What's working for you????

It's interesting, I have felt the same motivation before when I have started a healthier lifestyle and not achieved my goals but this time something really feels different. I have about 40lbs to loose and I really feel like it is going to work out this time....I'm not feeling stressed out about it or pressured, it is almost like a relieved calm :)

Here is what I am doing:
-I have converted a little area of my kids playroom (that I can block off from them) into a mini gym. I have my treadmill, weights, balance ball, and punching bag set up and ready to go. I can exercise in the morning while still watching the kids, no more excuses about not being able to be active because of the kids :)
-I have started the C25K program. It is a running program that slowly but effectively gets you running. I use to love to run but with this extra weight I now find it difficult.
-I have downloaded the MyFitnessPal app for my phone so I can quickly scan and log my food intake. I will then transfer over the daily calories to FitBit until they have it linked
-I bought a Fitbit for my birthday! This amazing little thing has made me hyper aware of how much activity I am getting in a day and I love it! It totally motivates me to get off my *kitten* when I see I haven't done much for the day.

What are you doing to improve your healthy lifestyle? I am always eager to hear other's ideas and things that have worked for them :)


  • dkkb89
    I know what you mean about feeling 'something different" I am starting my healthy eating from tomorrow and I am nervous but excited as I know I am going to make positive changes. I just need to believe in myself a little bit more.. as it's been a long time since I have been in a healthy/exercise routine. I am not that big just I feel for my body and myself I need to loose excess weight to feel better and to become more healthy inside also.

    Do you have any tips that could help? For not giving up, and pushing that extra mile and making time for exercise.
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 753 Member
    What's working for me? Looking into the mirror every day and seeing my fat face :).
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    18 months ago I started with the Zumba DVD's and just trying to make wiser food choices, after a while I started counting calories and that's when I found My Fitness Pal. It has made tracking my food so easy. In March I got my HRM and that has changed my life since I now know what I burn everyday. It has taught me so much about my body!! I could never live without it. About 6 months ago I too started the C25K app and now run 3-4 days a week and love it!!! Competed in my first 5K and did quite well.
    5 lbs away from my goal and loving it :)
  • biggysmalls66
    Whats working for me ? I went Primal about three months ago--a paleo style diet. The combination of diet and excercise spelled out in the program has worked wonders for me--I'm down 46 pounds since I started. Oh, and my fitness pal really helped by keeping me tuned into how much I was really eating. You should check out MarksDailyapple.com. Good Luck,
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    It is strange you say that about not feeling pressured and being calm, because I feel the same way. A switch has clicked on and I am so confident that this time I will do it, that I can't see any other outcome but losing the weight. I gave up smoking in July joined MFP Sept. I find this site keeps me focused on what I am eating and so I am reducing my portion size and making healthier choices every day. Every time I think about eating I ask myself is there another option that won't take so many calories and usually I end up choosing that option.

    The support I have had is incredible. Every day I read how well my friends are doing. I get involved on the message boards, I can cheer peoples success and comiserate with there failures because I am having plenty of both as well.

    The best thing is that everyone on here has a story and everyone on here understands what I am trying to do and supports me. People outside say the right words but they don't want to talk about it all the time. Here I can talk about weight loss all day if I like and there will always be an interesting, informative or uplifting response.

    Thats why MFP works for me.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Well, alot of things seem to be working for me:

    - Lots of water
    - Balanced Diet
    - Plenty of cardio and exercise

    And especially the mental attitude of it all

    - Not letting anything stop me or slow me down even if progress isn't where I'd like it to be

    In time I'm also slowly building my confidence.
  • AmythistRae
    I stopped hating myself for getting here...I forgave myself and seen the fat as something I was able to work on....made all the difference,...

    I drink two green smoothies every day and have no cravings...this has been really easy and I don't question that...I no longer hate what I see when I look in the mirror because what I see is potential and accomplishment
  • Kristyz26
    Kristyz26 Posts: 33 Member
    In March I got my HRM and that has changed my life since I now know what I burn everyday. It has taught me so much about my body!! I could never live without it. About 6 months ago I too started the C25K app and now run 3-4 days a week and love it!!! Competed in my first 5K and did quite well.
    5 lbs away from my goal and loving it :)

    What is an HRM, I am thinking heart rate monitor, but is it something more specific? I got a fitbit (www.fitbit.com) and it has totally changed my perception of how active I am.