2 wks and only .6 lb lost?

Is it going to pick up? Given I did go over my calories twice, maybe that has something to do with it. But I dropped 2.2 lbs at last weigh in and I weighed myself this morning (1 wk later) and it said I gain! Still .6 lbs loss when I started, but very discouraged!


  • LoserMom_3
    dont be discouraged! any loss is good!! Are you taking in enough water? I've noticed when i dont lose or even when i seem to gain it is when i only have 1 or 2 glasses of water that day.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    It's too early to tell I would think. Also your weight fluctuates so much. At least you lost some right? :) 2 weeks really isn't enough time in my opinion.
  • campb2ti
    campb2ti Posts: 104 Member
    some weeks I would loose big and other weeks it would be a .2 or .6 lose. I just celebrate them all the same! I did loose a lot in one week when I found out I was dairy intolerant and stopped eating all dairy products... i found this interesting. Good luck and it sounds like your on the right track!
  • deblc6836
    What is your current calorie goal? I was not losing anything at 1200 calories/day, and not eating back my exercise calories. I read countless posts here that said to eat those exercise calories back -- I did, and started losing. It seems counterintuitive, but I really think my body was going into starvation mode (to which I suggest my body take a look at my belly) and refusing to give up the weight.
  • mlandry723
    I"m in the same boat! I have been logged on for 12 days now, and have not really lost anything!! I decreased my calorie intake and going to try more cardio, hopefully this works! I am a mother of 2, so the second baby weight is a lot harder to loose!!!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I looked at your diary back to Oct 23. I think staying under 1200 does more harm than occasionally going over, and there were more days you were under than over. My weight loss stalled when I ate too little.

    Also, you have a few days with a lot of sodium, and that can cause water retention. I'm always 3-5 pounds more when I have excess sodium. It's not weight gain.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I looked back through a few days of your diary. There isn't one piece of fruit or veg in there. That could be an issue.

    All calories are not made equal.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Checked out your diary.......

    your sodium is WAY too high~ all those lunch meat sandwiches and hot dogs, chips.

    Practically NO fruits or vegetables.

    WAY too many processed foods~ meaning things that come in a box.
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    Looked at your dairy....You have no water logged!!!! You need to drink water..
  • brianandmarlene2
    Thanks for all the advice!
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    My experience is that if you log your food and exercise quite strictly and follow the numbers mfp gives you you will lose weight. I lost weight in batches, not steadily over time. Two weeks is nothing, timewise. Stick with it, just stick with the little green numbers.
  • catshanle
    catshanle Posts: 16 Member
    dont be discouraged! any loss is good!! Are you taking in enough water? I've noticed when i dont lose or even when i seem to gain it is when i only have 1 or 2 glasses of water that day.

    I agree! Water is very important. Make sure you drink plenty. I dislike water very much but the sugar free add ins for water helped me start drinking more. Also watch the type of food that you eat. Watch the sugars in your food, especially the diet food. Also weigh in at the same time when you weigh. Your weight varies at different times of the days(could vary up to 2 lbs). Make sure that you log everything, and really everything that you eat. Also, log how you are feeling that day to see if that has anything to do with it. Be patient, don't give up.
  • brianandmarlene2
    You must've looked at the wrong diary cause I eat at least one fruit and vegetable everyday.
  • brianandmarlene2
    and I do drink water I just dont track it. Don't see a point, I know how much I drink.
  • brianandmarlene2
    I asked about this a few days ago. Cause I am filling with baked chips. And everyone that posted on there said baked chips were fine as fillers. *shrugs*
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Honey, I dont know much, but I do know that eating chips every day is bad for you. Even if you end up under the little green numbers you are wasting calories that could have been spent on foods containing nutrients. I dont know who told you one fruit and one veg a day was sufficient and you could spend the rest on chips, but you should chase them down amd kick them.
  • Renee02918
    Renee02918 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey I have been riight there where you are now. When you are doing strength training you are going to put on muscle which weighs more. I have watched my diet and switched up things spreading my calories through out the day more and increasing my water intake. Your diet might need tweeking, the food blog/journal really helps with recognizing what you are eating and NOT getting enough of, if you dont want to put it online grab a notebook from the dollartree and document it there. Hang in there!!! You can and will get to your goal!!! *clapping*
  • awkwwward
    Checked out your diary.......

    your sodium is WAY too high~ all those lunch meat sandwiches and hot dogs, chips.

    Practically NO fruits or vegetables.

    WAY too many processed foods~ meaning things that come in a box.
    Ditto - just because something says fruit and vegetables on the box doesn't mean it has any. Fruits and veggies need to be taken in as part of their natural forms - not processed into some crappy box. You've also got a LOT of prepackaged foods in your diet. Good to help in part but there's no REAL food - no fish or chicken grilled, no beans or whole grains, no fruits or veggies. You need 4 -5 veggie servings a day - not a week. Yes, that's what your diary looks like - you don't tend to have a fruit or veggie serving a day. Also, less you missed it, I noticed a few days of no breakfast but coffee - not good - that kick starts your metabolism. Best of luck - try to eat healthy (not out of a box!) and you'll feel so much better AND see the weight come off. Good Luck!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm working in a canteen and the sound they make when they go in the deep fryer is the most disgusting sound ever. I can just hear the fat
  • bootcampsam
    Don't know how you are doing it but my wife and I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper, snack. All of them are small and we average from 800-1000 calories a day. Since 13 Oct 11 I've lost 26 lbs and she has lost 15 lbs. It is harder for a woman to lose than a man but don't get discouraged. If you get the urge to eat something eat something light like the sugar free jello because its only 10 calories. Make sure you drink plenty of water. We also bought the Propel Grape flavor packs that have 0 calories and this helps during the day.