Just a little to lose?

Hi everyone - I'm fairly new to the site and haven't come across any support for people looking to lose a stone or less... Would love to hear from anyone on the same path as me - my fitnesspal-given goals are 1200cals a day (ouch) and 6 workouts a week... and my current weight and goals are:

Height: 5'3
CW: 124
GW: 110

I find it fairly easy to stick to the set cal plan for about 2 days and then fall off the wagon - would love to hear from anyone in a similar position! Thanks x


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    hey! you sound like me :] Im 5ft3 and 125 lbs with a goal of 115!

    Do you know what makes you fall off the wagon? Are you depriving yourself of foods you love? eating too little? Good idea to find the weakness :]
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    My goals are similar. While I'm a little less driven by the scale than most, I'm only looking to loose another 8 or so pounds. I'm at 1650 calories per day and work out about 5 days a week.
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    I have a similar situation. I have a lot more weight to lose (goal of 35 pounds). But, I actually just posted how I will lose my first
    3-4 pounds, and then sabatoge myself. No idea why. But, I never get past the first few pounds. I work out about 4-5 days each week. Right now am training to walk a 1/2 Marathon. So, am walking.. not much hi-intensity workouts--or weight lifting. After Oct 2nd, I look for my workouts to be a better calorie burn.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    This is the perfect place to be. Follow the program and that weight will safely and definitely come off.
    I had tried and failed to achieve long term weight loss doing other diets and such, this website has given me the ability to drop the weight at will (I still have a hard time maintaining) but when I put on a bit more then I want I can drop it.
  • tywiseman
    It doesn't matter if you need to lose a little or a lot, losing weight is losing weight...it sucks either way! I think for me what works the best honestly is being focused to look ahead at my meals and work backwards. If I know I am going to have a larger dinner, I enter that into my plan first to help me forecast the rest of my day. That way when I know if I can have something a little bigger or not. The other part which I failed miserably at was getting off my duff! I started the Couch 2 5K program. I have had a spinal fusion and told myself I couldn't do exercise like this as it affected my body negatively. (My feet go numb if I push too hard) But I did it anyway and I am losing the weight more easily than diet alone. One last thing is that if I try to keep carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index, I don't feel like I am spiking for sweets anymore. Good luck and hopefully you will get there!
  • fennecfox
    Hi both of you! Great to hear other people are in the same boat. I think I generally cave in when I haven't seen the results I want quickly enough... I think I need to learn patience! I am also a terrible dieter but an avid exerciser... sadly though exercise alone won't cut it, came across a really interesting article if of interest: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/sep/19/exercise-dieting-public-health

    Also find eating late at night is a bit of a downfall... any tips most welcome! :-)

  • fennecfox
    Hi chedges9090 - totally agree, the getting started is so hard - I've lost and then put back on about 3lbs over the last few weeks but I know once i've made a positive and definite start the great feelings of losing and keeping that bit of weight off will kick in!

    tywiseman - totally agree losing weight is losing weight BUT I do think, when you only have a bit to lose, the frustration of seeing weight come off so slowly is off putting. That comment isn't supposed to diminish anyone's fitness goals/plans/situations - I just find this is a major falling post of achieving my own goals
  • Kenyah6247
    Kenyah6247 Posts: 11 Member
    It's nice to see I'm not the only one looking to lose just a little most people think I'm just a joke but I think it's harder to lose a small amount then it is when you have a lot to lose. I'm 5'7 was 131, cw 127, gw 120. I have a very small frame so 7lb for me = a jean size. I been losing gradually proably about a pound a month which is a lil hard when I feel I had reached my goal and then gained it back. Hope you reach your goal!