world of warcraft, and other mmo's

jazzdspazz Posts: 137 Member
edited October 4 in Chit-Chat
Hello fellow nerdsters,
I wish to know some opinions on what you guys think about the next wow expansion, to me it looks for fail then leeroy jenkings with a up town fade, I also want to know how you guys establish your wow habbits with your diet and work out routines, I've stopped playing wow for 2 weeks and have found its way easier to work out and go to the gym. How do you guys cope, also I am hyperventalating on the starwars the old republic comming out Dec 20! I preordered it! It looks marvelous, your thoughts?

For the horde


  • I had to give up WoW. My boyfriend and I were addicted. It was like crack. I miss it......:sad:
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I played WoW for years as a hardcore raider which made it very difficult since I had to be online so much for server firsts and world first. It got to be a job.

    Now I play RIFT. We only raid 3 nights a week and I don't have to spend the rest of my time farming mats just to make crap to's very nice. I plan the gym around work and gaming and have no problem getting there 5-8x a week now. It just means you have to make it a priority -- and frankly, Zumba is more fun :)
  • I still play WoW honestly. Dont judge ;D New expansion is completely changing the game i think (****ing pandas though?!) and i will end up playing it

    For the horde!

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    We raid tuesday and wed, with an alt raid on sat (3 hours each) and that's it. The current expansion is perfect for me, I am more or less done wiht the game wed and any additional playing I do is whenever I feel like it.

    I squeeze in a workout before raiding and then my other days are mostly open so I workout on those days.

    As far as food, I did change my habits - no more late night taco bell or pizza during the raid, but we just changed it to stuff like chipotle.

    I'm also kind of interestedi n the Star wars MMO but I haven't decided yet.
    I really dont' need another time sink.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Chose my health and wealth over WoW.

    (Yes people I played WOW)

    It's impossible for me to play an MMO and not be the best. Committing the time I needed to to accomplish that, consumed my days.

    I found it more enjoyable to be the BEST at everything in RL.

    Good Luck balancing, some people can play casually. I cannot.
  • jazzdspazz
    jazzdspazz Posts: 137 Member
    But will no one think of the pandas!?
  • I still play wow at least 3-4 hours a day and all weekend if I dont have plans... terrible but I love it.
    I'm on a 1200 calorie a day to balance out the non existant exercise regime... I was playing sports 3 times are week, before relocating and now I don't have that... muffin top anyone??? LOL
    Now that it's getting warmer will be jumping on the bike.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Chose my health and wealth over WoW.

    (Yes people I played WOW)

    It's impossible for me to play an MMO and not be the best. Committing the time I needed to to accomplish that, consumed my days.

    I found it more enjoyable to be the BEST at everything in RL.

    Good Luck balancing, some people can play casually. I cannot.

    I have a friend like that. He can't play and not want to win. He was a grand marshall back in teh day.
  • But will no one think of the pandas!?

    Forget the pandas! Arggg >.>
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I was going to post some wise crack about "I'll pass. I like my LIFE thankyouverymuch!" Then I realized MFP is my MMORPG.

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I play everyday, and I workout everyday. I'm not sure why that's so difficult for some people? I don't go out and do a lot of things because my work schedule is nuts, but that still allows me a good 3 hours or more per day free to beat up on da** night elves.
  • jazzdspazz
    jazzdspazz Posts: 137 Member
    I know the knew expansion looks worse then whitney houston's mug shot, I didn't get the same tigaling feeling I got in the other expansions, but the pet battles sound cool I like pokemon, cuz I'm a loser, but the new star wars looks awsome!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I still play wow at least 3-4 hours a day and all weekend if I dont have plans... terrible but I love it.
    I'm on a 1200 calorie a day to balance out the non existant exercise regime... I was playing sports 3 times are week, before relocating and now I don't have that... muffin top anyone??? LOL
    Now that it's getting warmer will be jumping on the bike.

    Now I will tell you a story.

    My last summer of college I just needed one class so I moved home to finish it. I did nothing but sleep til 10:30, eat around 1200 caloires a day - mostly cheesecake, soy lattes, and madelines. Played world of warcraft all evening.

    I was at my lowest weight since high school by the end of that summer - 143. I was wearing a size 8. I was reasonably happy with how I looked but needed to lose maybe 10-15 more.

    Now I workout regularly, strength training and cardio. I eat 1700-2100 aalories a day. I weigh 172. And I'm wearing a size 10. I am going to look way better at 155 than I did at 143.

    Your way (and my old way) will work. But having done both I can tell you - my way is WAY better. And I still play world of warcraft. Just not as much.
  • dandur
    dandur Posts: 267 Member
    I tried to play WoW many moons ago but the graphics made me literally sick to my stomach. Seriously. The only video game that's ever done that. I quickly got into Guild Wars and wasted thousands of hours playing that. As far as The Old Republic goes, I'm scared that it's going to suck me in like GW did. I'm a Star Wars nerd and have already pre-ordered. I raged when a friend got into the beta test and I didn't. Bastage. :)

    edit - If you're worried about any video game taking away from workout time, just get one of these and do both at the same time: :)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    started playing wow about a month after release finally quit a few months after the last expansion. i should have tallied all my /played on all my characters. would be funny and sad.

    if my comp can run the new Star Wars mmo ill give it a try.
  • I play WoW just not as much as I did when I first got hooked - due to working full-time and being in school, I've had to basically give up WoW. I will play 2-3 days for about 2-4 hours every 3 months or so. Now when I'm done with school next December (2012) that will change :happy: because I will have more free time. It doesn't interfere with my exercise because I do that during my lunch breaks at work Mon-Thurs :wink:

    Hope you can find a good balance!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    This is what I think............


    WTF, pandas?!! Really?!!!

    Been playing wow since '06. Have a 85 hunter, 85 shaman, 85 druid on Area 52 - Horde with /272 days played on my hunter alone. We are probably going to be switching to The Old Republic when it comes out but definitely trying out Firefall. Free MMO, ftw!!! Currently, been mostly playing WoW (again after a 10 month hiatus, Cata kind of sucks), Battlefield 3, LoL, Minecraft. Can't wait for next month, so many new releases!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i love WoW! i had canceled but recently renewed and signed up for the promo to get free diablo 3 and guaranteed beta spot for MoP.. i dont see what the big deal is about the pandas. its not like they made up some random animal to throw in the game - pandaren have been a part of warcraft since warcraft 3. and TBH thats really the only reason i reactivated
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Well, when they f^cked up the lore making goblin shamans, well it pretty much went down hill from there....

    I foresee, World of Warcraft - Hello Kitty Island Adventure, in the near future.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,224 Member
    I played EQ for 8 years. I've been clean and sober now for 3 years. LOL
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