:
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I too love to bake but I have just had to cut back A LOT. I have no self control once I've made something so I just don't do it very often anymore.

    I just bought a package of the 90 calorie Sara Lee english muffins and I like them. I've never tried the SL 45 calorie bread...I might have to try that.

    I've tried a couple varieties of the sandwich thins--one whole wheat that I liked and one honey wheat that I did not like. I can't remember the brand name right now though.
  • pseusie
    Have you tried making smaller batches and immediately freezing all but one? That helps me a lot: I tend to forget about the frozen ones, and it's so much more of a hassle to defrost them than to just having them sitting on your counter, staring at you.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    The flat sandwich rounds just never did it for me either. I eat either Wonder Bread Smart Wheat/White or a higher protein bread from a bakery in AZ that I can get at my local market, depending on my food budget. All the Sara Lee low cal breads have HFCS, but if you're one that doesn't worry about that. It wouldn't matter. I actually just don't like the SL bread because it so soft and flimsy I couldn't even spread peanut butter on it without it destroying the bread.

    As for the baking, I've just become "that person" at work. I bake what I want and then pack it up and take to work. Then I can still take a portion or two for my hubby and I but don't have to worry about the rest of it because my co-workers eat it. Though, I do usually still make healthier versions of the baked goods, it's still often just too much for two people to get through while it's still fresh.
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    Oh Man! Go out and get a cake mix (Low fat if you can find it)....Then replace the 2 eggs with 3 egg whites, and the oil with applesauce. Bake like normal.
    It makes the YUMMIEST, Non-Diet tasting chocolate cake! You might want to make a half batch, it does get stale quick, but it is a nice treat.